w0bble vs Prove it. (4859 views)

fi H3ba
fi Hemuu
fi Hukk
fi jezix
fi Teemu
fi Pullapoika
pl ProSkill
pl Qcyk
pl Zyla
pl LewyBoy
pl Marvolo
pl NoobyGirl

CB 6on6 OC Fall 2012
Fourth League - Group D
28.10.12 21:00 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 6on6 OpenCup Fall 2012 » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: Hukk (Requestee)
Maps: Supply
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 4979
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 4


Fin vs Pol aka Unhits vs Unhits.
Expecting under 30 acc for everyone.
GL noobygirl
Gl NoobyGirl wont be an easy task against my old soldier fiHukk real farmer feeding his sheeps while playing computer game.

Retired Colonel LeFrancis from #follow.et computer electronic army
haha ye thanks matte :D ye i know it will be hard :D
Sheeps are fed and ponies are brushed, ready to play some video games.
gl nooby
gl prove it!
gl noobygirl
merci beaucoup ami :) p.s i bet on u in match wtf happened :D
enemy took wildcard :(
Stop draguer :D ! HF noobygirl
i wanna be rich provok next time u have to win so no wildcard for opo !:D pupa <3
Noobygirl will roll :D <3
stop draguer toi aussi
Il veut lui montrer sa clé usb et qui sait peut-être qu'elle aura un port 3.0 adapté.
LeFrancis - Cyber-poète érotique
gl Hukk mate :)
thanks friend, you ate frogs and turned into french?
gl mrvl, nobigerl
gl mrvl
gl prove!t
gl Ala!
GL Prove it.
dropsik gdzies ty przepadl :)
wbij na irca ;pp
bah teraz weszlam :p lipa , jak cos ts znasz:P
Powodzenia marvolo i Ala ;)
a reszcie to co nie dasz gl!? :D dziekowac
im nie jest potrzebne ;'D
GL noobygirl moja droga :DDDDDD & HUKK the fucking colonel<3 aie aie and marvolo moj drogi!

Powodzenia Prove it. ! do boju :)
gl prove it
Sebsiu :)
masz zbic tych fintardow :)
nie podlizuj sie prawiczku :D
no postaram sie :D haha drops xD
gl hukk and boiz and prove it!
will be hard nice and good opo team :)
thanks, will use some cool tactics
GL kuc!!!
GL kuc!!!! powodzenia w grze.
gl zyla , gl kucyk jak juz tak potrzebujecie tyz :D
gl marv nakurwiaj
gl NoobyGirl :*
gllllll noooooooooooooooby!
ipoddddd my best matte <33
gtfo fucking homo
i was gonna tell you something, but now go fuck yourself
youre my matte too? or no??
GL pipp,hukk wobble :)
gl Proveit
Gl NoobyGirl :)
gl w0bblers
GL pipp,hukk wobble <3
thanks nix, you still playing ET?
gl w0bble!
ty pannari, Teemu syö sua usein <3
POWODZENIA pl Prove it.

gl Prove it.

do boju bepowski daj z siebie wszystko i poprowadz druzyne do wygranej
You have € 600 on pl prove!t
You won € 1218
thanks for game , rly nice opo team :) like it! :)
Thanks for games you too, better team won! gl in playoffs
Brawo proveit ;)
You have € 230 on pl prove!t
You won € 466.9
A nice game indeed, too bad we failed totally in supply and had really bad luck in adler :/
gl in playoffs tho!
w0bble why u lose!???
Hukk fucking beast you're making me proud.