insecure vs Team SixthSense (8139 views)

se pesh
se alex
se pepper
fi Matias
pl uf0leet
de viol
pt khaki
pt eos
pt echy
pt lavzzi
pt lucifel
26.11.07 21:30 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: FiF Cup
Manager: peshyboy (Requestee)
Maps: Supply
On Demand Watch this Match now.

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Enemy Territory TV
By: MukMuk (ettvd)
de #andyF1 ettv Server 1
By: andyF1 (ettvd)
de #fayntic ETTV 2
By: h3ll (ettvd)
de -
By: rio_ (ettvd)
de pWend!!! ETTV1
By: mUnduS (ettvd)
gb [#Impact.Gaming] TV Server
By: skooli (ettvd)
nl _Snake ETTV.1
By: Snake (ettvd)
By: xArQi (ettvd)
xx EuropeServers.NET ETTV
By: michal999 (ettvd)

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 91


2 nd
easy for insecure. gl 6s
Your bet: 20€ on 6s Possible Win: 1,804.00 € (+1,784.00 €)
easy for 6s, they bashed us easy!
gl 6s / 6s lineup ?
GL gs

@@ QkR & Lucifel :-)
<3 pesh !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
lold @ ins lineup :)
gl pepper!
gl 6s, ao menos metiam o Qkr e o sILENO mas e' gg. LOL
easybash insecure. violy & uniq .|. :') *<3*

hf lucifel*
easy bash for 6s they even BASHED MOD AKA bSTURZ LOL 20 000 ON 6s
get proper players next time :P
more noob hackers in insecure plz ? :XD
hackers ? noone of them is busted or hackers :D
kul skämt :)
uniq - avis of him
silent - busted and have been cb banned
viol - fusen list
pepper - busted for using invoke + cb banned
pesh - newcomer playing with et cheaters

is that enough for you?
AND YOU ? a noob and think you know everything. avis of uniq SEND ME PLZPLZPLZPLZ!!!
send avi of me ;0
he is prolly talking about se uniX, so don't blame this n00b it's not his fault at all, blame god or his parents instead.
pash was busted @ like 1year ago or sth

gl 6s
6s will not set time in any map, they are too fucking low for a "morbid" game. lowbish nerds
sad, but thats true
Particularly against a cheater team :)
gl uniq
gl ufoleet
pesh idiot..
gl pEppEr, aLexL & pEsH, swedish PoJkeRs ! make me rich
et and insecure are dead.
Gogo Peshyboy :>
alexL Pepper nackskott, trio!
gl uniq
insecure is dead... changing l-up every day

HF pesh retard
maybe because you pracc or something fucking idiot when i say i need you then you should come. not play fucking wow with your g33k friends
sluta skriva samma sak som mej !
och det är det som är meningen med ett mix team att man byter lineup och skiter i tax, bara pesh som tar det seriöst men han är ganska dålig på det eftersom han tar in randoms och fuskare.. men et är ju helt dött ändå så.
äru cepe? vad har jag skrivit som dig , aa + att pesh har gjort om mix teamet till ett seriöst lag , han vill få stable lineup etc och pracca hela tiden . så du kan inte kalla insecure för nå "mix team" längre
lineupen är ju tragisk... problemet med et är inte bara en massa fuskare... utan idioter som fortsätter och spela med dom

såna som pepper som sög hårt även fast han hade aimbot i mortal gaming "xD"
Good luck Pepper :-))
gl alexl & pepper
ufoleet typical unhitable unproved polak cheater!
matias is a fucking hacker. online-only.. lol.
its not nice to speak about urself like this.
ni pelaanko mie?
emt mitä nää säätää
Prolly insecure, but goodluck 6s! :>
who the fuck are khaki, eos, echi & lavzzi? :x
easy for ufoleet ;D
POR''' 4 life!
gl nack
pesh wiill make it
6 vs 5 easy for 6s
WOH THE NOOBS USED WILDACRD match will be on monday ........
great wild card fucking idiots
yeah, fucking idiots, what do they think who they are, using a wildcard like that...they should all burn in hell!!
ye =(
that cant be!! 6s wildcard-hacked the match !!
gostava de ver o psycho!!
setupat0r will play .

easy for teamsixthsense!
izi bash for 6s then <3
no se snajfarN no win
esay bash for insecure, gl ufoleet,pepper,viol,nackjee, alexl and lucifel:**
ohh pls thats nC players vs 6s interesting
izi for me
gl pesh uniq <3
sposibo <3

no ya za etih retardav bolshe ne igraju :P tolko wnb's & whiners kak pesh.

i hackeri kak nackskott i pepper koro4e komanda wnbs & xiiiters :P
go 6s! beat these hackers
po chuj ten idiota uf0l dodal sobie do nicka koncówke - leet ? chcial byc fajnym kozakiem ? wyszlo gówno :<
miten voi olla mahdollista että teh koodi vihaaja matias pelaa koodareitten kans ?
Your bet: 90€ on 6s
Possible Win: 507.60 € (+417.60 €)

i will win some money ;D
from one who once played with him often there is no doubt peshy kid is a cheat
the fuck is voil?
3:0 to ins
make it more obvious, how can admins let them play? lol hilarious
next time get skill... you and your tinycock team.
wp ie shoRty
only 3 ettv's on server :D
Viewer Piek: 91 lol
maybe because only 3 ettvs was on the servers
The minimum number of slots u could get with 3 servers was 120.

So no need to have more than 3 servers, as there wasnt even 120 ppl.
izi money eheh :'D