megaProGaming e-Sports e.V. vs Cortana (11145 views)

15.11.07 21:00 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET Eurocup XVI
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: h3ll (Leagueadmin)
Maps: Supply
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Viewer Peak: 102


gl butchji
blaze ! 8>
match of the week!!!
Cor fo sho
izi for pro
Cor won vs TLR so this gonna be a nice match :)
true true :P this will be a nice game to see =] but pro will take it imo gl butchji + team :P
Woow they won versus TLR. TLR didn't pracced for weeks and stuff.
Cortana are the only team taking this EC serious, so they are supposed to win.
so? it aint easy to bash them anyways..flamer -.-#
Your bet: 50€ on Cor Possible Win: 551.50 € (+501.50 €)
Your bet: 79€ on Cor
Possible Win: 845.30 € (+766.30 €)
GL cortana : need it :<
gl germans;)
gl acozzica and german pros!
gl gmxica & Konfuchije ! :D
gl pro
Easy bash for megapro.
wo0ot???3.00 on MPG and 1.50 on Cortana...hmm, ok have a try
my money on MPG, go half germany^^
Cortana endstation pls :P ... omg!
gl germanz
immoo will step up and frozz to knife acozz xD
nah i wont.. going in Germany tommorow with university ;S

thats ok I will mec in your place np : P

i'll be like acozz, unhittable ;o
yeh, bash ze yermans!! :D
de Butchji
de Keran
de drago
de wEAK
de snoop
hr aCozz

Good luck guys!
Im not online that day :'( so hope keran <3 you could tell me some stuff about the game :D:D

acozz hajde vise :D
pro overrated np
gl my cro boys.. ;)
<3 aCoZz

gl MPG
Can't wait for this match!
GL Cortana
cortana will take this imo
gl cortana ( acozz traitor :P )
aCoZz > all
If I knew that the playoff tree of cortane crossed with pro's I wouldn't have joined! Rly! :<

But I'm in lowmid shape anyway, so I guess there won't be much difference when they played with mr. Evil Piragas ;D ( J/K Janis ofc don't kill me! )
win me some money cro laggers! :D
gl yerz/rimi
you know that et is bad when teams like cortana can get this far...

gl pro gaming
"oh ya kojak,.. where is kojak" rat plz ;))))
would be even worse that kojak made it to playoffs
I would not consider TLR or MoD beeing bad teams and cortana beat em both! And without hackers, unlike you.
go butchji
win ec !

gl drago
gl dorago! gambatteyo!
blow it away snewb
die lassen dom den lowbie spieln? ^^
Your bet: 116€ on Cor
Possible Win: 1,397.80 € (+1,281.80 €)
our bet: 10€ on Cor Possible Win: 120.60 € (+110.60 €)
pro will take it
crotards <3333
gl butchji, and snoop
GL Cortana !

I hope You take it :D My money on You...
Cor let me win some money ^^

line ups???
hr Blaze
hr calisto
se Eddie
hr gmx
hr komar
hr rimi
Where is ze frozz?
quit et after the game with polish xiiters in 3v3 oc
Mama is a sad panda now? :<
Maybe you get rematch vs phan in premier league play offs!
gl cortana :)
fuck them:P easy bash 4 the germans;)
dajmo hrvati!!!!
lycka till blaze och eddie!

will be hard without frozz tho!
izi for butch
score ?
4-0 MPG
Yeeeaahh 1, 2, princes kneel BEfore you...that's what I said now.....princes, princes who ADore you.....just go ahead now...

- butchji contra mystic tHe umpteenth edItIon!