Cave vs kreaturen (8020 views)

hu isl4m
hu c[s
hu d0dy
hu Ocelot
be homie
de cliffdark
nl Azz0r
nl BuLL
lv Clown
nl M1lk
ee Nait
nl xPERiA
RtCW Fall Cup 2012

Group D: Matchweek 2
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Game: rtcw Return To Castle Wolfenstein
League: RtCW Fall Cup 2012
Hosting: Self Organised
Manager: homie1337 (Highadmin)
Maps: Village

Total Pot: € 22170
The bets are closed.

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Video Streams
WarWitchTV HD
By: homie1337
View on GamesTV (external)
Language: English

Viewer Peak: 155


My money is very slightly on Cave, but this could go either way.
is Night playing? need to know before beting :)
Gl homie, CliffDark, BuLL, dAv1d and xPERiA :)

Game will be a draw
Will own i hope it will be broadcasted that wud be awesome !!
iiziziz xperia
Gonna be close!
ideje lenne nyerni isl4m :))
ez csak a második war :)
ha emberhiany van en jovok.
csak beach, ice, base játszik mondjuk :p

amugy gl, multkor azt hittem olbat szandekosan hagytatok ki de most lattam milyen kocsog volt :p
jahh.Azt mondta hogy az etés pajtásokkal szeretné nyomni. első war előtt 2 nappal. :D
Viszont ha fogadni akarsz tedd meg az uccsó napon mert sztem kb. négy null ra nyerünk ezek ellen. ;o
illetve lesz megint Stream.

I see what you did there :)
hf guys :D should be GG
You have € 100 on hu cave
Possible win: € 294
You have € 141 on hu cave
Possible win: € 262.26
eeNight is playing
Trolled :D
jo volt :p xd
wait what?
You have € 2500 on cave
You won € 5100

Well played Cave!
totally underserved win. Wp tho
wtf xD
Kreaturen was unlucky not to win 2-0 on village (luck docs return).. And Cave only deserved 1 point on beach..

So yes it was undeserved.
we both got fullholded at village the first stopwatch so that wasn't luck at all
and the "lucky" doc return was at the second stopwatch and after all it didn't matter cause we didn't beat that 7min time anyways

and how did we only deserve 1 point on beach?
the kreaturen lineup would make a nice ET team
the bull just got milked
the bull just got milked in the night by a clown?
the bull just got milked in the night by a clown and his homie who were on a cliff praying to the islam
the bull just got milked in the night by a clown and his homie who were on a cliff praying to the islam with a sony xperia
ooit iemand van de islam met een sony xperia gezien?!?!?!?!?!??!?!
gj cliff and homie :D