Voodoo cs3r vs elite (5023 views)

11.11.07 20:00 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 3v3 OpenCup Fall 2007
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: frozz (Requestee)
Maps: Sw_goldrush_te

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV
de #andyF1 ettvod Demo recorder
By: andyF1 (ettvd)


Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 50


gl both
lineups ?
elite gaymofos
elite ofc
this1 voodoo isnt cs3r, remember that :*
Thats the reason cs3r won imo!
fu give me money back
krissssssu xDDDDDDDDDD
11/11 19:00 cs3r 3.16 vs 1.46 elite 11€ on elite Lost
it was Voodoo Gaming, not cs3r <3 :)
yzi 4 Teente & CPU ... gl&hF
Need Line Ups...
lol, change to cs3r pls
elite: new mystic, new vanquish, new sup3r
don't put mystic in one sentence with cheaters, bitch
talented, experienced and lucky players, not cheaters
more slots ?
Could be an idea.
gl czech owners
Voodoo Gaming 0 - 2 elite
1 ETTV, and full :(
4:2 cs3r
ye, the allknowing polaks bashoredz
...said teente, Mr. MagicHeadshot
jebi si mater, frozz
thx for moneyZ :*****
After this match, the only wise option is to quit this cocksucking cheating game.
ok bb
make the community happy!
we would all be happy if we wouldn't see your stupid comments too
we? u and ur mom?
yes, including her too
just play 6vs6 only
teamwork +spam can beat cheator's asses
but in 3v3 haxors always win ;)
I don't know which of them played but at least lesbian, pacino and capone have been known for years in 3on3 scene

surely no hax involved with those
yes indeed, some of them are pretty known in the 3on3 scene (for me at least) but they tend to play with people who magically shoot 3 headshots all the time (and i dont know if the guy was in their team or not, cba to yawn all the time). at least yesterday i got totally humiliated by some guy shooting 60-70 headshots in like, 13 minutes or less (which is pretty strange if you consider it was the amount of headshots of my team cumulated)

but of course this guy could have had a good day and we were just sucking, might also be the case, you're never sure in ET (this wasnt even sarcasm)
voodoo cs3r 4:2. Person who added the match: get brain, thx
oh noez, they all saw ur wallhaxez xD
O.K mr. pRo eGo... I'm just whining about our account, we have one already
idd even we won against voodoo! :>
so u must had better bots
wowowowowowow high+ thx for comment
lost my money :<
Elite quit ET pls ..
seems capone capowned :) :)
capone has got wh - it was easy to see... too easy...
A few hours before this match capone was pwnd on public serv by the noobs, noskillzorZ, etc...
from zero to hero in several hours ? rly strange :<

btw. capone pls dont look at the walls when you playing on ETTV... Its not et.serwis.pl or INEA(ICP)...

anyway - thx for teh moneY :)
from zero to hero =D
would be right, in your case.
Your bet: 15€ on cs3r Won 47.40€
omg lesbian nice "HIGH" EGO not "HIGH" SKILL
gratz cs3r
the almighty elite lost ? :D what a shame
I always owned cs3r in 3on3, some weeks ago i played a 3on3 against them and they were magically high skilled, np 4 capone. he must have practiced a lot...
Elite lost because of their stupidness and not because cs3r are hackers. That's total crap :-). Just watch the replay of the match...