romaniancyberwarrior vs PowerMaurerClanGermany (3194 views)

hu powi
hu varadi
hu isl4m
hu sebi
hu lajt
hu Ocelot
hu balu
de Showtime
de sh1zzel
at kALLI
pl samraj
de stahLgewitter
de c0bra

CB 6on6 SC 2012
Sixth League - Grand Final

RCW has to win twice!
19.08.12 21:30 CEST
Get Button LinksHTML:
Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 6on6 SummerCup 2012 » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: _powi (Requestee)
Maps: Not announced

Total Pot: € 5015
The bets have been cancelled.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 12


nie stawiac na nas gramy jak pizdy
:D GL Samraj :)
half team will be playin from laptops :s
half team will play without brain
You have € 40 on de PMCG
Possible win: € 194.4
I don't understand some people... why do you want to play? The match is not even started, but you already spam excuses. Nobody will cut your heads if you lose, more like /care . Don'T show up if you act like this or just shut it and play, win...

This message is full of respect, rly but its pathetic when people start expalining before trying anything, GL guess u need it.


hf Isl4m, kALLI
join serv and stop flame
I have nothing to do with them, wtf
in the past i remember well you had - and they needed players so you should just join
Except some mixgames I had nothing to do with RCW, so this match is not my biznisz
where can i contact sebi on irc pls
yo I'll be on tomorrow on IRC :))
You have € 1500 on hu RCW
Possible win: € 1965
gl mille
samraj u so gay <3

Edit. RCW too scared to get raped by PMCG Superstars so they didn't show up :D
cancel bet give me back my money