One Pound Fish £1 <*)))>< vs rockit.ET (8736 views)

be chry
gb crumbs
gb R0SS
gb razz
gb sqZz
nl xPERiA
nl abort
lv Clown
ee frEeze
gb koop
ee Night
fi Salaneuvos

AdroitsTV (Stream)

Upper Bracket Final
21.10.12 13:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: Adroits LAN
Hosting: Adroits
Manager: MerlinatoR (Requestee)
Maps: Not announced
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 94916
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 207


GL all
One Pound Rifle, Cheap Rifle blablabla
at least 1£chicken had a good night sleep while rockit had to play at 3:30 ...
Is that the final match?
Its Upper Bracket final
Bracket made by NLNico
no ettv?
Probably after Decerto vs Lost finish. So expect around 11.45 / 12.00. But there will be ETTV :)
go rockit
You have € 100 on ROCKIT
Possible win: € 441
You have € 3352 on eu £1
Possible win: € 4592.24
another delay coming
Decerto vs Lost 2-2

another delay coming

sux lan
my money on you again bobby razz
bad game :(( for me :D
cu at 18cet :)
final at 3am.. np
this wouldnt suprise me since the last day =D
No mAus No Win
stream only showing ql???

Yeh, this one is showing ET: but there is no one who controls it, so not sure if this match will be on there properly.

edit: they just went offline :p but maybe online when this match starts
All in on freeze xo
dat match, gl Night !
Not another delay :(
Fucking delays..
You have € 50 on ROCKIT
Possible win: € 149
koop i trust on u!
another 3 hour delay hopefully
me and gav woulda got tank in a minute max

just sayin'
No mAus is shit LAN XD
idd :p dunno where he went. eventhough we still have some great players out there... just not the ones i want to spec :p
he got life
he was playing ET for like 8 years.. need to take breaks from time to time. :D
why the fuck is the stream frozen FUCK
amando best rifle at lan :o)
Sally new Lepari :D
You have € 74 on de ROCKIT
You won € 202.02

nice game!
You have € 628 on de ROCKIT
You won € 1714.44
You have € 20 on ROCKIT
You won € 54.6
Always look at night's lans
You have € 6500 on ROCKIT
You won € 17745
You have € 20000 on £1
You lost
bad days for sqzz :((
razz go get some bubble gum :D
nice game guys! :), gl in the finals!
cheers, definitely best game so far.

vittu ko väsyttää saatana pelattiin johoki aamuviiteen asti eilen D:
:D normi, pläräsin noi teijän pelit läpi ja näytti et 4:30 ois alkanu :D, iha kiva varmaa nousta 11 ylös ja sit 12 uudet pelit. mites toi ryyppämisen laita? :D
joo ei eile oikee pystyny mut to ja pe oli iha railakkaa menoa

noh parempi meil ku decertol jotka lopetti siin viiden aikaa ja ekat pelit alko kymmenelt :D
no kamz no win !!!!
I dont get the hype about this guy
well done rockit! gogo sally :)
spekin sit finaali! ei oo kerenny muita kattoo, skarppaa ja rollaa h0m0!

edit: tiedät kyllä miten voittorahat jakaantuu jos viette.... kröhöm ;)
örrör ei pystyny millää murtaa tota tankkii D:

katotaan miten käy tokas pelis