Ministry of Defence vs cZar-Gaming (15302 views)

pl Krein
pl dialeR
hu Fobje
hu seNti
fi Spirea
de myth6s
be mesq
be lio
be zeto
be kevin
be acid
be vila
18.11.07 21:00 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET Eurocup XVI
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: h3ll (Leagueadmin)
Maps: Sw_goldrush_te
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Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 280


cZar for sure!
go bemesq!
czar ll win




beJA (N) ET mesq
beJA (N) ET lio
beJA (N) ET zeto
beA (N) ET kevin
beJA (N) ET acid
beJA (N) ET vila

hmm 1stly - Fobje and seNti are from hu
2ndly - fi Spirea doesnt play @ bSTURZ anymore

#bSTURZ check topic

I prolly play this one anyway
don't think so... dialer doesn't like you imo :D
what has that to do with anything?
as if dialer would decide who play and who doesn't :D ?
i dont like you !
so dialer decides with his polak friends (like you) if people in his clan, which you dont even play for, play or not ? :/
I didn't really understand what u are saying
gtv bug, comment was @ the polish guy
ah ok, then it makes sense :)
GTV feature-ish bug tbh ;D
lol? you know how it works or smth? now it came to me and i guess it should be @ me? (this is for ada) :/
I got the msg as well (from Adacore's post plus from yours) I guess it comes to everyone that took part in the first reply :P
I'm guessing it goes to the person you hit 'reply' to and everyone below him on the chain.
malczik noob simply want to shine and shine by telling bullshit
I guess h3ll answered his last post to u, and still I got the msg of it as well, so your theory doesn't work :)
Stop reply please :/
I think you get two different messages. One for when someone directly replies to you saying 'wrote a follow up' and the second one when someone replied to someone who is in the same chain of replies saying 'wrote a reply in a thread where you are active'
Or atleast something like that ^^
that might be true, I never read the messages through carefully :P

btw, when I press one, I can't see the other messages anymore, or is there a way to see them all or something?
-> be EDiT please :-)
Go mesq :) you'll win this time mate ;)
go cZar you can take this 1 :P :D
Kevin is one of the most overrated ppl in ET scene to be fcking honest.
why ? well, I've played vs. him many times and I always > him. He may have good teamwork in 6o6 ( which he didn't show in 3o3 ), but his aimstyle sucks hard.
funny that you are > him and ans you are just a random noname.. kevin has proofed his aim abilities both online & lan. where have you proofed any? in some silly 3v3 war and you think you own him anyday? too funnies!
Come on! Everyone knows aim is most important in ET!! What's that he's talking about...'teamplay'..'gamesense'... please! Aim > all! That's why aRkas is bestest in the ET scene! /sarcasm mode off
told ya. I've played like 5 times or more. and he always sucked !
I dont want to be rude to you mate but you should not judge a player because you "ownt" him in a random 3on3. Some players dont take 3on3s seriusly, at least not all the time.
Yes i know. What i wrote up there was just my opinion.
someone seems angry that I exposed him as being Aristo the busted cheater :)

And yes you're right, my aim is so bad that I can't even hit a non-lagging, non-warping, non-netabusing, non-crouching target
f* lowskilld retard
new account? :P
:D ye, lost pw to my old one , strangely enough :'<
u r loled
disagree tbh :O
just because he doesnt like teleportating dingdongs?
okey you must be a tro retard!
kevin is good aristo..
i own3d kevin on cybergames :))))))
imo one of the most underrated... very good game sense, unbelieveble aiming, and teamplayer... atm best from cZar
I think that lio is the best in czar atm
he's good
be mesq for sure :)
MoD ??? Lolol they had a pubserver with Minas Tirith 24/7 :DD
not the same ones imo :P
They are!

Ministry of Defence was the serversname :DD
cu @ cybergames =p
shewie wins, np for him!
there is no shewie in this game at all.
then we better get him in, otherwise, no fun
gl cZar
gl cZar !!!!!!!!!
gl MoD :D
gogo Krein ;]
lio > cheaters
Goodluck both
need tosspot!
hihi stib jij zou stoppen met ET en nu zit je nog in een clan ook trut :p
kEv is tEh bEsT o/ gl
why spirea doesnt play in mod anymore?
they don't pay me enough :(
im gonna watch the replay:P.
im poor....shall i bet on mod or czar..?!?!?!?!??!?!?
First ask MoD if are they going to use hax...


GL belgians
kevin can't play, needs to learn his english, nP
they play on wednesday
make me proud belgians!
gl & HF cZar! :p
be ftw
go mesq
match = sunday
hf kevin
cZar ofc
Dit wordt wel héél easy voor de Belgjes. Als mesq tenminste op tijd komt...
Die zin kwam er een beetje verkeerd uit :P
no xAv no win
gl mod!! =)
cZar heeft mAx nodig!:P en mAus alsie terug naar ET gaat xD lol joking:p
gl EDiT
hf lio, acid and spirea :D
cZar take this ... 1
Your bet: 5€ on MoD Possible Win: 57.20 € (+52.20 €)
gl Spirea
gl spirea and czar
mod LU?
Let the better team win .. GL to both
"<Lio> priit you are not noob , but you are playing in noobmix"
come play with me then! xDD
Poland 1:0 Belgium (half time) :*
2:0 now :(
yea - rly sad for you - but you r playing for nothing - we are playing to qualify to euro 2008 :<
1st time I've wanted czar to win 0o
i always bet on bel and always lose :/

all money 4 spirea + seNti ezmoney
Fobje gogo
Spirea sux
Your bet: 67€ on cZar
Possible Win: 75.04 € (+8.04 €)

zeto rofl
easy for ru senti & es myth6s
czar lowskill retards no skills fucking noobs.
hm.. does the MoD lineup changed?
well, we`re already dead since 2 weeks... members are playing for other teams already.. but we will play that game with a random mix from the cb team members! izy for cZar.
oh, then that's worth information for bet makers, thanks :>
don't believe
True, betting on us would be insane. Didnt even prac the last 2 weeks and it will be a mix anyway. I dont even know now, if we will have 6 guys. :P
nice tactic trying to make urself underdog
i dont think we NEED to make underdogs from MoD :p
Simply the truth. No more, no less.
go go dialer ;O)
gogo czar
czar have to win or i split irl
EDit your post.
mesq is nubo.
gl MoD.
no shoutcasts :'-(
2-0 mod
2-2 atm

mod set 7:30 on radar
4:2 cZar
popz on pede.
as i said, easy bash for cZar. Cheaters have no chance against real skill.

I specced all of mod and sorry guys, you are soooo bust3d.

"easy bash"

ur a moron, thats all
czar had much more trouble against MoD than expected... just be honest
it went to a decider.. thats easy bash?

Please tell me your not a CB admin anymore sentii spirea en fobje cheater hoe durf je nerd!
be cool /// gg cZar*
hi Rhand who are you ?
was a well nice match, exciting
Its always nice to give your opponent big hope and then in the end stick the knife in their stomach and say "Ah soz not today".
OMG WTF bsturz
Sup with cheaters always win? Looks like you lost, trash.
alter myth6s, du bist so ne Schlampe! Bist eh online only und verlierst dann noch mit deinem hackerteam gegenrealskiller. Wie erbärmlich ist denn das?!
Scheiße, bist du ein Opfer.
Scheiße, bist du ein Cheater.
gg wp