fucksake vs cOOKIEe (2367 views)

nl Woooo
nl Excite
de shNz
nl mott4
nl fritsie
nl Revenge

30.08.12 22:15 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: Miscellaneous » Matchlink
Hosting: GamesTV.org
Manager: m9veZ (Requestee)
Maps: Sp_delivery_te
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Total Pot: € 4330
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Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 13


gl woo
GL cOokie'
gl revenge easy for you
veel geluk ronnie, mijn beestje <3
You have € 100 on cOOKIE`
You won € 126
motta too good :s
Excite's logic:
Accusing me of cheating, plays with BUSTED cheater.
Just a banned player, not a busted cheater.
still not allowed :D
that must be why he is not banned on ESL.. oh wait yeah CB has very mature and grown up admins :O
please :DDDD
oh yeah then let me add that they don't have any proof either and that they're acting by pure 'feeling'
he's banned. period.
Not guilty till proven different, rings a bell? CB doesn't have bells I think.
banned. that's it. him playing=against the rules. but dooppi doesn't care so meh
It's all black and white in ur world aint it
nope but this is pretty open, unless you provide proof CB is wrong
can't really provide such proof if CB is scared to provide the proof in the first place ( queried admins several times about it )
CB doesn't need to provide proof, if the ban was truly false the player could appeal with his proof and would be unbanned
idd, I told it to him before I played the semi final on Ice against them and he just came to the server to wish shNz/vivaz/shoqz gl... and after the match, when I asked him why he let shNz play although it's against his own rules he only replied with stuff like stop whining etc, you only complain because you loose
because you only complained because you lost, you would've shut up otherwise.

Also he is not banned on ESL nor is he a cheater so I don't understand the problem in the first place, just because you are shit doesn't mean everyone who is better than you is a cheater. ( he has been playing on tzac continuesly without ever losing skill, right when it was released )
hmm, da kenne ich noch so einen, der eine Niederlage gegen mich nicht verkraften konnte. shoutout to mAurice.
oh they do, they've got IP matches, and beside that he still uses the same xfire adress
they don't have an IP match and even if they had one the date between the IP of a german player who got linked to a finnish player ( CB skill there ) would make the proof invalid in the first place.

xfire usernames can be troll, no proof there.
also should add that trakos is not a site for proving anything, as you can see the last part of an IP address is hidden => greatly increasing the amount of IPs you can match it to. Adding on top of this again that the CB admins never did a reverse look up to confirm identity and therefore an IP match can't be used as proof. Just because some new uneducated admins are in charge of C&A @ Clanbase doesn't make you right
Ja du hast vollkommen recht, shoqz und visi0n sind ja eine person, shoqz muss ein sehr außergewöhnlich komischer mensch gewesen sein, 4 arme, aber mir ist noch kein fall bekannt in dem eine person mehr als 2 arme hat :/
I'm sure he got banned for abusive language lol
GooedJod coOkie
You have € 260 on fucksake
You lost

dissapointed much
just let him go ts, if he got a voice like some 2yearl old helium kid, its vivaz. The dutch guy is probly guchy defending him
dude has a smokersvoice ;p
i remember his voice was like he got kicked in his nuts every single minute
I wouldn't know tbh, but that's not the voice the person we are talking about has :P
got no problem with your ts point, still that wouldn't proof anything
thanks for comparing me to a 14 year old douchebag, but no, I'm not guchy/qwasi as you can CLEARLY see through several gtv matches

also I think I would recognize the guy I busted several times on teamspeak ;)