tehbirdz vs ubik (5419 views)

us Caffeine
us Fuzz
us gut
us LoX
us sonicreducer
us Lt.goose
ca animal
tc frozz
au biggz
au remedy
nz bloxzin
au bishy

Showmatch RtCW Fall Cup 2012
11.11.12 03:00 CET
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Game: rtcw Return To Castle Wolfenstein
League: RtCW Fall Cup 2012
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: biggz (Requestee)
Maps: Not announced

Total Pot: € 6449
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Return To Castle Wolfenstein TV
de Burner TV
By: pwned.nl (none)

Total Slots: 150
Viewer Peak: 5


what flag does frozz have? it looks like WA.

Turks and Caicos Islands
3 Stars!
line-ups still tbc
That time :S ... impossible to watch for me.. need to get up @7 to work :D

GL both teams , nice match! :)
Working on a Sunday? Poor bastard :/
Working as cook , poor life :(
Still, better than watching a game at this time!
Good luck NA team yu got this shit !
Why 3 stars?
Good luck biggz
gl animal and biggz <3
<3 forever alone in #aus.et without you :p
really anim wow.
gonna watch :D
might watch this.
Sunday - 11 November en mijn slaapritme is tegenwoordig 6 uur smorgens tot ik wakker word :D
nice life
gl frozz biggz and co
anim gonna destroyyyy
teh birdz huh
good luck ubik just chop the wings off and u're guaranteed a win
is the time wrong? and will there be stream?
You have € 50 on tehbirdz
You won € 263

expected from teh birdz
You have € 367 on us tehbirdz
You won € 1930.42

izi money