Desi Bros vs team.ingame (3527 views)

ca SaNdHu
ca SingH
ca SidHu
be dupeR
br vAPOR
br youseF
cl hanS

CB 3on3 Ladder
27.10.12 03:00 CEST
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 3on3 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: SingH (Requestee)
Maps: Supply
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Total Pot: € 6604
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 10


nerds playing on friday night :XD:X:D:X:D:X:D:X::D:XD::X:D:XD get face + muscles
if u say so
shaun u get face + muscles :XD:X:D:X:D why dont u play anymore fag
working too much + getting more face and muscles
shaun's work involves saying bs on gamestv to people who wanna play a game. awesome jubbb majn
mad nerd? nice life friday night get face and muscles
GL Desi Bros
might be avi, if my sickness go away by night :D
uhh singh, why do you keep requesting matches with shocksz? they lost so many matches against us we barely even get any points against them on cb LOL
because i can nerd gtv at 3am :P
acting like u guys were any good :D ? we only play with random mercs against u guys otherwise would be 4-0 always us
we told u to play with mercs?
its cuz we always playing late euros would be never be awake so always mercs :D not mad on you tho just on rana this fucking dumbass :D
yousef get on xfire
I would play but chiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiill is Friday lol
You have € 11 on br ingame
You won € 22.44

You have € 41 on ingame
You won € 83.64
You have € 358 on ingame
You won € 730.32
You have € 2 on ingame
You won 5.46

ffs singh
Finally shockz, gratz matey.