Caution! vs NBS minimal (4162 views)

de Amicorum
us palmer
ca trance
xx Sprite
xx peeter
xx olavol
be xarQi
nl badboy
nl pingu
be PLCDer
nl ironic
nl sQn

ESL 6on6 Summer Cup 2012 - Cup #3
Playoffs - LB Round 3
29.08.12 21:30 CEST
Awards awarded to for
Lady Macbeth [-] PLCDer'nbs 82 kills
Killing Spree [-] Pingu'nbs 7 frags without being killed
Accountant [-] PLCDer'nbs 134% kills/killed ratio
He's dead, Jim! Peeter:(!) 28 gibs
...and stay dead! (!) trance 44% gibs/kill
Lead Poisoning [-] Pingu'nbs 73 SMG kills
Spammity spam spam! Peeter:(!) 42 SPAM kills
Fragstealer [-] Pingu'nbs 147 damage per frag
Die! Damn you, Die! (!) Sprite 218 damage per frag
What objective? [-] PLCDer'nbs 458 XP
Red Shirt ^P(^L!^P) ^WPalmer 95 deaths
Are these pliers sharp? (!) amicorum 13 deaths without fragging
Med Pack Whore [-] Pingu'nbs 184 damage per death
Eyes Wide Shut [-] ironic'nbs 10 team kills
Gingerbread man [-] ironic'nbs 34 /kills
Player Summary for the entire Match
[-] (click columns to sort, the [+] to expand)
(!) Sprite412393790302178362127256240/00/630/489/16226141211
^P(^L!^P) ^WPalmer473224595120114929712593520/01/1439/555/13207133310
(!) trance5328141771812207258114695050/02/437/414/13177147312
(!) amicorum542464378101220740390452460/00/635/445/8172114413
(!) olavoL72345588114031710190115404500/04/845/5012/817614237
[-] xarQi'nbs74374567510118877987063110/04/744/413/2215711536
[-] s Q n'nbs11534268582319111126863306820/027/210/3838/1016610757
[-] bAdboy'nbs68384385690413691290493180/02/238/312/1118216236
[-] PLCDer'nbs134458826114011215109102344260/010/768/335/1218416843
[-] ironic'nbs92410727715110341203690609750/02/464/3116/1316711655
[-] Pingu'nbs13241878591703151171899973350/02/573/276/1515016975
[-] 10123863943868832893658225337630470/047/5297/2770/1516814055
Player Summary for supply
[-] 1st Round (click columns to sort, the [+] to expand)
(!) Sprite45449201015209724551580/00/37/93/3K//KDD/DDKDK/DTDKK/DKDKDKDDDDD
^P(^L!^P) ^WPalmer63851219500820592448180/01/210/71/2/DKDDKK//KDDK/K/KK//DKDDK/KKDDD
(!) trance61611118500721662597970/00/110/101/1KDK/DDKK/K//KDDK/XK/XDK/DKDKDDD
(!) amicorum88741618501523421673700/00/111/111/1/KKD/KDKD/KDDKDKKKK/K/KDKDTKDDDDKKD
(!) olavoL618813212015310930091650/00/213/141/0DKDDDDK/KDKDKDDK/DKDK/KTD/KDK/DKDDK
[-] xarQi'nbs459311244004178024201140/01/210/100/8DKKDDKDDD/DDKDKDD/DKDDD//KDKDDKDKDK
[-] s Q n'nbs645211173122229518211950/06/10/107/1/DTDTKKDD/KKKDDDDDDDKKDDKSKKKD
[-] bAdboy'nbs5080816300215732595180/00/18/90/4DKDDD/DKK/DDKDDDKDDDDKKK
[-] PLCDer'nbs1409021151000329327001370/03/218/100/1KKDKKKDKDKDKDKKKDKDDKDDKDDKDKDKDKKKK
[-] ironic'nbs858412144007230721301200/00/112/40/4/X/KX/DDKDKKDD/KK//DKKKDK/KK
[-] Pingu'nbs808816201005273329651100/01/212/73/5K/KKDDKKKDDDK/DK//DDKD/KKDKKDKDKKDDD
[-] 774877910616122013981146316940/011/960/5010/23

[-] 2nd Round (click columns to sort, the [+] to expand)
(!) Sprite2961827200621583729180/00/06/142/5KD/DD/DDD/DDKKDDDD/KKD/DKDDKD/KDDDD
^P(^L!^P) ^WPalmer6585152320022835366100/00/414/141/3DK/DDKDKDDKDK/DDDKKDDDKKDDKKKDDDKDKDKD
(!) trance607512201115206628831070/00/211/62/7DDDDSTKKD//XKDKKDKDDDD/KK/KKDDKDK/
(!) amicorum5236101931110161516851400/00/18/73/1/K/KK/KDKTX/DKD/K//SDKD/KD//DXKD
(!) olavoL506411224016211132371790/01/17/94/5KD/D/DKDKDKKDT/DDK/DDKDDD/DDDKKK/K
[-] xarQi'nbs686813193112251718091430/00/28/92/7KDKKDDDDKDKDDKKS/DDKXK/KKDXKKDDTDDD
[-] s Q n'nbs1006518185027294017571770/07/10/713/4K/KDKKKD/KD/KXKK/KDK/KKTKK/DDDKDTK/DKDD
[-] bAdboy'nbs531257132036136217491570/00/09/61/1/TKD/K/KTDK/KK/TKDD/DDD
[-] PLCDer'nbs100991616400730152638940/03/112/71/3//KDKK/DKKD/KD/KKXKK/DK/DKKDKXKKDD
[-] ironic'nbs8390202450410401422354250/00/015/129/4DX/KD/KKK/KDK/TK/DDDDKKDDDTT/K/K/DKDKDKKXK/DT/KKKK
[-] Pingu'nbs14012921156005327526791080/00/020/71/6DKD//DDKDKKDKKKK/KKXDKXDDK/K/KKKKKKKXDK
[-] 91576951052511037171231286711040/010/464/4827/25
Player Summary for sw_goldrush_te
[-] 1st Round (click columns to sort, the [+] to expand)
(!) Sprite4610214300014330547451890/00/213/182/6DDDKD/DKKDKDKDKKDDKD/TXDDKDD//XKKDDDDDDDKKDDDKD
(!) trance4812013271000720944325540/02/110/171/2KKDDDDKKKDKDDK/KDD/KD//DDD/DDDDDKK/DDKK/
(!) amicorum227373110051688371200/00/37/170/6DDDK/DD/DDDDDDDDK/DKDD/DDKDXKDKDD/DDDKD
[-] xarQi'nbs1151602320300135192867180/02/218/151/3KDKDKDD/KKDKDDDKDKDKDKDDDKKKDKKKXKKDKDDKDKKK
[-] s Q n'nbs173165261512042395817693060/08/010/1211/4DKKKKXKKKKKDDKKKDDDXKDKKDKK/TDTDKKKDTDKK/KKXKKDT
[-] bAdboy'nbs1171482017200530322909540/02/018/90/4KDD/DKDKDKDKK/KDKKDKDKK/KXKDKKK/K/KKDD
[-] ironic'nbs118182322750412419732423490/02/227/137/2/KDKKKKKDKT/K/DDKDKDKKKDK/KKK/K/KDX/KKDKK/K/KD/K/TKKDDKKDTXDKT/DK
[-] Pingu'nbs1351282720402541853392890/01/226/102/4KDKKKKDKDKDDDDKKDKKK/K/TDKDK/KDKKKK/KK/KKDTDKKXKDD
[-] 136981160119320113025266178279920/019/9126/7023/21

[-] 2nd Round (click columns to sort, the [+] to expand)
(!) Sprite4632613000280217962590/00/14/72/2DKDKDDKD/D/DKDKDKDD
^P(^L!^P) ^WPalmer422561400021204157400/00/23/82/2KD/KKDKDDDDKDKDDDDD/
(!) trance4125512201193216642470/00/06/80/3KDDTK/DDKDDDDKDDKD
(!) amicorum100631010100017581975360/00/19/91/0KKDDDKDKDDKDDKKDKKKD
(!) olavoL9053101110031372135000/00/28/62/1KD/KDXKKDK/KK/KDDKDKDD
[-] xarQi'nbs755391200019631610360/01/18/70/4KKDKXDKDDDD/KKKDKDDDKD
[-] s Q n'nbs162601383010207598340/06/00/97/1KKKDXDXKDDKKDKKDKKDKTDKK
[-] bAdboy'nbs303131020109451796890/00/13/71/2DDTDDKDDDDKXDKD
[-] PLCDer'nbs130711310300024261248190/00/111/52/4DKKKKDKDDKDDKDKKKDKDKKD
[-] ironic'nbs6654812112515181453810/00/110/20/3TDKTK/DDK/K/DDKSKDK/K/
[-] Pingu'nbs3507314460101525961280/00/115/30/0DKDKKKKKKKDKKKTKKKXD
[-] 136342605615156945280512570/07/547/3310/14

» View plaintext endround stats
Player Chats
(!) Sprite [Warmup]: GL HF
[-] bAdboy'nbs [Warmup]: ha olavol sup mate?
[-] ironic'nbs [Warmup]: hf :)
[-] ironic'nbs [Warmup]: we wont play vs 70k slac guids, bb
^P(^L!^P) ^WPalmer [Warmup]: : DDDDDD
^P(^L!^P) ^WPalmer [Warmup]: : DDDDDD
^P(^L!^P) ^WPalmer [Warmup]: : DDDDDD
^P(^L!^P) ^WPalmer [Warmup]: : DDDDDD
(!) trance [Warmup]: you got a 70k slac guid yourself
(!) trance [Warmup]: retard
[-] bAdboy'nbs [Warmup]: not true
[-] Pingu'nbs [Warmup]: I GOT IT
[-] ironic'nbs [Warmup]: I dont
[-] ironic'nbs [Warmup]: 645
[-] ironic'nbs [Warmup]: mad?
[-] Pingu'nbs [Warmup]: I only play since may again
^P(^L!^P) ^WPalmer [Warmup]: just play you fucking faggots
[-] bAdboy'nbs [Warmup]: peeter?
Peeter:(!) [Warmup]: ye
[-] bAdboy'nbs [Warmup]: what u doing?..
[-] ironic'nbs [Warmup]: not allowed
[-] ironic'nbs [Warmup]: forfeit win
Peeter:(!) [Warmup]: why aint I allowed?
(!) Sprite [Warmup]: guys chill
(!) amicorum [Warmup]: lmao
[-] bAdboy'nbs [Warmup]: cuz i say :)
[-] Pingu'nbs [Warmup]: 7vs6 not allowed omgwtf
[-] s Q n'nbs [Warmup]: we make the ruls
[-] ironic'nbs [Warmup]: screenshots have been made
[-] Pingu'nbs [Warmup]: omgomgomgomgomg
[-] ironic'nbs [Warmup]: ill pm admin
(!) amicorum [Warmup]: he is on roster so whats te prob
(!) Sprite [Warmup]: lolz
[-] s Q n'nbs [Warmup]: bb
[-] ironic'nbs [Warmup]: thanks for easy win
[-] s Q n'nbs [Warmup]: ty for win
(!) amicorum [Warmup]: pm him ihave time
(!) Sprite [Warmup]: did we start?
[-] s Q n'nbs [Warmup]: yes
[-] s Q n'nbs [Warmup]: i photoshopped it that we are start
^P(^L!^P) ^WPalmer [Warmup]: yall are stupid lol
Peeter:(!) [Warmup]: hey squid
Peeter:(!) [Warmup]: havent seen you ages
[-] ironic'nbs [Warmup]: yall
[-] s Q n'nbs [Warmup]: yup
[-] ironic'nbs [Warmup]: lol, cottonmouth redneck
(!) Sprite [Warmup]: So minimal wins only by forfeit till now?
[-] Pingu'nbs [Warmup]: GO PLAY WITH 6 KTHX
[-] bAdboy'nbs [Warmup]: nee sprite
[-] ironic'nbs [Warmup]: 7UP
[-] bAdboy'nbs [Warmup]: wij hebben niet enkel door forfeit gewonne :)
(!) Sprite [Warmup]: Alleen photoshop :D
[-] ironic'nbs [Warmup]: :)))
Peeter:(!) [Warmup]: rup lads
[-] bAdboy'nbs [Warmup]: peeter no tag = forfeit
^P(^L!^P) ^WPalmer [Warmup]: SQN rup ya cunt rag
Peeter:(!) [Countdown]: tag atend of name
Peeter:(!) [Countdown]: im special
Peeter:(!) [Countdown]: so special
(!) Sprite [Countdown]: gl HF
[-] Pingu'nbs [Countdown]: everyone is special
[-] bAdboy'nbs [Countdown]: xD
Peeter:(!) [14:58]: your mom is casual
[-] ironic'nbs [14:41]: shoutout medion, brabant <3
[-] bAdboy'nbs [14:37]: x
[-] Pingu'nbs [13:56]: Pause*
[13:56]: Match is PAUSED! (Allies)
[13:56]: Match resuming in 10 seconds!
[13:56]: Match resuming in 9 seconds!
[13:56]: Match resuming in 8 seconds!
[13:56]: Match resuming in 7 seconds!
[13:56]: Match resuming in 6 seconds!
[13:56]: Match resuming in 5 seconds!
[13:56]: Match resuming in 4 seconds!
[13:56]: Match resuming in 3 seconds!
[13:56]: Match resuming in 2 seconds!
[13:56]: Match resuming in 1 seconds!
[13:56]: FIGHT!
[13:38]: The Allies have captured the forward bunker!
[13:37]: The Axis have captured the forward bunker!
[13:34]: The Allies have captured the forward bunker!
[13:31]: The Axis have captured the forward bunker!
[11:01]: The Allies have breached the Forward Bunker Gate!
[10:47]: Axis Command Post constructed. Charge speed increased!
[10:23]: The Allies have opened up the Forward spawn rear exit!
[8:52]: Allied team has destroyed the Axis Command Post!
[8:48]: Allied Command Post constructed. Charge speed increased!
[8:01]: The Allies have breached the Depot Gate!
[7:24]: The Depot Fence has been constructed.
[7:21]: The Crane Controls have been constructed.
[7:05]: The Allied Truck is in position!
[7:05]: The Allies have activated the crane!
[7:03]: The Allies have breached the Depot's east wall!
[6:52]: The Allies have loaded the Gold Crate onto the Truck!
[-] ironic'nbs [5:49]: :D
[-] ironic'nbs [5:49]: :D
[-] ironic'nbs [5:49]: :D
[-] ironic'nbs [5:49]: :D
[5:30]: The Allies have escaped with the Gold Crate!
[Intermission]: >>> Clock set to: 9:29
[-] ironic'nbs [Warmup]: IMMA MERC YA BLAD'
[-] bAdboy'nbs [Countdown]: shoutout medion en iedereen die ik ken
[-] ironic'nbs [Countdown]: shoutout medion, brabant one love <3
[9:11]: Axis Command Post constructed. Charge speed increased!
[2:17]: The Allies have captured the forward bunker!
(!) Sprite [1:46]: ^^
^P(^L!^P) ^WPalmer [1:41]: : DDDDDD
[1:35]: The Allies have breached the Forward Bunker Gate!
[1:19]: The Allies have opened up the Forward spawn rear exit!
^P(^L!^P) ^WPalmer [0:34]: : DDDDDD
[-] Pingu'nbs [0:32]: WTF PANZER
(!) olavoL [0:32]: :(
[Intermission]: >>> Objective NOT reached in time (9:29)
^P(^L!^P) ^WPalmer [Intermission]: gg
[-] xarQi'nbs [Intermission]: WP
[-] s Q n'nbs [Intermission]: 6V5
[14:32]: Axis Command Post constructed. Charge speed increased!
[14:13]: The Tank has been repaired!
[14:11]: Allied team has stolen the Tank!
[13:45]: Tank Barrier #1 has been constructed.
[13:28]: Truck Barrier #1 has been constructed.
(!) olavoL [13:22]: lal
[-] ironic'nbs [13:18]: :D
[-] ironic'nbs [13:18]: :D
[-] ironic'nbs [13:18]: :D
[13:13]: The Tank has been damaged!
[13:08]: The Tank has been repaired!
[12:21]: The Tank has been damaged!
[-] Pingu'nbs [11:51]: HOW YOU KNEW THAT
(!) olavoL [11:47]: wallhack
[-] ironic'nbs [10:54]: LOL
[-] Pingu'nbs [10:52]: GOD I LAG
[-] ironic'nbs [10:52]: OKE OLAV
^P(^L!^P) ^WPalmer [10:49]: : DDDDDD
[-] ironic'nbs [10:48]: CU AT LAN BRO
(!) olavoL [10:45]: :(
(!) olavoL [10:45]: :)
[-] ironic'nbs [10:40]: FACES WILL BE SMASHED
[-] ironic'nbs [10:40]: :{
(!) olavoL [10:37]: whut
[10:20]: The Tank has been repaired!
[-] bAdboy'nbs [9:54]: daar gin men 3 man kill met mg
[9:16]: The Tank has been damaged!
[8:06]: The Tank has been repaired!
[8:03]: Tank Barrier #1 has been destroyed.
[7:53]: The Tank has been damaged!
[7:25]: The Tank has been repaired!
[7:02]: Allied team has destroyed the Axis Command Post!
[-] bAdboy'nbs [6:46]: GA DOOD
[6:39]: Allied team has destroyed the Bank Doors!
[6:37]: Axis Command Post constructed. Charge speed increased!
[6:35]: The Tank has been damaged!
[5:57]: Allied team has destroyed the Axis Command Post!
[5:52]: Allied Command Post constructed. Charge speed increased!
(!) olavoL [2:40]: :)
(!) olavoL [2:40]: :)
[-] xarQi'nbs [1:02]: XD
[-] ironic'nbs [0:30]: :D
[-] ironic'nbs [0:30]: :D
[-] ironic'nbs [0:30]: :D
[Intermission]: >>> Clock set to: 15:00
[-] ironic'nbs [Intermission]: GG
[-] xarQi'nbs [Intermission]: gg
^P(^L!^P) ^WPalmer [Intermission]: gg
[-] ironic'nbs [Warmup]: IMMA MERC YA BLAD'
[-] ironic'nbs [Warmup]: DEM_KILLSTEALS
[-] ironic'nbs [Warmup]: IMMA MERC YA BLAD'
[14:02]: The Tank has been repaired!
[13:59]: Allied team has stolen the Tank!
[13:51]: The Tank has been damaged!
[13:46]: Allied Command Post constructed. Charge speed increased!
[-] ironic'nbs [13:42]: :D
[-] ironic'nbs [13:42]: :D
[-] ironic'nbs [13:42]: :D
[13:41]: The Tank has been repaired!
[-] Pingu'nbs [13:27]: I AM PINGU WITH A WEIRD PING
[-] Pingu'nbs [13:26]: HIHI
[-] Pingu'nbs [13:25]: :D:D
[-] Pingu'nbs [13:25]: :D:D
(!) Sprite [12:45]: :DDDD
[-] ironic'nbs [12:26]: :D
[-] ironic'nbs [12:26]: :D
[-] ironic'nbs [12:26]: :D
[-] ironic'nbs [12:26]: :D
[-] ironic'nbs [12:26]: :D
[-] ironic'nbs [12:25]: :D
[-] ironic'nbs [12:23]: useless xd
[12:05]: Allied team has destroyed the Bank Doors!
[12:01]: The Tank has been damaged!
[-] ironic'nbs [11:39]: :D
[-] ironic'nbs [11:39]: :D
[-] ironic'nbs [11:39]: :D
[-] ironic'nbs [11:31]: :D
(!) Sprite [10:20]: badboy
(!) Sprite [10:17]: altijd iemand die je carried
[10:11]: Allied team is escaping with the Gold Crate!
[-] bAdboy'nbs [10:11]: ja sure
[-] ironic'nbs [10:06]: MAAT, JE BENT SLECHT
[-] bAdboy'nbs [10:02]: denk je datk serieus ben nu? :)
[-] bAdboy'nbs [9:46]: na die fullhold benk lekker aan het schieten op zen badboys
[-] PLCDer'nbs [9:46]: rustig e pepsi cola
(!) Sprite [9:41]: Dus je zegt nu dat je expres slecht speelt?
(!) Sprite [9:39]: lolz?
[-] bAdboy'nbs [9:37]: nee
[-] bAdboy'nbs [9:34]: ik speel slegt en?
[-] bAdboy'nbs [9:25]: maar tog winnen wij he poes
[-] bAdboy'nbs [9:22]: jij met je grote bek
[-] s Q n'nbs [9:17]: =d
[-] s Q n'nbs [9:15]: LOVE IS IN THE AIR
[-] Pingu'nbs [9:13]: als je van ons verliest moet je wel heel slecht zijn
[-] bAdboy'nbs [9:13]: kheb nieuw pc ps maar op
(!) Sprite [9:08]: Omdat jij gecarried bent
(!) Sprite [9:08]: :)
[-] Pingu'nbs [9:07]: :D:D
[-] Pingu'nbs [9:07]: :D:D
[-] bAdboy'nbs [9:01]: ik ben de reviving medic cunt
[-] xarQi'nbs [8:57]: xd
[-] bAdboy'nbs [8:55]: ik doe geen klote van dmg en dan?
(!) Sprite [8:53]: met 0 heals?
[-] ironic'nbs [8:50]: whyusomad?
[-] ironic'nbs [8:50]: whyusomad?
[-] ironic'nbs [8:50]: whyusomad?
Peeter:(!) [8:49]: sprite you really shouldnt talk shit :S
[-] ironic'nbs [8:46]: hij had er 25 fzo :p
[-] bAdboy'nbs [8:46]: xD
(!) Sprite [8:45]: Why
[8:41]: Allied team escaped with the Gold Crate!
[-] xarQi'nbs [Intermission]: sst
[Intermission]: >>> Objective reached at 6:18 (original: 15:00)
[-] xarQi'nbs [Intermission]: wp
[-] xarQi'nbs [Intermission]: g
[Intermission]: (!) Palmer disconnected
[-] xarQi'nbs [Intermission]: gg
[-] ironic'nbs [Intermission]: gg wp
[Intermission]: (!) amicorum disconnected
[-] bAdboy'nbs [Intermission]: sprite je ben low accepteer het
[Intermission]: (!) trance disconnected
Peeter:(!) [Intermission]: You are as bad as the guys you claim are noobs :S
[-] bAdboy'nbs [Intermission]: xD

These stats are experimental and while we usually get very accurate numbers we can't guarantee they are 100% spot on. You can however view the endroundstats: Those are the endroundstats 1:1 how they were spammed on the server console, they are guaranteed to be correct (unless they're off, which sometimes happens too :p).
Some examples that will definitely break stats:

  • Server crash / restart
  • Players reconnecting with new ids
  • Too many random renames between rounds

Credits to the author of StatWhore of which we borrowed the awards and the general layout of the stats.
Thanks to Hannes who made the software that extracts all the stats from tv demos available to us.