No1cares vs noble (3169 views)

ee Peeter
fi Webe
nl kARMA
ee subbi
nl xPERiA
nl rezhni
nl jackie

CB 3on3 Ladder
25.08.12 15:30 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 3on3 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: Peeter* (Requestee)
Maps: Et_ice
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Total Pot: € 1983
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Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 18


xperia playing with terrible players
yea pff :P
i know that pain ;)
implying you aren't a terrible player ;)
Ohurcool why peaches break up with you?
so send that cb challenge to descent lmfao
descent? you mean kARDON, phyzic, and bN?

don't act like you run that team, you're just the nobrain backup who plays for dmg only :P
so send that challenge u cant even beat me when i play with trance you WILL get fh in spawn so lets do this
insta-repeating your initial comment due to not being able to think of anything else to say


e: dat edit! last time I played vs you (self-proclaimed med+ player), me and 2 medskilled players fullheld you guys at the flag on supply
ohurcool I don't think we've lost to you ever, if we did it was a longtime ago
depends on your definition of "we" and "you" I guess

also, did you even read the comment to which you replied?
I don't care, I still don't lose to you when I scrim against you
lol how come you bring up that part where phokuz was constantly going afk and playing music on vent but you dont mention that we fh you right back after we kicked phokuz and then the next 2maps u get fullheld as well
lie more, how could you "fh us right back" if we attacked first (and set a 7-minute time)? :D
quote olavol "who are these guys they suck" " ohurcool what happend to you before you were at least decent now you suck dick" no response "you lose a arm?" disconnects LOL
didnt bring up the supply cuz i honestly didnt remember but like i said joe wasnt doing anything but where are the other 2maps? or 3 i dont remember
yeah yeah, your teammates made you lose, as always

it was 2 maps total - we won supply (easily :P), you won erdenberg (barely :P), then you voted delivery (since you don't know any other maps :P), then you guys left because you couldn't find a 3rd or something???
again, read the comments to which you reply plz

Quote by ohurcoolyou won erdenberg

I already admitted that you guys won a map :P no need for "proof" :P the point was that brandon tried to lie by saying that you guys fullheld us on supply or something, when clearly you did not :P

"too good" lol xd
try'd to lie lol i didnt remember could have sworn we played ally's first with joe kicked joe than got olavol and fh owell not important anyway lol
altijd lastig vvv venlo uit
peeter on skilli sebinud :D
You have € 250 on No1cares
You won € 557.5
webe still owning
not really :P guess thats why he got replaced by subbi
I actually told them (karma and peeter) that I dont want to play et_ice and if they can get someone to replace me (and ManU - Fulham started at the same time)
webe winning SC $ilver medalist
usual ownage business i guess