Koop un Tractor vs rtcw (3070 views)

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CB 3on3 Ladder
26.09.12 16:45 CEST
Awards awarded to for
Lady Macbeth rtcw.jam 59 kills
Killing Spree rtcw.jam 13 frags without being killed
Accountant rtcw.jam 134% kills/killed ratio
He's dead, Jim! KuT} Vulva de Kaassoufle 7 gibs
...and stay dead! KuT} Vulva de Kaassoufle 23% gibs/kill
Lead Poisoning rtcw.jam 52 SMG kills
Spammity spam spam! rtcw.jam 8 SPAM kills
Fragstealer rtcw.freeze 117 damage per frag
Die! Damn you, Die! KuT} bltzZ 287 damage per frag
What objective? rtcw.freeze 198 XP
Red Shirt KuT} Testo 62 deaths
Are these pliers sharp? KuT} Testo 9 deaths without fragging
Med Pack Whore KuT} bltzZ 146 damage per death
Eyes Wide Shut rtcw.freeze 4 team kills
Gingerbread man rtcw.freeze 17 /kills
Player Summary for the entire Match
[-] (click columns to sort, the [+] to expand)
KuT} Vulva de Kaassoufle49122306170114379947551620/01/326/375/51277837
KuT} Testo44972862210833975032180/00/226/462/51218049
KuT} bltzZ63166386040111576356101850/00/234/441/41529446
KuT} 523859618313123312959153973650/01/286/448/41338447
Player Summary for et_ice
[-] 1st Round (click columns to sort, the [+] to expand)
KuT} Vulva de Kaassoufle527711215008233725431490/01/110/100/3DKK//KKK/KDDKK/DDDDK/XD/DDK/DKDD/
KuT} Testo4154717010118592706180/00/27/110/2DDDDDDDDKSDDKDKK/DKKDDDK
KuT} bltzZ637812191015269826611490/00/012/141/0KDDKK/DK/DKDDDDT/DD/DK/DKKDKKDKK
KuT} 52209305761114689479103160/01/329/351/5

[-] 2nd Round (click columns to sort, the [+] to expand)
KuT} Vulva de Kaassoufle1002033000032649000/00/03/30/0KDDKKD
KuT} Testo6016351001629100600/00/03/30/1KDKD/DKD
KuT} bltzZ1614161000808101500/00/11/40/1DKDDDDD
KuT} 595071420011763251100/00/17/100/2
Player Summary for adlernest
[-] 1st Round (click columns to sort, the [+] to expand)
KuT} Vulva de Kaassoufle4217370012935979130/00/12/42/0DDTDDK/K/KD
KuT} Testo5027481002909132000/00/04/50/1DKDDK//KDKDD
KuT} bltzZ854367000214321179360/00/06/60/0DDKX/KKK/KDKDD
KuT} 59871322101632763478490/00/112/152/1

[-] 2nd Round (click columns to sort, the [+] to expand)
KuT} Vulva de Kaassoufle60835200120174300/00/02/12/0KDKK/K
KuT} Testo5002400010000/00/01/31/0DKDKD/
KuT} bltzZ1663153200082575500/00/05/30/0KDKDKKDK
KuT} 9239101240021026149800/00/08/73/0
Player Summary for sp_delivery_te
[-] 1st Round (click columns to sort, the [+] to expand)
KuT} Vulva de Kaassoufle400102500030000/00/19/191/2/DDDK/KDDDDKKDDKKDKDDDKDDD/KDDDDDKD
KuT} bltzZ560142500040000/00/110/170/3KKKK/DD/K/KDDDDDK/DDKDDDKDKKDDKDDDKDDDK
KuT} 4603678000100000/00/230/602/6

» View plaintext endround stats
Player Chats
KuT} Vulva de Kaassoufle [Warmup]: rup doop
rtcw.suCk [Warmup]: jointje haze
rtcw.suCk [Countdown]: jointje haze :P:P:P:P
[8:38]: Axis have captured the Forward Bunker!
[8:18]: Allies have reclaimed the Forward Bunker!
[7:45]: Axis have captured the Forward Bunker!
[6:36]: The Axis have blown the Main Entrance!
[5:52]: Allies have reclaimed the Forward Bunker!
[5:38]: Axis have captured the Forward Bunker!
[5:18]: Allies have reclaimed the Forward Bunker!
[4:29]: Axis have captured the Forward Bunker!
[4:22]: Allies have reclaimed the Forward Bunker!
[4:20]: Axis have captured the Forward Bunker!
[4:07]: Allies have reclaimed the Forward Bunker!
[3:32]: Axis have captured the Forward Bunker!
[2:47]: Allies have reclaimed the Forward Bunker!
[2:21]: Axis have captured the Forward Bunker!
rtcw.suCk [1:48]: :-)
KuT} Vulva de Kaassoufle [1:16]: Xd
KuT} Vulva de Kaassoufle [1:13]: haha
rtcw.suCk [0:27]: :-)
KuT} Vulva de Kaassoufle [0:22]: gegegeg
[0:21]: The Axis team has transmited the Secret War Documents!
[Intermission]: >>> Clock set to: 9:38
rtcw.suCk [Intermission]: zie je timbo
KuT} bltzZ [Intermission]: brb
[Intermission]: KuT} bltzZ disconnected
KuT} Vulva de Kaassoufle [Intermission]: wat zie ik
rtcw.suCk [Intermission]: vandaag de balle
KuT} Vulva de Kaassoufle [Intermission]: ik lust wel een kaassoufle de vulva
KuT} Testo [Warmup]: zolang je maar calls geeft
KuT} Vulva de Kaassoufle [Warmup]: jam whats your story
rtcw.suCk [Warmup]: jointje haze :P:P:P:P
KuT} Vulva de Kaassoufle [Warmup]: rup
rtcw.suCk [9:22]: :-)
[8:43]: The Axis have blown the Main Entrance!
[8:29]: Axis have captured the Forward Bunker!
[8:15]: Allies have reclaimed the Forward Bunker!
[8:01]: Axis have captured the Forward Bunker!
KuT} Vulva de Kaassoufle [5:51]: gggg
KuT} Vulva de Kaassoufle [5:44]: LEUK HOOR
KuT} Vulva de Kaassoufle [5:41]: doe obj maar
[5:38]: The Axis team has transmited the Secret War Documents!
[Intermission]: >>> Objective reached at 3:59 (original: 9:38)
KuT} bltzZ [Intermission]: brb
[Intermission]: KuT} bltzZ disconnected
rtcw.suCk [Intermission]: X
rtcw.suCk [Intermission]: D
rtcw.suCk [Warmup]: jointje haze :P:P:P:P
KuT} Vulva de Kaassoufle [Warmup]: rup confituur
KuT} Vulva de Kaassoufle [Warmup]: snap je dooppi
KuT} Testo [Warmup]: fast
KuT} Testo [Warmup]: i dont got much time
rtcw.suCk [Warmup]: snap je grappen nooit
KuT} Testo [Warmup]: and it takes so long:/
KuT} Vulva de Kaassoufle [Warmup]: jam - confituur
KuT} Vulva de Kaassoufle [Warmup]: Xd
[Countdown]: Match is PAUSED! (Axis)
rtcw.freeze [Countdown]: :D
KuT} Testo [Countdown]: :/
rtcw.jam [Countdown]: 8D
KuT} Testo [Countdown]: tim got phone
KuT} Testo [Countdown]: or mom
[Countdown]: Match resuming in 225 seconds!
rtcw.freeze [Countdown]: i have one as well :)()()()()
rtcw.jam [Countdown]: gudde job
[Countdown]: Match resuming in 210 seconds!
[Countdown]: Match resuming in 195 seconds!
KuT} Testo [Countdown]: they sell those in estonia?
rtcw.freeze [Countdown]: :O
[Countdown]: Match resuming in 180 seconds!
[Countdown]: Match resuming in 165 seconds!
[Countdown]: Match resuming in 150 seconds!
[Countdown]: Match resuming in 135 seconds!
KuT} Testo [Countdown]: oh god
KuT} Testo [Countdown]: why
[Countdown]: Match resuming in 120 seconds!
KuT} Testo [Countdown]: set a time of 2 minutes
rtcw.freeze [Countdown]: go then
rtcw.jam [Countdown]: 8D
[Countdown]: Match resuming in 105 seconds!
KuT} Testo [Countdown]: tim is still of:/
rtcw.freeze [Countdown]: well
rtcw.freeze [Countdown]: easier for us to set a 2min time then
KuT} Vulva de Kaassoufle [Countdown]: :s
rtcw.freeze [Countdown]: so go
[Countdown]: Match resuming in 90 seconds!
KuT} bltzZ [Countdown]: pause
[Countdown]: Match resuming in 10 seconds!
KuT} bltzZ [Countdown]: unpause
[Countdown]: Match resuming in 9 seconds!
[Countdown]: Match resuming in 8 seconds!
[Countdown]: Match resuming in 7 seconds!
[Countdown]: Match resuming in 6 seconds!
[Countdown]: Match resuming in 5 seconds!
[Countdown]: Match resuming in 4 seconds!
[Countdown]: Match resuming in 3 seconds!
[Countdown]: Match resuming in 2 seconds!
[Countdown]: Match resuming in 1 seconds!
[Countdown]: FIGHT!
[9:50]: Axis team locked from spectators by KuT} Vulva de Kaassoufle
rtcw.suCk [9:10]: :-)
rtcw.suCk [9:05]: :-)
[9:05]: The Doors are opening!!
KuT} Vulva de Kaassoufle [8:57]: gg Xd
[8:36]: Axis have returned the objective!
[8:35]: Allied Command Post spawn active!
[8:35]: Allied Command Post constructed. Charge speed increased!
rtcw.suCk [7:15]: :-)
rtcw.suCk [7:15]: :-)
[5:54]: Allied team has transmitted the documents!
[Intermission]: >>> Clock set to: 4:05
rtcw.suCk [Warmup]: jointje haze :P:P:P:P
KuT} Testo [Warmup]: atleast dooppi is shittier then me:D
rtcw.suCk [Countdown]: ye idd
rtcw.suCk [Countdown]: :p
KuT} Vulva de Kaassoufle [Countdown]: :XD
[2:43]: The Doors are opening!!
rtcw.suCk [1:59]: :-)
rtcw.suCk [1:59]: :-)
rtcw.suCk [1:59]: :-)
[1:47]: Allied team has transmitted the documents!
[Intermission]: >>> Objective reached at 2:18 (original: 4:05)
KuT} Vulva de Kaassoufle [Intermission]: n1 freeze
KuT} Vulva de Kaassoufle [Intermission]: Xd
KuT} Testo [Intermission]: thx freeze
KuT} bltzZ [Intermission]: :XD
rtcw.suCk [Intermission]: xd
rtcw.freeze [Intermission]: :P
rtcw.freeze [Intermission]: thought you wanted to play longer ?
rtcw.suCk [Intermission]: sec
KuT} Vulva de Kaassoufle [Warmup]: :-P
KuT} Vulva de Kaassoufle [Warmup]: ik rook al wat
rtcw.suCk [Warmup]: ga in ieder geval beter
rtcw.suCk [Warmup]: ik nu ook
KuT} Vulva de Kaassoufle [Warmup]: cu@lan
rtcw.freeze [Warmup]: cu
rtcw.freeze [Warmup]: :P
rtcw.suCk [Warmup]: jointje haze :P:P:P:P
KuT} Vulva de Kaassoufle [Countdown]: what team u going with
rtcw.freeze [Countdown]: dno
rtcw.freeze [Countdown]: :P
rtcw.suCk [Countdown]: mine
rtcw.suCk [Countdown]: :-)
rtcw.suCk [Countdown]: :-)
KuT} Vulva de Kaassoufle [Countdown]: join team bomb squad
KuT} Testo [11:22]: ARE AYOU KIDDING ME
KuT} Testo [11:19]: IM GONNA QUIT
KuT} Testo [11:18]: BRB
KuT} Vulva de Kaassoufle [11:15]: Xd
[11:11]: Allies have damaged the East Wall
KuT} Vulva de Kaassoufle [11:03]: Xd
[9:57]: Allies capture the Forward Bunker!
rtcw.suCk [9:07]: :-)
rtcw.suCk [9:07]: :-)
[9:03]: Door Controls have been constructed.
[9:03]: Allies have secured the forward bunker.
[9:01]: The Loading Doors are Opening!
[8:57]: The Allies have stolen a gold crate!
[8:51]: The Loading Doors are Closing!
[8:36]: The Axis have intercepted the stolen gold crate!
[8:26]: The Allies have stolen a gold crate!
[8:09]: The Axis have intercepted the stolen gold crate!
[8:05]: The Allies have stolen a gold crate!
KuT} bltzZ [7:43]: fuck off
[7:35]: The Axis have intercepted the stolen gold crate!
[7:07]: The Allies have stolen a gold crate!
[6:08]: The Loading Doors are Opening!
[6:04]: The Allies have secured a gold crate!
[6:01]: The Allies have stolen a gold crate!
[5:32]: The Axis have intercepted the stolen gold crate!
[5:27]: The Allies have stolen a gold crate!
[5:20]: The Loading Doors are Closing!
[5:07]: The Axis have intercepted the stolen gold crate!
KuT} bltzZ [5:00]: cool map
rtcw.freeze [4:56]: tell me about it
[4:47]: The Allies have stolen a gold crate!
[4:36]: The Loading Doors are Opening!
[4:34]: The Axis have intercepted the stolen gold crate!
[4:28]: The Allies have stolen a gold crate!
[4:24]: The Loading Doors are Closing!
[3:28]: The Axis have intercepted the stolen gold crate!
[3:06]: The Allies have stolen a gold crate!
[2:59]: The Axis have intercepted the stolen gold crate!
KuT} Testo [2:57]: gozer wat is dat voor positie
rtcw.suCk [2:53]: :p
rtcw.suCk [2:48]: je moest eens wete
[2:47]: The Allies have stolen a gold crate!
[2:04]: The Axis have intercepted the stolen gold crate!
[1:47]: The Allies have stolen a gold crate!
[1:31]: The Axis have intercepted the stolen gold crate!
[1:25]: The Allies have stolen a gold crate!
[0:59]: Match is PAUSED! (Allies)
[0:59]: Match resuming in 225 seconds!
[0:59]: Match resuming in 210 seconds!
KuT} Vulva de Kaassoufle [0:59]: 4-2 for u testi g2g
KuT} Vulva de Kaassoufle [0:59]: ridji lagged out
rtcw.jam [0:59]: =O
[0:59]: Match resuming in 195 seconds!
rtcw.jam [0:59]: FINISH
[0:59]: just installed et disconnected
KuT} Vulva de Kaassoufle [0:59]: gg thx
[0:59]: Match resuming in 180 seconds!
rtcw.suCk [0:59]: when I roll they stop
[0:59]: Match resuming in 165 seconds!
rtcw.jam [0:59]: gg
[0:59]: Match resuming in 150 seconds!
[0:59]: KuTszotkiefka connected
[0:59]: Match resuming in 135 seconds!
[0:59]: KuTszotkiefka Server command overflow

These stats are experimental and while we usually get very accurate numbers we can't guarantee they are 100% spot on. You can however view the endroundstats: Those are the endroundstats 1:1 how they were spammed on the server console, they are guaranteed to be correct (unless they're off, which sometimes happens too :p).
Some examples that will definitely break stats:

  • Server crash / restart
  • Players reconnecting with new ids
  • Too many random renames between rounds

Credits to the author of StatWhore of which we borrowed the awards and the general layout of the stats.
Thanks to Hannes who made the software that extracts all the stats from tv demos available to us.