rtcw vs Dead Ringers (3284 views)

gb jam
gb sTKz
nl kARMA
be jetro
be zeto
be amnii

CB 3on3 Ladder
04.09.12 00:00 CEST
Awards awarded to for
Lady Macbeth rtcw&jam 49 kills
Killing Spree rtcw&sTKz 5 frags without being killed
Accountant ^Crtcw&kARMA 94% kills/killed ratio
He's dead, Jim! |]* zett 14 gibs
...and stay dead! |]* Amnii 32% gibs/kill
Lead Poisoning rtcw&jam 41 SMG kills
Spammity spam spam! |]* zett 12 SPAM kills
Fragstealer ^Crtcw&kARMA 123 damage per frag
Die! Damn you, Die! RTCWSPECCI 222 damage per frag
What objective? rtcw&jam 295 XP
Red Shirt |]* jetro 64 deaths
Are these pliers sharp? RTCWSPECCI 9 deaths without fragging
Med Pack Whore |]* Amnii 214 damage per death
Eyes Wide Shut |]* zett 4 team kills
Gingerbread man rtcw&jam 20 /kills
Player Summary for the entire Match
[-] (click columns to sort, the [+] to expand)
|]* zett732714763141416872584743780/02/535/3712/518613246
|]* jetro61192396440211474558731020/02/238/461/71229236
|]* Amnii6126031511000865279775680/01/330/390/321119237
|]* 6572311717828163519997241225480/05/3103/3913/317313936
Player Summary for et_beach
[-] 1st Round (click columns to sort, the [+] to expand)
|]* zett1501332100151429000/00/01/10/0KK/DK
|]* jetro3315130011240262370/00/02/00/2DD/TK
|]* Amnii2002542100054760200/00/04/30/0KDDKKXK
|]* 1285387201213011154370/00/07/40/2

[-] 2nd Round (click columns to sort, the [+] to expand)
|]* zett33513010122510800/00/01/10/0/KDS
|]* jetro1661553000161659600/01/04/20/0DKK/KDKK
|]* Amnii501512100052631700/00/11/10/0DKD
|]* 83357811021367102100/01/16/40/0
Player Summary for et_ice
[-] 1st Round (click columns to sort, the [+] to expand)
|]* zett6047610201110671380380/00/05/62/3DDDDTKKKDDDKDDKK/
|]* jetro50376121002980133200/00/06/80/2DDKDDKD/DKKDDDKK/D
|]* Amnii715257100010311498140/00/15/50/2KDKDXDDKDKDKD
|]* 601361729401330784210520/00/116/192/7

[-] 2nd Round (click columns to sort, the [+] to expand)
|]* zett20615000137173100/00/01/30/1KD/DDD
|]* jetro752834100042742200/00/03/40/0DDKKDKD
|]* Amnii021040001450103600/00/00/30/0/DDD
|]* 325541310021248218900/00/04/100/1
Player Summary for supply
[-] 1st Round (click columns to sort, the [+] to expand)
|]* zett5710915264026363834212280/00/412/165/1D/DKX/KT/K/DDDDDKKD/DKDDDDDDDKKDKDKDKKKDKTK/
|]* jetro62971524201224823261650/00/115/211/2K/KDDTKK/KDXDDKDDKDDKDDDDKDKKDDDKDDDDKXDKK
|]* Amnii701041420500224703580360/00/114/170/0/KDKDKDDDKDDDKKKKDDKK/KDDDDDKDDKKD
|]* 6331044701103108590102623290/00/641/546/3

[-] 2nd Round (click columns to sort, the [+] to expand)
|]* zett1239121177016291025441120/02/115/105/0DDD/KDK/DDKKDKKK/DKKK/KK/TKKKDKKK/KKDKD
|]* jetro50091800050000/01/18/110/1/DKKDDD/DDKD/K/DKKKXKDDK/DD
|]* Amnii4343716200515032742180/01/06/100/1DD/DDDKKK//KK/KD/DDDDDK
|]* 72134375190116441352861300/04/229/315/2

» View plaintext endround stats
Player Chats
^Crtcw&kARMA [Warmup]: fatty mi mang <3
|]* Amnii [Countdown]: :-D
|]* Amnii [Countdown]: :-D
|]* Amnii [Countdown]: :-D
|]* Amnii [Countdown]: :-D
|]* Amnii [Countdown]: :-D
[9:29]: kaksmoel connected
[9:15]: The Sea Wall Door has been breached!
RTCWSPECCI [9:11]: 0 karm
[8:53]: Allies capture the Forward Bunker!
[7:59]: Allies transmitted the documents!
[Intermission]: >>> Clock set to: 2:01
|]* jetro [Intermission]: :D?
|]* jetro [Intermission]: rtcw tag?
|]* jetro [Intermission]: wtf were you doing
|]* jetro [Intermission]: :D
^Crtcw&kARMA [Warmup]: why always trash talk?:O)
rtcw&sTKz [Warmup]: lows talking like gods
rtcw&sTKz [Warmup]: :S
|]* jetro [Warmup]: how's that trash talk
^Crtcw&kARMA [Warmup]: acting like a 12 year old girl
rtcw&sTKz [Warmup]: 8D
|]* jetro [Warmup]: didn't make any sense
|]* jetro [Warmup]: what you were doing
rtcw&sTKz [Countdown]: doesnt make sense that u think you're good, either
rtcw&sTKz [Countdown]: =)
|]* jetro [Countdown]: sup NC winner
rtcw&sTKz [Countdown]: ROFL
ambitious/fatty [1:59]: inv 7
[1:15]: The Sea Wall has been breached!
^Crtcw&kARMA [0:59]: lag :D
[0:42]: The Sea Wall Door has been breached!
^Crtcw&kARMA [0:31]: brb rebooting modem
[0:31]: Allies capture the Forward Bunker!
[0:30]: rtcw&kARMA disconnected
|]* jetro [0:19]: omg trashtalk !!!!1!!1 :(-((-
[0:07]: Axis captured the Forward Bunker!
rtcw&sTKz [0:05]: beach only :O)
[Intermission]: >>> Objective NOT reached in time (2:01)
|]* jetro [Intermission]: shouldn't be a problem for self declared RTCW powners
|]* jetro [Intermission]: should it?
rtcw&sTKz [Intermission]: self declared?
|]* jetro [Intermission]: oh lord
RTCWSPECCI [Warmup]: gade golle oek lan ?
Bohalix.bobAx [Warmup]: jaa maar voor quake denk ik :D
Bohalix.bobAx [Warmup]: jetro allesinds
RTCWSPECCI [Warmup]: ha :p
Bohalix.bobAx [Warmup]: ik wil ET :/
Bohalix.bobAx [Countdown]: quake zuigt :D
[Countdown]: |]* zett disconnected
[Countdown]: |]* zett connected
[Countdown]: |]* jetrocalled a vote.
ambitious/fatty [Countdown]: dooppi
[Countdown]: Vote passed!
[Countdown]: *** Match Reset! ***
rtcw&sTKz [Warmup]: wow
RTCWSPECCI [Warmup]: hmm mss heb ik ng teampje da speler nodig heeft
RTCWSPECCI [Warmup]: ja fat
rtcw&sTKz [Warmup]: vote start then reset
^Crtcw&kARMA [Warmup]: np shit happends
ambitious/fatty [Warmup]: zeh dar ze 7 invite
|]* jetro [Warmup]: omg trashtalk :(::((l(kj(( :( ?
RTCWSPECCI [Countdown]: ben ni vent
^Crtcw&kARMA [Countdown]: hf guys
ambitious/fatty [Countdown]: vent zit vol
ambitious/fatty [Countdown]: ow
RTCWSPECCI [9:58]: specvite 7
ambitious/fatty [9:55]: maarja ik ga dus wss naar sunset
ambitious/fatty [9:52]: ga ook doop
RTCWSPECCI [9:49]: ik mss
ambitious/fatty [9:34]: je had mysteryland moeten gaan
ambitious/fatty [9:30]: pff
RTCWSPECCI [8:55]: kspeel vandaag echt slecht wiow
RTCWSPECCI [8:49]: te veel gesmoort denk
ambitious/fatty [8:41]: ik ben gestopt
RTCWSPECCI [8:36]: nice :p
RTCWSPECCI [8:26]: kmoet morge ook cortizonespuit in schouder
ambitious/fatty [8:26]: al 2 wekeb
RTCWSPECCI [8:21]: pees weer ontstoke
Bohalix.bobAx [8:15]: gezellig :D
RTCWSPECCI [8:07]: niet echt denk
[7:52]: Axis have captured the Forward Bunker!
RTCWSPECCI [7:46]: hey gaan jullie alleeszien of late we 3v3ke spele :) of offi :)
ambitious/fatty [7:34]: bob denk je dat je veel pillen kan verkopen op sunset?
RTCWSPECCI [7:28]: jz
Bohalix.bobAx [7:26]: hahaha geen idee :D
RTCWSPECCI [7:26]: ja
[7:17]: The Axis have blown the Main Entrance!
RTCWSPECCI [7:14]: zit daar vol
[7:11]: Allies have reclaimed the Forward Bunker!
^Crtcw&kARMA [7:11]: dat camp:D
ambitious/fatty [7:08]: ja heh
RTCWSPECCI [7:04]: ja
[6:45]: Axis have captured the Forward Bunker!
ambitious/fatty [6:33]: kan trouwens niet spelen doop
ambitious/fatty [6:30]: ben net verhuisd
ambitious/fatty [6:25]: pc ligt op grond
RTCWSPECCI [6:25]: ha k :)
ambitious/fatty [6:21]: ik lig op een matras
RTCWSPECCI [6:21]: daarom war je weg
ambitious/fatty [6:17]: ja
ambitious/fatty [6:14]: n veel festivals
RTCWSPECCI [6:12]: ha xd
ambitious/fatty [6:10]: portugal
RTCWSPECCI [6:06]: fiestbiest
RTCWSPECCI [5:58]: school terug :)
ambitious/fatty [5:52]: volgend jaar tomorrowland daar hebk zin in man
[4:49]: Allies have reclaimed the Forward Bunker!
[4:19]: The Axis team has transmited the Secret War Documents!
[Intermission]: >>> Clock set to: 5:40
^Crtcw&kARMA [Countdown]: doopi
^Crtcw&kARMA [Countdown]: als ik nog een x uit lag
^Crtcw&kARMA [Countdown]: speel dan ff voor mij als je wilt
[4:38]: Axis have captured the Forward Bunker!
[4:05]: dooppiiiiiiiiiiii disconnected
[3:08]: The Axis team has transmited the Secret War Documents!
[Intermission]: >>> Objective reached at 2:31 (original: 5:40)
ambitious/fatty [Countdown]: wij worden opgehaalt met waggie met lan?
ambitious/fatty [Countdown]: door jam
ambitious/fatty [Countdown]: en mex?
^Crtcw&kARMA [Countdown]: mex/jam:D
ambitious/fatty [Countdown]: haha
Bohalix.bobAx [Countdown]: welk team gaan jullie :D
^Crtcw&kARMA [11:52]: voice/merlinator willen ook komen:D
^Crtcw&kARMA [11:45]: geen idee gwn fun team
ambitious/fatty [11:39]: gaan we ook spelen?
^Crtcw&kARMA [11:37]: tis meer t idee om met elkaar te chillen enzo
^Crtcw&kARMA [11:34]: ja man:D
ambitious/fatty [11:33]: weetje hoe slecht ik ben
Bohalix.bobAx [11:27]: :p
^Crtcw&kARMA [11:26]: wij allemaal :P schijt
^Crtcw&kARMA [11:12]: gwn na t uitgaan met een kater pew pew doen
^Crtcw&kARMA [11:08]: :D
ambitious/fatty [10:50]: je had mysteryland moeten gaan
Bohalix.bobAx [10:49]: wat kost dat daar :p
ambitious/fatty [10:45]: wat een feest
^Crtcw&kARMA [10:41]: volgens mij 50 per deelnemer
[10:38]: The Allies have captured the forward bunker!
^Crtcw&kARMA [10:34]: 300 per team dus:P
Bohalix.bobAx [10:20]: denk dat ik gwn kom speccen :D
ambitious/fatty [10:10]: ik wil ook gwn speccen
ambitious/fatty [10:03]: maarja aan andere kant is ook wel grappig
ambitious/fatty [9:59]: om te spelen
^Crtcw&kARMA [9:57]: sowieso:PP
ambitious/fatty [9:52]: beetje pakslaag krijgen
[9:49]: Axis Command Post constructed. Charge speed increased!
[9:48]: The Allies have opened up the Forward spawn rear exit!
^Crtcw&kARMA [9:44]: pakslaag?:D
^Crtcw&kARMA [9:39]: we gaan maus enzo gewoon bedriegen vriend
[9:37]: The Allies have breached the Forward Bunker Gate!
Bohalix.bobAx [9:28]: maus gaat ? :D
ambitious/fatty [9:27]: installeer aimbot
^Crtcw&kARMA [9:07]: grapie dunno of hij ook gaat joh
^Crtcw&kARMA [8:59]: vorige was hij er wel
ambitious/fatty [8:51]: wauw bob een kaartje nr tilburg met trein kost a 18 euro
|]* Amnii [8:47]: :-D
|]* Amnii [8:46]: :-D
|]* Amnii [8:46]: :-D
Bohalix.bobAx [8:46]: ben alleen nog maar op aef geweest
ambitious/fatty [8:43]: dan moet ik vandaar bus naar lilse bergen
ambitious/fatty [8:37]: 15 euro heen en terug
^Crtcw&kARMA [8:36]: :D
^Crtcw&kARMA [8:32]: aiight
ambitious/fatty [8:31]: dus gaat me 60 euro kosten
^Crtcw&kARMA [8:22]: hoe is zo'n lan eigenlijk?
ambitious/fatty [8:19]: voor sunset:D
^Crtcw&kARMA [8:17]: moet je een pc meenemen:S?
Bohalix.bobAx [8:13]: nah
Bohalix.bobAx [8:06]: alleen muis en muismat
Bohalix.bobAx [8:04]: headset ook :p
Bohalix.bobAx [7:55]: speccen is echt nice op LAN
[7:46]: Allied team has destroyed the Axis Command Post!
^Crtcw&kARMA [7:45]: oow oky en usb met config enzo
^Crtcw&kARMA [7:43]: neem ik aan
^Crtcw&kARMA [7:41]: :D
Bohalix.bobAx [7:40]: ja :p
^Crtcw&kARMA [7:15]: ga je een hotel nemen bobax?
[7:14]: Allied Command Post constructed. Charge speed increased!
Bohalix.bobAx [7:06]: nah trein :D
Bohalix.bobAx [7:02]: mss hotel
Bohalix.bobAx [6:59]: als der nog mensen meegaan
^Crtcw&kARMA [6:51]: ja bedoelde meer overnachtingen
^Crtcw&kARMA [6:49]: okay
ambitious/fatty [6:29]: waar gaan wij karma?
^Crtcw&kARMA [6:19]: ik hoorde dat voice een mattie had wonen in enschede
^Crtcw&kARMA [6:18]: :PPP
ambitious/fatty [6:07]: dat zou relaxed zijn
[6:02]: The Allies have breached the Depot Gate!
^Crtcw&kARMA [5:56]: zekers
[5:56]: The Depot Fence has been constructed.
^Crtcw&kARMA [5:45]: al hoewel.. als we hotel splitten ofzo is ook niet duur ofzo
ambitious/fatty [5:40]: klopt
ambitious/fatty [5:35]: mr ik ben werkloos
ambitious/fatty [5:32]: :D
ambitious/fatty [5:28]: ik heb wel geld
[5:20]: The Allies have breached the Depot's east wall!
^Crtcw&kARMA [5:12]: komt goed mattie
ambitious/fatty [5:03]: maarja het komt en gaat als je begrijpt wat ik bedoel
[4:58]: The Crane Controls have been constructed.
[4:54]: The Allied Truck is in position!
[4:52]: The Allies have activated the crane!
ambitious/fatty [4:50]: weetniet wat ik dan heb
[4:38]: The Allies have loaded the Gold Crate onto the Truck!
rtcw&sTKz [1:47]: 8D
[1:09]: The Allies have escaped with the Gold Crate!
[Intermission]: >>> Clock set to: 10:50
[10:10]: The Allies have captured the forward bunker!
[9:38]: Axis Command Post constructed. Charge speed increased!
[9:18]: The Allies have opened up the Forward spawn rear exit!
[9:14]: The Allies have breached the Forward Bunker Gate!
[8:19]: Allied team has destroyed the Axis Command Post!
[8:15]: Allied Command Post constructed. Charge speed increased!
^Crtcw&kARMA [8:12]: je teamgenoten campen wel veel:P
Bohalix.bobAx [7:47]: true :D
[7:15]: The Depot Fence has been constructed.
[7:05]: The Allies have breached the Depot Gate!
[6:09]: The Allied Truck is in position!
[5:44]: The Allies have breached the Depot's east wall!
Bohalix.bobAx [3:45]: zeto on fire :D
[2:45]: The Crane Controls have been constructed.
[2:43]: The Allies have activated the crane!
[2:30]: The Allies have loaded the Gold Crate onto the Truck!
^Crtcw&kARMA [2:08]: was ff niet speccen:P
^Crtcw&kARMA [1:57]: maarreh tziet er naar uit dat ze zullen verliezen
Bohalix.bobAx [1:51]: jep :p
[0:59]: |]* jetro disconnected
rtcw&sTKz [0:58]: 8D
rtcw&sTKz [0:57]: 8D
rtcw&sTKz [0:57]: 8D
rtcw&jam [0:57]: 8D
rtcw&jam [0:56]: 8D
rtcw&jam [0:56]: 8D
rtcw&jam [0:56]: 8D
^Crtcw&kARMA [0:55]: haahahahahaaaa
|]* zett [0:55]: ggs
^Crtcw&kARMA [0:55]: haahahahahaaaa
^Crtcw&kARMA [0:54]: haahahahahaaaa
|]* Amnii [0:52]: gg
[0:43]: The Allies have escaped with the Gold Crate!
[Intermission]: >>> Objective reached at 10:06 (original: 10:50)
^Crtcw&kARMA [Intermission]: mongooltje is die gast ff serieus:D
RTCWSPECCI [Intermission]: its a shame cause you're both nice guys
^Crtcw&kARMA [Intermission]: yep
[Intermission]: |]* zett disconnected
[Intermission]: rtcw&sTKz disconnected
rtcw&jam [Intermission]: :
rtcw&jam [Intermission]: :o)
[Intermission]: |]* Amnii disconnected

These stats are experimental and while we usually get very accurate numbers we can't guarantee they are 100% spot on. You can however view the endroundstats: Those are the endroundstats 1:1 how they were spammed on the server console, they are guaranteed to be correct (unless they're off, which sometimes happens too :p).
Some examples that will definitely break stats:

  • Server crash / restart
  • Players reconnecting with new ids
  • Too many random renames between rounds

Credits to the author of StatWhore of which we borrowed the awards and the general layout of the stats.
Thanks to Hannes who made the software that extracts all the stats from tv demos available to us.