onemove vs menTiz (9427 views)

nl hayAa
be isEN-xL
fi olBaa
fi Metsuri
fr Manix
si snail
be Nick
nl Domi
nl Chino
be Flashy
be Fostrum
nl Fritsie
#ET-Cup - 1st Groupmatch
03.12.07 21:15 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: ET-Cup
Manager: Keytaro (Requestee)
Maps: Sw_goldrush_te

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV
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By: mUnduS (ettvd)
de pWend!!! ETTV2
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gb [#Impact.Gaming] TV Server
By: ng (ettvd)

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 86


gl olbaaa and metsuri
gl both
easy for menTiz, gl chino, domi and flashy (ov!e too)
gl ov!e & Efax
eC4 for sure...

gl OV!E
gl hayAa

minä rakastan mets :D
Ik hou van je, ! Ik heb je moeder geneukt ! kanker HOER ! ;>
gl domi m8 :)
no shit ov!e ^^in eC4 huh.... ofc mTz:> HF Domi GL eC4
hf olbaa
Lineup eu Mentiz
be Nick
nl Domi
nl Chino
be Flashy
be Jere
nl Foxy (?)

ec4 will take this normally, individual better
ps : admins don't change my lineup.. :x
no one is individually better than domi!
go mtz go :-)
Manix is just awesome player !
lol @ mtz lineup.

easy training for ec4.

gL eC4!
if only you died with it then

Your mommy is dead. Go play QW.
rofl, owned

Sal bouffon tu fé trop le malin derier ton PC.
ofc kid
tg boloss de merde va sal low suicide toi
Spiral arete de parler tu passe vraiment pour un con...
A dire que ET est mort
ET still alive!!!
Gl manix
isEN-XL noob @french homework <3
ftg Bruce tu l'ouvre tjs pr prouver que t'est tjs aussi plus con.
Ferme la un peu et t'incruster.
T'est sympa quelques fois mais c'est rare, très rare donc arete de faire ta victime.

Puis ET c MORT c tout.
Tu parles quelle langue ?
(Je sens que la réponse va être aussi subtile que tous tes précédents messages)

Franchement ça fait plaisir de trouver un mec à côté de qui Bruce passe pour un intellectuel, tu cartonnes Spiral :)
k, si tu le dis
foO :D
Et où je fais ma victime? Et relis toi avant de poster s'il te plait
<o/ spiral
tu est fort pour insulté
<o/ spiral
tu est fort pour insulté
highskiller tegen ons moet geen prob voor hem zijn hé
gl domi
gl 0v!e
ezbash for Jere if he plays!
gl Domi np4u
gl ec4
go Domizor
gl metsuri & olbaaaa
nice match GL olbaa
my money on you Domi hackert gl :)
All my money to Domi, Im his biggest fanboy, i even have hes head on my shirt :DDDDDDDD
FOSTRUM is a busted cheater, too bad you wen't the bad way mate :( you were a cool guy but cheating ain't good :o
why you didnt say a word when you were playing with him in the same team, mate?
because he wasn't busted at that time... he was a very good aimer but he never looked suspicious.. humanised aim maybe? maybe he only used nexus, dunno but cheats = cheats
mentiz has like 3-4 busted cheaters, so yea, ezbash
all unbanned or never banned

but now no one cheats anymore, I'm sure of that.
Is domi a cheater , isnt he?
he has some strange mineworkers in his cfg, bust him nOW!
he has some strange mineworkers in his cfg, bust him nOW!
well if u say so :D
he has some strange mineworkers in his cfg, bust him nOW!
same as your strange english :}.
gl vanquish

looking forward to see how fostrum can hide his aimbot/wh
de onemove:

nl hayAa
be isEN-xL
fi olBaa
fi Metsuri
fr Manix
si snail
go onemove and gL olBaadinho ;>
gl :)

<3 manix
GL both

<3 manix my 1st "friend" @ ET x)
<3 menTiz. FTW guys and have fun :P
clanhopper oBlaaaolbaaa! hMg -> nD -> hMg v2 -> eC4 -> onemove

and everytime line-up changed. kinda wierd that olBaa stayed in hMg v1 so long.
You don't know what you are talking about... = stfu.
SHield, eC4 on onemove :D:D:D mutta kun oltii jo eC4 niin kikattiin pari tyyppiä jo ennen siirtymistä onemove! hyvä kun olet ajan tasalla :)

EDiT: ja mentiin onemove koska ne sentään sponssii kaikki perus tarpeet kun eC4 taas ei mitn :)
ja en ollu nD kuhan vaan bäckup jtn sitä ei voisi kutsua "tiimiksi"
nii eli line muuttu. :DD kumma juttu ku nD:n topikis ja jokapuolel oli "WELCOME OLBAA" yms. :D ja miks sul oli niitten irc-tagi jos kerta olit vaa "bäkup" :DDDD pls.

hyväksy et oot hopperi.
En ole hopperi ja alun perin oli tarkotus pelaa vaan tuo oc loppuun ja laitoin irc tagin koska ne vines siitä ? :D :D :D :D sä olet ajan tasalla !
hahah varmaan ykskää tiimi vinee jostai vitun irc-tagista jos oot vaa määräajan siin tiimissä?! :D:D:D:D:D:D ei huhhuh. :D:D hopperi mikä hopperi, oot aina ollu ja tuut aina olemaan, et ehkä ite tajua sitä. <:
ole hiljaa jos et asiasta mitn tiedä.
bash domi bash domi! hahahah j/k
GL both, nice teams
This could get exciting :P
why am i on the onemove homepage?

remove me ty
ez for kapoks Domi !
gl onemove
since everyone loves domi i'll do the same

gl domi!
Easy for chiits, gl mentiz though!
We don't play.
Mentiz is inactive atm.
what??? hehe better play then a noshow...come on..flashy
we killed you? :(
you didn't,crossfire admins did
What happened?
vanquish isn't allowed to play on cdc4 and qcup
we trained a lot with this lineup and now we hear he isn't allowed to play... it looks like we trained for nothing
Well, if its only 1 person, its replaceable right?
Gl barney the pown
I'm not playing this match ;( But thx anyway :p
gl maus ;)
I don't get it... why they allow Forstrum to play?
show me the cb/esl ban...

his 100 red warnings on yawn is enough I think?
Gl Olba, Metsuri & Domi :)
gl hayA and manix :)
snail = gay <3
pa ti si en gnoj belko xDDDDD
izi onemove
gl lolbaaa . metsuri !:D
Your bet: 10000€ on onemove
Possible Win: 12,800.00 € (+2,800.00 €)
why is some1 with red yawnz allowed to play?? 1
can you find him on banned from ET-cup or CB bans?
Check some more yawns from both teams, more nice triangles. In fact, half the ET scene has nice triangles!
ok.. olbaa told me we could use a merc wich i didnt knew.. so were in again :/
i can paly!
you should have said earlier
flashy is unmotivated because vanq cant play and vanq cant play either so that's 2 men who cant play :'<
seriously.. just get 2 randoms, you got 4 randoms now.. so theres no difference
ah yes mr.famous (who the fuck are you?)
You just made my point=]
lol, dont cancel, we are playing xD (im serious)
gl olBaa
onemove 2 - 2 mTz
wtf my money ? manix et boumbo vous avez interet a gg j'ai parier 70€ sur vous :@
i hope mTz won
me 2 onemove 1.17 vs 6.73 menTiz Total pot: 86856 €
Your bet: 250€ on mTz Possible Win: 1,682.50 € (+1,432.50 €)

Your bet: 5€ on mTz Possible Win: 33.65 € (+28.65 €)
illumise Monday, 3rd December 2007 21:46
jizu Monday, 3rd December 2007 21:46

second decider: supply
Match of the week ^^ 3-3

Next map : SD
One move finish the map : 9:03

Mentiz dont finish : 3-5 for OneMove
go mTz <3
Or mentiz is strong or onemove sucks !
the last one :)
we sucked
I almost lost money dont do it again pls !
or we both sucked ?
5-3 onemove np
to bad :< wp anyway mentiz! <3
(just turned on zeh pc to see scores! :D)
funny stuff
one of the nicest matches I ever played

gg wp all
lol really nice multikills from mTz ! :DD nades ftw
true :D
was really well played, i got pissed for the game already when you choosed battery ! but the def parts pwns ! enjoyed the game overall
yeah, defending on battery > all and i also really enjoyed the beatiful game (certainly on braundorf :D)
agree! i enjoyed this match too! :D indeed Battery was a nice map to play.. finally something new !
true !
blizzard removed his comment immediately! gg, nab :D
wp my team :)
onemove ftw !
how long (time) did the game took?
1h45 or something
I was falling asleep after the third map!
i almost fell asleep on the first map! :D
nice score :o
HAYA waarom maak je het nou weer zo lang, en waarom own je niet? :<
deed ik express! dan beleeft ET nog wat!
nice game
lolller game :P was fun to watch
exciting match, really great

much better then mpg vs. impact ;)

wp both