Team WE vs FnaticRaidCall (3603 views)

cn Weixiao
cn Misaya
cn Caemei
cn ClearLove
cn Fzzf
fi Cyanide
de nRated
se Rekkles
fr sOAZ
es xPeke


IPL5 Grand Finals
Winner takes home $50,000


gogo fnatic!
lets see if that soaz guy can represent french computerists
lmao le Francis he isnt french...just his flag...he is dutch
1/ nice reply
2/ he is
3/ no 3rd but fuck u man
lol man chillax a bit plz
lets have a cup of tea
naaa fuck dat shit let have a beer
what does queen elisabeth think about it?
you make jokes as if he's english d:
isnt he? that would hurt me deeply inside my heart
some 40 year old scottish guy
how conceited to think that only the english drink tea........and what part of post upset you kid?
you seem a little confused, old man :s
who won 1st game?
fnatic takin second imo
soaz 5-0-6 fuckin OP
ye just speeced the 2nd round
1-1 fnatic rollin
inb4 lee sin banned :XD
too bad :((((
whats score?
2-1 we

fnatic kinda throw the 3rd game imho.
3-1 for WE.
WE too stronk
that soaz guy was quite idiot on the 3rd game,too bad fnatic
jup agree but 2nd game he was awesome :P the reason why they won :D
Franc!s Monday, 3rd December 2012 00:44
lets have a cup of tea

Artstar Monday, 3rd December 2012 01:30
you make jokes as if he's english d:

try and spot the link between Francis comment about TEA and your comment about being sorry wait that's asking to much from you and im glad to see that your problem with age still get you so upset as to delete links :-)
I'm glad to see as time goes by you're still too old to remember to hit the reply button from time to time.
omfg there is a reply button? thanks for telling me know my life is complete :-=)
if your life were complete you wouldn't be a 40 year old addicted to the internet
man now your a specialist on addictions.....for some one who knows all about me so keep getting the basic shit wrong.....i am not 40 and as stimulating as a conversation on gamestv is with you.....i will say goodnight and bb