w0bble vs ETL-gaming (3891 views)

fi H3ba
fi Hemuu
fi Hukk
fi jezix
fi Teemu
fi Pullapoika
fr maxuh
fr momo
hr Zheljac
fr BOuki
es Wezor
fr Golden

CB 6on6 OC Fall 2012
Fourth League - Group D
22.10.12 20:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 6on6 OpenCup Fall 2012 » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: GoldoraK (Highadmin)
Maps: Frostbite
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 9060
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 15


On talking actually to play it monday 22 same time
We can play on Monday at the same time (20:00 CET = 21:00 EET). Check CB inbox.
gl cojine, bouki et wezor :)
izi cojine et bouki
Gl COJiiNE, momo et BOuki
thx <3
hf les 7co :D
Nice 4th league CB faggotry strikes again
gl cojiine hf hukk bro its your time to shine
prac had go pro, np for us.
:d woa !!
easy for hukk, EC skill
ofc it's 4th league skill gg cb
gl Hukk and friends
thanks friend, pipp play too
gl pipp gl my wobblers :DDDDDDD
pipp will probably play and win
gl hukk!
voittakaa nyt sitte kans on meinaa isot rahat pelis
Ei olla harkattu, en pistäis tonneja peliin
gogo Bouki
Goodluck ETL
Lineup change:
- pipp fi
+ Teemu fi
ENFIN UNE team casi fr qui ressemble à une team ^^
fifAplayer + Boukii Good luck :3
gl les filles :D
gl Zheljac!
go zheljac :D
gl w0bblers
O ui
gl ETL
gl maxuh tu en aura besoin
hf ETL
gg clownbase
wtf happend:d
we just win
Thanks to you and your awesome skills!

Did you get it?
i dont have any skills im just a medic reviver
rtcw momo? :o