in game vs Undercovers (4335 views)

be duper
fr saNjih
br vAPOR
pl Sebson
pl dropsik
pl KubA

CB 3on3 OC Fall 2012
Third League - Group D
07.10.12 21:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 3on3 OpenCup Fall 2012 » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: sH0ckzs (Requestee)
Maps: Supply
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Total Pot: € 5215
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 10


GL Undercovers
gl ingame guys! :)
GL ingame : D
You have € 333 on UnC
Possible win: € 609.39

dropsik rozjebie, jebany mistrz.
gl shockzs
god that shockz guy is a nerd playing 24/7, get face and muscles nerd :D::D::::XD:XD:d
dude I got face and muscle and you ?? what u got nothing just your pc and yours comments 24/7 on gamestv sup youmad? :D::D::::XD:XD:d
hahaaha :Z:S::ZS:X:D:XD mad nerd on internet 24/7 cant get face and muscles, get skill low nerd. 3rd world playing 24/7 still low :::XD:X:D:XD:X:D:XD:X:D
dude u love me don't you ??
suck my dick ur little prick go lose your virginity
ps: not with your hand
:::XD:X:D:XD:X:D:XD:X:D mad?
sorry dont love mexicans, learn to speak english 3rd world and get face and muscles skinny nerd face me at lan you wont say that to my face nerd :XD:d
stfu dirty potato eater face me at lan ill smash your face in, also get face and muscles.
lol man you are such a tard xD ? send me a pic of yourself pls I bet you are the skinny here otherwise who's the fucking nerd you went to lan TO PLAY A FUCKING GAME YOU SPENT MONEY IN A LAN DUDE U HAVE NO ARGUMENTS TO TALK ABOUT NO ONE REALLY
nerd so mad no face or muscles why the fuck you want pic of me nerd :XD::XDXD im fucking bitches everyday your sitting on your 3rd world computer nerding all day :X::XD so mad cant even speak english :XD:X:D:X:D
gl dropsik mario i stl:) umyc plebs
gl dropsik
Gl mario sebson drops ;d
gl drops. Co Ty robisz w 3rd lidze? ;o
Rozpierdala med plusy.

gl Vapor :-)
Gl sanjih :*
gl hf *D
Red Shirt UnC'dropsik:XD 102 deaths
Are these pliers sharp? UnC'dropsik:XD 9 deaths without fragging

Ale napierdolil