Malibu vs PowerPlant (4190 views)

nl kApot
fr Rapk
lv Kansloos
nl PadDo
nl HNK
be JiMiNi

CB 3on3 Ladder
12.10.12 21:30 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 3on3 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: kAPOTNL (Requestee)
Maps: Supply
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 4272
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 9


nice lives
Malibu fo sho
Fridaynighttt gaymingzzzzz
gl malibutjes
nice lives
nice face gonna smash you at lan
malibu merc
yep kapot take only skilled guy as he's skill lollllll
malibu merc clan* soz
malibu merc clan* soz
malibu merc clan* soz
16:45 <kapot> need 2 players for offi tonight pm malibu)kapot & join
Get friend op sory u need skilled guy for fuck offi good luck kids beetween 21h30 ur not in bed dammm(
nice lives :ss fridaynight :ss:ss:s
Keithh has composed 0 news, 682 comments,

wanneer ben ik registerededed?
Member Since 29th September 2011 : Keithh has composed 0 news, 682 comments,
haha sukkel xd gy van 3january en am 1600 comments
nice leven
alweer geownd harmen
moet ik je eens ownen dikke
zo, jij wil me ownen.... MAG NIET
Member since 3jan. , 1599 comments :XDD
nice leven
nice leve xd
Keithh has composed 0 news, 682 comments,
harmen kun je is 1dag je klep houden hier, elke keer alsk gamestv kom staat er weer een onozele reactie van je bij last comms
rapk get em
GL trampz
GL Rapk!
GL Paddo!
hoe slecht mense kunne zijn jeez
vraag ik me ook wel eens af Xd
Are these pliers sharp?

mAlibu } kAPOT:~>

19 deaths without fragging

oh over wie heb je het nu :O
jezus!!! wat slecht
Well played PP gf paddo u jochem
mouhaha nice game kapot nice dg
what's your correct lineup kapot? you can't just put someone who is on vacation into a lineup on the clanbase site when he doesn't even play you little fucker