Team Decerto vs One Pound Fish £1 <*)))>< (7065 views)

fr An7ho
fr kARnAJ
nl L4mpje
nl saKen
be chry
gb crumbs
gb R0SS
gb razz
gb sqZz
nl xPERiA

AdroitsTV (Stream)

Lower Bracket Final
21.10.12 14:45 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: Adroits LAN
Hosting: Adroits
Manager: msh100 (Highadmin)
Maps: Not announced
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 49205
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 204


GL to both teams!
gl mes poulettes
gl an7ho/karnaj, time to deliver :)
gl frenchies
go jalla, stownie and lampje! :)
gl ;D
The stream is only with quake live coverage. Nothing related with ET
We don't play with chance ! :D
gl lampje and onepound <3! gonna watch this one if it won't get delayed too much!
gl jewe's hat
haha :D, I wish I had given salaneuvos a hat for this lan event! It would've brought massive awesomeness to his team.
haha nice guy jewe
Adroits ET Delay Masters
lol lamp noob
something's fucked up sqzz's comp, can't get him on 75hz.

the game will start asap
good news so im not too late :D
nice game, wp £1
You have € 13000 on eu £1
You won € 15730