Cortana vs Ministry of Defence (10932 views)

se blaze
hr calisto
hr frozz
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hr Komar
hr rimi
pl Krein
pl dialeR
hu Fobje
hu seNti
fi Spirea
de myth6s
06.11.07 21:30 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET Eurocup XVI
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: andyF1 (Leagueadmin)
Maps: Sw_goldrush_te
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gl bsturZ
fobje will take this
Easy for Efax.
GL efax homie <3
verkriech dich in deinem erdloch ^^ ist besser
Gogo cortana make me richer again :XD
np for cor
erm, in fact TLR beated MoD and Cor beated TLR

so Cor>TLR>MoD
>> so Cor>MoD

just general facts, lets see who will play better ;D
and mod beat cortana so mod>cor
when did mod play vs tlr :o ?
psst, dont say it so loud!
I was just wondering if I was too drunk to remember something like that :D
Your bet: 51€ on Cor
Possible Win: 313.65 € (+262.65 €)

gl krein dealer senti and ofc spirea
gogogo MoD! hf Krein =]
gl Spirea 8)
hf senti
gogo mod
GL both
cortana must be very happy playing (almost) only cheaterclans in this EC, zoGMgmG!
cheaters? where!
we are clean, its just our younger brothers cheating at our computers
too bad there's enough proof against myth6s (ask vegi for some inside info'zZ) and my story is not just a fairytale but actually 100% correct
if vegi has the same 'proofs' as fattony, with all this heinzi bullcrap then you can already gtfo cause you know shit about it
i actually saw the screenshots of a 'helpthread' of heinzi on the etb0t website where you could see both heinzi and myth6s using the hacks, but whatever

also when they were relatively unknown i played them both in a 3on3 and they were blatantly using cheats, but still placing the blame on me
Just give me a solid proof for my "cheating" and I`ll shut up.

Anyway I dont think u dont know me good enough, that u can easily say "myth6s hax". U might have played one 3o3 against me 1,5 years ago. That`s all. But well.... keep on thinking I cheat Mr.p3rf0r4t0r.
the only thing i can blame you for is the stupidity of this conversation and your lack of proofs. Text like 'i saw somewhere something against him' is at least stupid :P Wanna prove me something - give some REAL proof not pure flame :)
the point is i havent got the proofs anymore. so this was just pure flame bait.
I don't think you cheat right now, that isn't what i'm saying, just that you possibly did in the past, and same goes for some other mod players as well
i didnt mean you want to prove me than im a cheater but that you want to prove me that my teamm8 is. If somebody would tell me im cheating i would just laugh at the stupidity of this person :D too low for hax :<<<< And about previous cheating, i think half of the top players did it in the past, not sure about the eu scene but if you ask about pl scene im quite sure :)
my dog cheats on my PC!!"½½

but pls show me some proofs of myth6s... I have tried to find some myself as well, but never found any
ive got 20 black pbss of him :D
@ krein: the comment was about myth6s but some gamestv bug fucked it up
Oh not another cheater talking about fucking proofs. It's like when there's proof, you finally quit - Why do you keep on doing this when everyone knows you're cheating, but they just don't have any proof? LoL
You're basically saying you cheated in the past? And about all EC players cheating in the past is just bullshit, or it's most likely a polish thing (poltard)
lol n1 :D
GO cheat the community with your friend n30 tard :')
already did
N30 is nice guy on vent, nooby
well i dont know shit about N30 but just because someone is nice on vent means absolutely fuck all if they are cheating
goliath was joking :p
i wasnt joking totally, hes funny guy on vent, even funnier with mize:D.
you're a cheatbuster?
was, does it matter?
obviously you were a hypocrite one
get brains moron
totally agree , hate retards/idiots/fuckfaces on ze internets
I feel sorry for you
GL mod - Krein Dialer lov
gl krein dialer : )
gl cor
gL cor
gl cortana
cortana versus laggers united :)
rimi oanz
is this random mythos guy so skilled and obvious?
guess i have to watch his no brain, all skill style

izi4 myth6s <3
i bet MoD wouldnt be playing EC if it would be held on lan event
i bet your mum wouldnt be fucked by your dad i he would know that you will be such a retard
nice flaming around krein!
since fuchs away im doing his job ^^
are you going for IQ 50 aswell?
ur freak, die alone pls
gogogo MoD dialer > all ! <3
flame on
Gl to the croatians! rimi, calisto and the rest :>
cortana is a nice team gl
gogo MoD gl krein and dialer xDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
more xd pls xDDD
GL both teams !
cortana lineup?

okay gogo, kick their ass !
i get a Croatian flag this time :P
gl krein
gL frozz
gL bsTUrZ
gl bsturzz
MoD are clean meights, no cheaters there @ aLL.

gl senti
Your bet: 14€ on Cor

frozzen make me rich :)
just lose, gonna be easier for both of us.
you should be in Inomplete imo :X
gl spirea <3
gonna be close, gl Spirea & rimi
go mythSIXs :D
easy for cortana :C
gogogogo cortana ;)
go go mod
GL fobje my love<3

gl myth6s ;);*
ajmo prijatli, sve popucajte :P ..ja nemozem specat -> imam exam sutra ;( GL <3
cheaters always win
heh, mod have some really serious problems atm.. easy money betting on cortana!!!
myth6s banned? or?
gogo seNti !! :D
mitti come shoutcast this!
gl cortana
<3 croatia - best place for summer holiday :]
I think is Portugal xD but ok : P
i prefer spain <3
i prefer Poland, really nice girls and the best beer/vodka
Kymppi Spirealle!
gl MoD & HF HF HF HF HF ...
match starting at 21:30
Your bet:18€ on MoD
gogogo fobje & senti
np 4 cortana
gl Cortana

gl cortana,go calisto =)

Change blaze's flag to ba ...
hasn't even started after half an hour.. tzzz
2-0 cor
whats result atm ???

4-0 cor
kortana te nema rada :(
epic fail, great!
4:0 Cor nice match
thx for the money!
Your bet: 60€ on Cor Won 132.00€

Your bet: 250€ on Cor np
lost only 70k.. thx mod!
Cor 15.62 vs 1.07 TLR 13337€ on Cor Won 208323.94 €
Cor 2.20 vs 1.84 MoD 13337€ on Cor Won 29341.40 €

keep going
01/11 22:00 mmf 30.46 vs 1.03 Impact 13337€ on mmf Lost

were you drunk ?
As you can see, I always bet on underdogs, no matter if its for example idle vs lowskilled mix - I will bet on lowskillers coz they have higher odd. My capital says all, its a good method ;D.
4:0 cortana wuhuuuuuuuu :D

bravo fantje <33
expected :) grats cortana for doing so well :P
Your bet: 500€ on Cor Won 1100.00€
gg wp
i bet 40 000 on mod ... i'm sad panda now :9
Your bet: 80€ on Cor Won 176.00€

omg i got money in da bank!
no Efax
no win
lol plz
lol easy money :D

Your bet: 14€ on Cor Won 30.80€

gl further cor :)
bb 250 €
Your bet: 250 EUR on Cor Won 550.00 EUR
easy money
Your bet: 1000€ on Cor Won 2200.00€
Cortana new EC winner?
I blame the presence of Cortana in our ventrilo server :D
omg, n1 myth6s ned mal gscheit cheaten kannst...
lol myth6s 1 year ago low+ , now high, it`s possible? yes it`s possible if u have 75 euros. JO cheater!
Stfu, he sucks.
If u think I`ve been low+ 1 year ago, then keep on thinking bullshit. U r a pollak, so ofc u r stupid.
Nice to say "U r a pollak, so ofc u r stupid." if ur playing with 2 polish guys.
Did I say they are not stupid?
netter versuch
myth6s was still high there is one year coz he play with me :p and i learn him how play
<3 myth6s