Malibu vs x7-Enzo (2878 views)

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CB 3on3 Ladder
23.11.12 22:30 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 3on3 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: kAPOTNL (Requestee)
Maps: Supply
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Total Pot: € 304
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Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 12


gl x7 ;d
The bets are closed. DAFUQ
honestly, why do I see so many matches on gtv that kapot plays in? not like anyone would care for such a low wnb
seems you do since you have to post some crap? Why do you even bother who is playing? Till its active should be fine.
finally agreeing with you
The same counts for you as well, you're one hell of a massive nerd noob fuck and so are your eXe idiotbuttbuddys
nice insults about which i dont care btw, but since when do u count urself as high?
I actually consider myself as stable med who can handle med+ opponents without being a bottleneck and comparing my activity/skill ratio to your nolifing activity/skill ratio I'd not even dare opening my mouth and ask retarded questions if I were you
So your not on the *top* of et players with ur skill, so ur the one who should shut up then. Med got right to speak ahhaa nice story bro tell it again.
Flaming some lows here because they are low is a really nice thing from you and then your talking. Besides those lows are at least trying to make it more active, while you are posting some retarded crap all over the web, with even more pointless responses.
Besides that was not even retarded question, since it was related to your first stupid post, so it might be just a stupid question?
Just i cant imagine how some1 can be soo retarded, rly ;x
Should I feel offended by some kid on the internet who thinks he's the king of? I don't think so. grow up and get real. you sound stupid and dramatically serious over a game

and exe aren't my friends.
I didn't mean you by his eXe buddies
really, ur the biggest active cunt in ET. should care less, or play less, or just stfu, i should chose option 3 faggot
And what is your fucking point? Are you really blaming someone for being too active?
No, for wasting resources others are paying for
It's an offi, where is he breaking the rules? What do you think GamesTV is there for?
The thing is, kapot plays more offis than irc wars and actually consideres himself as good due to that... I'd not complain at all if he played an offi on gtv every now and then, but instead of that, he plays a few matches on gtv every day and usually uses the few not lagging servers which other decent teams/players would love to use...
And why the fuck do you even care? Have you ever donated a single cent for gtv?
eerste keer dat ik met jou mening meega mijn grote vriend
Eerste keer maar? Dan refresh je CF en GTV niet genoeg :Ss
I know the true intention the founders of GTV had in mind when they launched it and it's deffinitely not that players shall abuse it for growing their ego and no, I never donated to directly, but I was running ETTVs and very stable and not lagging ETTV-able matchservers which were listed in GTV for users to play on, togheter with mates, I donated to TZ-AC, GGC stream and a few other projects which's main purpose was to make the games funnier and fairer so in my opinion that gives me a reason to fucking care!
2012, get a grip
So I told you why I would care and all of a sudden you just come up with a year number? You should get a grip if you think everyone should be able to do what he wants
you're also wasting ressources
so which resources am I wasting? your low brain capacity?
i kinda cba to continue this boring game with you, every single time you're saying something, you're : insulting someone, writing a " /!\ " or flaming. You never come with decent arguments and you think you're perfect

off to sleep xx
You're acting as if you would come up with decent arguments, but honestly... you're not that much different than I am. You often flame in short sentences and from time to time you come up with arguments as well, but ... there is a big difference though, I have never claimed that 90% of all players are retards unlike you did and I have never seriously insulted anyone, without that that person personally gave me a reason for it. And by personally giving me a reason to I don't mean the players who are part of your "90% percent" you consider as retards without knowing the majority them well, by that I mean people who insulted me multiple times before, and trust me, I actually ignore a lot of that and it takes some time to actually provoke me. I am not perfect in any way and I'll never be, I'm just a human as well just like everyone here is.
Webspace, with your useless comments. (just going by your logic)
So if that' was my logic, why wouldn't I cry about every 5 bits you add to the website by your replys?
There are plenty of resources to go around... especially at this time on a Friday. A reasonable argument if it was 6 years ago on a Sunday when the majority of the matches take place. Being used or not the resources are still being paid for, why not get some use out of them? Don't see the harm, if you don't like then do not click! :)
I'm not talking about specific days, I'm talking about it in general. I'll give you an example which clearly shows it: A sunday with a full schedule -> 30 matches, 10 of them to be rated as med+/high games and 10-15 of them to be rated as med games, so deffinitely a couple of matches that attract the player's attention and then right in the middle of that: kapot and his straw hat gang playing three to five 3on3 matches on the "Ghulnah - Matchserver" or whatever actually one of the currently best servers is
lOl, you are just retarded, deal with it. inb4 epic mad reply to me.
Well that is what the match rating system is for, not only does it highlight the "med+/high" games, but it also restricts match servers to matches which have a certain amount of stars, so no game people actually want to watch will not be broadcasted simply because somebody likes playing lots and lots of 3on3s
the current rating system is not based on the skilllevel or averrage viewer peak, it's based on page views
Well, I am wrong then, I actually asked a gtv admin a while ago about it and he told me that it would be based on match page views
Read the F.A.Q. before coming to retarded conclusions lol
gl kapot ;D
3:1 for x7 gg
Are these pliers sharp? x7 LoGii M 19 deaths without fragging
Galiatjios nice life
Hoe de fuck kan je van hun verliezen XD