Sandals vs Bus Drivers (4453 views)

21.11.07 02:30 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: STA Enemy Territory League
Manager: gamecab (Requestee)
Maps: Not announced

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV
By: GLH-Candyman (ettvd)

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 4


interresting pot.
all my money on bd
i heard end is horrid
BD > Sandals
gl sandals
realy nice game gl to both teams :D
Lmao. Nice time >.<

Omg <-- Buy a life and a party.
lol they are from USA>Time is different
omg <--Buy a brain thx :P
i wanna see it LIVE @ ettv :X :P
yes i know its usa time ; ) so in midle of night dutch time ;)
Funny how people always whine about how Americans know shit about the world, which is true nonetheless, when they know shit themselves.
you have no life anyway. you can watch it
Just bet on BD| they will win for sure. I doubt sandals will win a match no offense :)
they will if they get their euros.. milk tekoa chmpp etc lolol

btw, whoever posted fucked up the time and day lol. should be +1 day and +1 hour
I think you've mistaken me with someone else.
Yeah, mistaken for someone good C:
please.. saw you once, you aint that superior you could mock others!!!!!11
oops sry chmpp i thought is saw u on their roster
gl icee :D
matt, ceres & bliss will win
Tekoa + Squall
Bet on Sandals
Time: 02:30 gg
gl bliss if you play :D
against 20on20 :D ??
I've heard butchji & tekoa playing with BD ... bet on them !
^ Squall and tekoa play for sandals. We don't have any high skillz euros playing. Bet on sandals.
Is that the only match from USA ? Sandals vs bd ... didnt see any other matches from the fastfoodland
if linsen plays, bet all your money on sandals.

omg yank et still alive? :o
Competitively, barely. Shrub, definately.
nice odds

"Sandals 2.00 vs 2.00 Bus Drivers"
Match is on the 28th.
I can play if u need me!
[10:47am] <nde|warp> Did you guys win the cup?
[10:47am] <uQ-Ati_> yes
[10:47am] <nde|warp> Excellent
[10:47am] <nde|warp> How does it feel?
[10:47am] <uQ-Ati_> ;o
[10:47am] <uQ-Ati_> as usual
[10:47am] <nde|warp> Like great or just like cool?
[10:48am] <uQ-Ati_> ... -.-
[10:48am] <nde|warp> lol
[10:48am] <nde|warp> I dunno, Im an American

Americans are funny :p
Atiiiiiiiiiiiii nigga :D where d fak are u nowdays :D ?!
warp LOL
This match is either tomorrow or:

Match Date: 11/28/07
Tie Breaker Map: SupplyDepot2
Time: 9:30 PM EST (Default)

Winners Bracket Schedule:
match is next week at 10:30 i think STA messed up.