roYality-eSports vs phantasmagoria (8360 views)

25.11.07 21:00 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 6v6 OpenCup Fall 2007
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: caRliTo (Requestee)
Maps: Sw_goldrush_te
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Enemy Territory TV
de [] - ETTV 2
By: sHiZo (ettvd)
de #andyF1 ettv Server 2
By: andyF1 (ettvd)
de pWend!!! ETTV2
By: mUnduS (ettvd)

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 80


kick their asses royality!
all my money on you

<3 gzd, roxor :)
2 bad that "Total pot: 20 €" you bet phan maybe? :D
i usually bet on matchday ;)
gl lazio

gl rY too
gl rY
omg this is 1/4 Oc premier!!!! 1111111111111111
I hope we lose.
izi for hacks

nP 4 griim
rY > phan
cheaters always win
Who added it?

Usually rY >> phan. But nowadays...whatever, I`ve already written my minds here. May the cleanest/best team win. ;)

yeye get some more excuses
phan >> all. Np.
It isnt hard pwning with hax tbh
lol u noob Sup3rM4nd xD! <-
edit: wp @ del comm's
np there is still a compilation of his vocal masturbation:

ye ok u... fat hax no... skill irl fy wnb nab idd xDD!!! <-
are u stupid or something ?
@lamerstein Think about, where all the accusations come from. This big amount of accusations don`t come from nowhere. They are based on different impressions from many different people.

And what kind of logic is that to fold every match against an enemy, which is maybe not completly clean. You play ET for having fun, so of course you will play that match with the hopeness to have fair conditions.

If there are reasonable reasons to doubt the cleaness of the enemy, I don`t know why I shouldn`t be allowed to share personally impressions or opinions.

Why should I accept everything, even the proofs are nearly biting you until some game organisation such as Clanbase does confirm your minds?! I didn`t share any wrong informations, in addition I`ve explicit written that the proofs aren`t valid for clanbase.

After collecting all impressions, scenes I`ve seen yet, in addition with my experience in that topic, my personally meaning is that they weren`t always clean in the past.

You call it whine? OK I call it critical look into a subject.
gluck phan :)
lol u wish cheater luck xD
Easy for phan !
easy for phan
This weeks vote determines slot allocation for the matches on Sunday!
gl both .
gl lazio and others
np for phan, gl !
I believe in fitoNi
Lineup eu Phantasmagoria
be Sup3r
be nuNca
be Lazio
be uNDEAd
fi ton1
gb Griim
Lineup eu roYality-esports
de RoXoR
de Sal
de Loku
de gzD
de mens0
fr craz
go griim np 4 you!
gl Griim money on u
gl saL xD
gl toNi!!!
Phantasmagoria OFC ! xD
i will never bet again on phan .... lost >800€ because of them :X
lies !
14/11 21:30 phan 4.63 vs 1.28 n1ce 255€ on n1ce Lost
there were some other bets on uuuuuuuuuuu >.<

never bet on us - ur crazy if u do
yez thats why i dont bet on uuu !!!

u never know if sup3r will connect or not :D:D:
plz we almost won that 5v6 game ! :D
waw :<
gl phan <3 riflezor them to h3LL lazio ;D
phan are clean get over it

way2ez for superstar toNi
If you say so...
im quoting u

I don`t know why I shouldn`t be allowed to share personally impressions or opinions.
Where`s the conflict?
with your oh so subtle sarcasm
gL!!!! Lazio <3 Rifl and Sup3r!
i will own them, np for me
you will die trying xD
you will die rofling
gl phan :)
gl rY, youll take it im sure!
GL royalty
easy for craz, gl rY.
gl menso :D FANBOY :D
grtz artifexx
GL phan
Cheaters will take it.
!taliano leaves and they start hacking to compensate for the loss. LOL
ya ok.
stfu plz adze the best!
<3 old freind :XD
hf dude
gl phan!
hf mens0 :)))
craz if you lose, i donate some, but if you win you have to do 1on1 with ^jesus in bed!!
gl menso:)
Super Undead and Griim wont be able to make it tonight, backups will play
(18:10:48) 02(phan`Lazio) there isnt going to be any replacements - just odds changer

nice excuses i lold
crush'em into smithereens rY (...)
server crashed ?
The hackers win?
too many haxers = server crash :O down. All servers with that Host. Mine too :(
server crash too much IMPOSSIBLE headshots
playing radar on other serv
what map is the decider? score?
4-2 for rY, congrats
Your bet: 600€ on rY Won 2880.00€

<3 gzd, rox :)
Omg, they cant even win with cheats!!
25/11 21:00 rY 4.80 vs 1.26 phan 72€ on phan Lost
Your bet: 100€ on rY Won 480.00€

atleast something good out of it :D
expected Your bet: 250€ on rY Won 1200.00€
enjoyed, ggs
gj rY
n1 rY i knew youd win when you almost pwned us on 3on3 ^^

Your bet: 5€ on rY Won 24.00€
Your bet: 5€ on rY Won 24.00€

Your bet: 5000€ on rY Won 24000.00€ peanuts ;)
i never bet more than 5 and usual on the highquote!!
hmm time to update your haxes phanta!
25/11 21:00 rY 4.80 vs 1.26 phan 50€ on phan Lost
25/11 21:00 rY 4.80 vs 1.26 phan 5€ on phan Lost
fuckin phan cheaters, fuck you all banz, lazio suck my dick and all the other nubs. suck it hard and ugly ffs faggots nabs, go geek some wc fucking no lifers
some one is angry because they lost gbooky money
25/11 21:00 rY 4.80 vs 1.26 phan 68€ on phan Lost
25/11 21:00 glitz 4.45 vs 1.29 voodoo 5€ on glitz Lost
25/11 20:30 9th 9.71 vs 1.11 SkS 5€ on 9th Lost

i would be sad 2
losing with hax.. how low is that?
25/11 21:00 rY 4.80 vs 1.26 phan 1295€ on phan Lost
He just owned you so stfu dumb fuck.
Did not. pphhllnnqq is totally right. Loosing with hax is impossible if u are at least low.
So u have to be kinda low- or pikachu (maybe glurak).
So stfu
This doesn't make any sense to me at all. You're low- at english, that's for sure. Anyway, if any of the players of phan has ever hacked, they certainly aren't hacking anymore. Try to live with it, however hard it might be. You're just mad, and so is everyone, because you lost money. If they gain you money, I don't hear you complaining. Now who's the dumb fuck? Right, you are.
lsoing with hax xd
rY managed to win even with mouse and connection problems, gotta say wp to that, they deserved the win. :)
GG Royality
Really WP rY
gg rY :)
Thanks for behaviour phan. No whine or flame even I had to pause 34900324032 times and craz mouse went crazy, server crash etc...
5€ on rY Won 24.00 €

wp ;)
same Your bet: 5€ on rY Won 24.00€
Your bet: 5000€ on rY Won 24000.00€ peanuts... np4me
I TOLD U !!!! phan will lose :)

^^ <3 lazio xDD
oh my god
Your bet: 60000€ on phan Lost