Kwiz vs Keithh (3142 views)

14.08.12 18:30 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: ESL Int. 1on1 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: Electronic Sports League
Manager: harmen69 (Requestee)
Maps: Te_valhalla
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Total Pot: € 7594
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Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 19


gl kwiz
gl belg
gl belg
You have € 153 on Kwiz
Possible win: € 846.09
let's hope you know how to use your wh keithh
gl kwiz ;)
dont have map gg
yep thats whats i was waiting :) ty for closing et :P 2y ban now bro enjoy
thnx bro ;p but hey, i played 2offi's in my total ET carreer so couldnt care less about it
it seems you do that you waited for unban bro and joined ladder :) i knew it on valhalla but i have said ok we will see demos or tzac :P
whore kwiz & tohaj nerds
So? Tohaj is busted on tzac as well with other account from him. And busted on CB so why no ban on CB?
talking again with yourself?
See how retarded you are ahhahahahahah :D:D! Kid.
gnja Tuesday, 14th August 2012 21:31
So? Tohaj is busted on tzac as well with other account from him. And busted on CB so why no ban on CB?

but he is banned on CB, makes no sense...
go read cf because it seems you forgot it.
? It's definately him. Don't doubt it again pls. His name was Kev -> then Heker -> then ToHaj. I was playin a while with him and Halidith and I know that he tried to cheat on SLAC, he failed and got busted. So fuck off stupid liar.
I am talking about his ESL account status, which u ment at the first begining. Didn't say anything about that he isnt kev or something, because TZAC links to that account.
So, he is tzac busted + cb busted, but not on ESL? How does it come dear mate from ToHaj oh WAIT you are admin..
so easy for Kwiz ;)
this is probably the weirdest 1o1 i've ever seen.
hes already banned by tzac :)
00001922 hehehehe 14.08.2012. Permanent Cheat/ET Wallhack

sukkel :P
lol voor de match stond daar nog dat hij clean was
rebust gwn,geen wh hoor :s
je zat gwn te hache , voor je ET opstarte stond er nog clean , nadat je ET afsluite stond er CHEATER dat will zeggen dat je tijdens die game hackte
ik wh al 2maanden knuppel
je mag er fier op zijn
Toch even vragen;
Gij zijt toch ne mongool hé?
Of achterlijk?
mentaal gehandicapt?
U mama heeft u laten vallen op uw hoofd toen ge nog een baby waart?

Wat dan wel?

Wacht, er is nog hoop voor jouw.

Succes en fock off in et, aub.
gast zoekt u een leven ofzo :XDDDDDDDDDDD

tis een gratis spelletke godver :DD
Gij zijt al trg gebant met een account van twee dagen oud?
Wat doet gij toch allemaal?
das gwn de grootste mongool in ET
daar zeg je het: in ET, couldnt care less xoxo
why is this match a draw then ?
some other ESL admin will have to cancel it. I cannot admin my own matches :P
hahahahhaa keithh fucking cheater bitch lowshit for ever :*
Keith is hated by evryone, when he log on NBS he gets kicked in 3 secs.
Now I'm looking forward seeing you without wh
without? its still undetected :-)
banned, so sad :)
got new acc already
cool :) => account he played at least 2 offi's with. No idea if there are more offi's. He used this when he STOLE the name arachiss.
And I know there where other TWO (ffs). But Written them down somewhere, and I can't find the piece of paper. (read it)

One retard who will never learn to grow some fucking brains.
You have to be mentally retarted to keep doing what he does.

Waiting for your next account...
But this time, chapja did a great job. He banned all your accounts, while you were using a cheat on 'hehehe'.
Lets hope he will keep doing this, because obvious you don't know when to fuck off.

Anyway: It should be pretty easy now to keep tracking Keith.
Unless he buys new hardware AGAIN.

but for this time: +1 to chapja.
hahahah man zoekt u een leven xd ebde echt niks beters te doen dan da op te schrijve enal hahahaha :XDDDDDDDDDDDD
buy new hardware??XDD ik heb nooit betaal voor ET hoor, voor niks
Btw: ive only played 1 offi with that tzac, + keithbob tzac account isnt mine, check ip??:)
And other 2 accounts? No,youve wrote down all of them. And buy new hardware? Oh please, hardware bans arent even allowed so i did not buy a new hardware nor ever will pay for something on ET:)

gg wp
After your first ban, you had other hardware.
Or you were using immediately a new cheat which spoof your hardware.
Or simply you got some new hardware.

And why I care?
You're a fucking low piece of shit.
It's embarrassing that you're Belgian, ffs.
Just smash your head against a wall, pls. Maybe it will bring some sense into you.

wind je niet zo op over een cheater gek. laat hem lekker zielig zijn achter zen computertje
Wel als alles goed gaat komt er binnekort een lijst met gekende cheaters, hun hardware info, hun net info (IP, std gateway,...), accounts used, account using,...
Het vergt gewoon wat meer werk dan oorspronkelijk geplant.

En ik wind me in bijzonder op in dit geval, gezien hij Belg is.
Echt een schande, wrs is Keith zo'n Anwterpse turk met grote woorden kleine lul, en nog minder daden.
Ik ben van gent jonge! en geen turk :D en man je neemt dit te serieus :/
hij is van deinze en hij is al zeker geen neger kijk maar =>
on this picture u see keith /!\
hij is niet echt blij als hij aan het feesten is
who is that
kut harmen xd
wa nen dwaas :DDD
Gl Qyz