Cortana vs Friendly Fire (4987 views)

#ET-Cup - 1st Groupmatch
28.11.07 21:00 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: ET-Cup
Manager: rimi (Requestee)
Maps: Braundorf_b4

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV
de #andyF1 ettv Server 3
By: andyF1 (ettvd)
de pWend!!! ETTV2
By: mUnduS (ettvd)

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 25


hf cortana
lol, equal match, gratz for the man who requested ettv

gl FFire
requested by hr rimi ;)
attention whore !
great idea rimi

it's ridiculous ... high vs low+/med- on ettv, gonna be awesome match to watch
tbh i only did it because i don't know any of the players and don't want to get owned by random cheaters, not saying that fif cheat, but u never know these days
tbh we arent random cheaters you fucktard playor :]
they aren't random they re known in polish scene
yes good point we are very strong xD ^^
i meant known cheaters
thx :* we need luck to beat cor
GL rrunner:*
jurgen > rrunner imho!
jurgen is hell strong evil
runner > pobierze all : D
no chance for FriendlyFire
mimo to good luck

Gonna be a nice match !
rimi, are you going to request ettv for all three matches against low+ in your group? you know, everybody may be random poltard cheater nowadays! =)
after kenta i would do the same :p
I'm quite sure kenta wouldnt be busted if there wasn't ETTV, would he?
well you can always ask for demos but yea playing on ettv fucked up his 'carrier' :)
request ettv versus us too please :)
izi 4 FFire Cortana low - they dont hv chance icek > allllllllllll :*:*:*:*:*:*:*:** <3 obstawiam na was picze !
"Cortana low-" LOL (buahahaha....) gl&hf
GL FFire, gl jurgen ;]
Gl FFire & Pomi :D
GL friendly fire. good to see some lower teams on ETTV.
g0g0g0 jurgiej... God bless them all ;P
kali ty zamknij pysk bo twojego skila nawet okreslic nie mozna pozdro&pocwicz :*:*:* gl FFire
nie wiem co tu ma do rzeczy moj skill, ale widac twoja zalowa znajmosc sceny... pozdro
xDDDDDDDDDDD moja zalowa znajomosc sceny prosze cie xD lool jestes poryty omg logiczne ze wiem ze Cortana jest kurwa high i to chyba kazdy pojeb wie wiec prosze najpier pomysl potem pisz pls getmusk
Grucha, english pls english :<
SAJLENT!!!!!!!! Aj Killllllllllllllllllllll jU!
sory :(:( but i hv ADHD !!!!

powiem tak, rrunner rozpierdoli all ze glowa mala. !:D rrunner nie zapomnij pozdrowic osobnika z Suwalk :XD