FURIA v2 vs Sixstar (6171 views)

pl darkles
pl bartii
pl hooli
pl stefan
pl hizzy
be dooppi
gb B1gcHeese
ro Stary
ch zeKxa
ru mirror
de Kevji

ESL 6on6 Summer Cup 2012 - Cup #3
Playoffs - Grand Final
sixStar has to win twice
16.09.12 21:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: ESL Summer Series 2012 » Matchlink
Hosting: Electronic Sports League
Manager: darkleSs (Requestee)
Maps: Supply
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 12291
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 17


LU Sixstar isn't final yet though
izi for hizzy - dziekuje :DDDD
gl Stary, KOKIA! :D
izi 4 mirror
gl hf hooli i darkless wariaty :D
Gl Zekxa
nie spie po nocach, presja mnie wykancza, to najwazniejszy mecz w moim zyciu
koszmary senne, dzwiek strzelanych headow i teamkilli na przemian, a pozniej budze sie zlany potem
odor brazowej wody z dupy, jest tragicznie, po tym meczu musze skonczyc z et, tak bardzo pragne go wygrac jak niczego innego na swiecie. Ostateczne wyzwanie.
gl hizzy ;)
pomyte bedzie 8D
gl hizzy, dark, kokia <333333333333333333333
should be izi for stary & mirror , gl bro's ! :Pp
gl furia ! :D
GL Kokia,Hizzy
darkles to ciota
izibash for SixStar

Goodluck Guys !
gl sHizzy i KOKIA
gl furia
gl furia
gl kokia ,hizzy ,darkles ,hooli,bartii,stefan
gl kokia
hizzy bij tam! / hf stary :D !
kockia ryba gl
hizzy hooooooooli :XDDDDDDDDDDDDD dark :D gl pedaly i tak wpierdol
darksiu !:))
gl mirror!
gl stary and mirror and ofc zeKxa
powodzenia glockia, p
kokia przyjacielu.et nakurwiaj!

a hizzy to majonez
Woody isn't playing, dooppi be is playing instead of Woody
dooppi will pwn all :D
8-0 wp XDD
8-0 6Star
8-0 gg
more merc :)
like who

check this, lows cant win with main lineup and get merc heh:D
u just got miodek there xd
dooppi stary kevji 3 mercs in 1 team
xdd so what
een beetje retarded of niet dan
I was in the team for better than 1 week
I was in the team for better than 1 week
still stupid to use mercs like Kevji against those guys: )
funny, kevji is yet exactly some person they never played with before. ironic u talk about something u have slightest clue about.
Stary using mercs to win. Expected shit
Lowshit do you even think before you open your cancer mouth? I am one of the mercs, I'm not the one using mercs
Same shit different tourney, every grand final goes like this with half the teams full of mercs, Joining the roster 20 mins before the match is also lame..
a team who practices everyday. dealing with avi times so all 6 can play when you can just get mercs to win a grand final...pretty annoying situation
ok me and rockstar will play then. things are getting unfair around here.
true story
forfeit for using fucking mercs !
u mad? you loose anyways without mercs cuz you are low+ max shitcunt
stfu nazis pig go salut your mate - hitler
just bcuz im german i'm a nazi? dumb & ugly polaks
hahahah rozjebali nas jak gowno
fuckin learn 2 reply in correct language
Das stimmt, mein Herr
trudno, masa, sila i pompa jest grana :D
haha kevin :D was da los? ^^
stary hat mich gefragt und hatte langeweile :'D
