relapse vs Prologic (4649 views)

Grand Final
Prologic has to win twice
27.08.12 19:15 CEST
Status: | Finished | ![]() Get Button LinksHTML: BBCode: |
Game: | ![]() |
Rating: |
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League: | ETRO Cup » Matchlink | |
Hosting: | | |
Manager: | ![]() |
Maps: | Not announced | |
On Demand | ![]() |
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Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 10
Viewer Peak: 10

Tare rau cota asta , sincer =)
Muta-l luni ;) nu sunt in bucuresti
daca nu ar fi bullet admin ar cam trebui sa castigam prin forfeit... cam asa a fost si la rld "admini impartiali" :p
cum dracu sa castigi finala prin forfeit? :))
master a fost de acord. daca nu sunteti de acord, spuneti si jucam cu alt 3rd
master a fost de acord. daca nu sunteti de acord, spuneti si jucam cu alt 3rd
uite asa puteati sa gasiti si voi un merc pentru duminica:)) hai s-o lasam asa:))
si uite finala castigata prin forfeit si nu la orice competitie:) la bfb2 :p
si uite finala castigata prin forfeit si nu la orice competitie:) la bfb2 :p
ala nu era cumva lan?
nu daca era lan chiar crezi ca nu jucau?:))
precum ziceam. daca nu sunteti de acord spuneti asa
la lan e un program strict care trebuie respectat.
poi da' cn vorbeste de lan?:))))
battle for berlin 2 a fost online :) ai vazut tu lan de 3 saptamani?:))
battle for berlin 2 a fost online :) ai vazut tu lan de 3 saptamani?:))
era raspunsul la intrebarea ta: "nu daca era lan chiar crezi ca nu jucau?:)"
jucati duminica daca vreti si joaca relapse cu lover sau alt 3rd si gata.
Dar razy, ar cam trebui sa nu mai comentezi degeaba avand in vedere ca master a fost deacord
Dar razy, ar cam trebui sa nu mai comentezi degeaba avand in vedere ca master a fost deacord
ai putea sa-mi sugi putin pula daca tot vrei sa nu mai comentez... imi faci un blowjob si suntem chit!
nu are ce sa suga de la cineva care are organe sexuale feminine
Wtf =)
:))) hahaha nice try :p
Buleataaaaaa s-ar putea juca de la 8?
s-ar putea :)
Tot i-am zis lu bullet sa-l intrebe pe master cand jucam si brusc cand plec puteti si voi
stii bine ca sunt avi mereu:))
meciul va fi jucat luni ca sa nu mai existe nici un fel de comentariu aiurea,asa este cel mai corect pentru ambele echipe ;)
Mersi de intelegere ;)
:D gl
don't bet on us pls :p we gonna lose this shit for sure :p
ahaha n1 mirror
hf blizz and bullet
daca ai veni in romania crek as face pipi pe tine.. :)

gl razy D:
gl razy m8!
tyhmä ylläpitäjät
of of ce va mai place :p gl hf
shaorma cu de toate
gl stary :D
hf stary & master!!!!
nu mai joci???
nu ma vrea blizz :) + ca acum nici daca vrea nu joc:) ca ies cu cineva:D
nu ca nu te vreau , dar esti nub\
deci... bitch plis :D
deci... bitch plis :D
s'il vous plait stary loss and give me money!
puneti si voi meciu la 8 , sa nu fim eclipsati de Clanbase Premier League final...
tare rau cota asta
what eujen?:o
stary = eujen
Are you sure ?
izi bullet and stary m8
the romanian cup of 4 teams xd
are u jealous? :))
nope xD
to much comms...this is relapse vs randoms/condoms....take it however u want
stfu low:D
wow , how comes jimmy doesnt play in romanian grand final cup ? too skilled ?.. oh wait :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
maybe some players just don't give a fuck :)
yea...dunno if the word "inactive" in cups (i am) , sounds familiar for u ?....but ur neither better than me anyway...and yea i say...ur better at tj than me....tbh i don;t give a damn for what ru sayin....and ABCD/bik3r.... and maybe some day ill go active again...but ABCD learn new pray ...that with "stfu low" is w/o sense , or lemme guess :/ u were looking in the mirror when u wrote me that ?
jesus christ are you fucking kidding me? 1st you wrong replay, 2nd your english is lower than a gipsy + the way you get mad:)
then stop flaming and act like you dont give a fuck after doing that
xD let the hate flow through you