ETL-gaming vs Prove it. (4614 views)

fr maxuh
fr momo
fr KarodloG
fr BOuki
es Wezor
pl ProSkill
pl Qcyk
pl Zyla
pl LewyBoy
pl Marvolo
pl NoobyGirl

CB 6on6 OC Fall 2012
Fourth League - Group D
29.10.12 21:30 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 6on6 OpenCup Fall 2012 » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: GoldoraK (Highadmin)
Maps: Sw_goldrush_te
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 36756
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 17


gl WeZoR and Nooby !
You have € 230 on pl prove!t
Possible win: € 471.5

zainwestowalem w Cb Ala
no nie wiem , ja bym nie ryzykowala ah te gbooki :D
gl proveit, maxuh ;))
gl Ala podczas walki z goldorakiem <3
a no .. :D zreszta co ja bede pisala.. ty wiesz co czuje:D haha
gl proveit, gl Ala <3
ale wiesz jak sie nie uda , to jest na Ciebie :D
gl to the polish team
Sprawiedliwosci musi sie stac zadosc. Muscie dzis wygrac :P
Powodzenia Prove it. Powodzenia Mala :P
no no :P ale dziekowac Kochanie :*
GL proveit!
wtf happened to ETL
gl to goldy
yeah who cares ^^ we play for fun, no ts, no tax just to finish the OC and done :p
yep 4fun ~ Screenshot faker :D only for fun :)
gl [mvp] flodinho :)
Winner will take the 1st place in group D
hoho :D szalenstwo :D ale mysle, ze juz dawno rozgrywa sie to wszystko o cos innego :PP
gl noobygirl, mrvl
gl prove!t
moze byc ciezko ale gl ;p
mycie czytaj obrona Czestochowy :P
kill em noooby!!!!!
nice to see you still have electricity
it didnt hit hard yet
still waiting :)
gl prove it
izi boukii
MARVOLO :D hf Prove it
t'entraines les petits écoliers maxuh?
petits écoliers de LU mmmh kartez
NoobyGirl got this !
gl marvolo!
You have € 295 on eu ETL
You won € 306.8
lesson nr 1334343 engy u do it wrong - i cant build barrier by using med packs :D sorry for those who lost their thx for b-up :)
You have € 19439 on ETL
You won € 20216.56
