Pharaons vs Instant (3345 views)

fr jau
fr KareN
fr didi
de mirror
ro Stary
in Kamz
09.09.12 22:30 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: Miscellaneous » Matchlink
Manager: KAMZ (Requestee)
Maps: Not announced
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Total Pot: € 4415
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Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 19


kamz in lu?
seems 2be that instant need help ;D;D;D
We got forced to get another player than our original ones due whine from team warpig, we weren't going to pick a highskiller at first.
hurts my feelings :'(
mirror isnt highskiller lol
was talking about kamz
so you and mirror are better than highskilled kamz according to damage? :S
Who said that dmg = skill? or that I was playing for damage? yea mirror may play for frags/dmg but not the same thing in my case
omfg so braindead
Yeah well go fuck yourself then no one asked you anything in the first place
ur saying kamz is highskilled

u have to go fuck urself dude idiot
kamz best inet ever :x
sorry i no money for real internet :(
Are these pliers sharp? instant}StARY 17 deaths without fragging

:D couldn't kill anything on delivery just deal damage and get revived

Die! Damn you, Die! instant}StARY 305 damage per frag
:D just rofl