Doc vs FOREVER (5705 views)

de Mabuse
de DaNe
de Ers
fr cRACKji
fr Neiluj
fr Francis

CB 3on3 Ladder
07.12.12 22:00 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 3on3 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: Ers (Requestee)
Maps: Sw_goldrush_te
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Total Pot: € 10433
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Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 10


GL Jungs
izi neiluj & crack
lol nerds playing on friday night
wtf nerd commenting @ 16:01 on 4th December :o
gl Doc

hf erS
gl le Francis nub
Good luck francis
Francis low-
thx for your support friends but its an autofill imho
as y'all know me pussies wont get fucked on their own friday
That dane Guy, and that Ers guy...:GOOD LUCK! <3
izi le francis en face c'est du skill troll
Salut LaBurne,
J'ai du faire face à des armées électroniques plus difficiles durant ma carrière. Même à la retraite ça devrait passer.
Merci du soutien,
Colonel à la retraite LeFrancis - Professional Hardcore Addicted Gayming Leader of eSport Club since 2008 - Best driver, also known as Usain Bolt - Shoutcaster of Enemy Territory in 2009-2010-2011. 8th CF journal poster of the year
si un de ces 4 ta un job pour moi fais moi signe :;D
C'est ta grand mere le troll
imagine je braque ton père dans la nuit ?
IzI FOREVER Neiluj trolling this kankers :D all in FOREVER
gege :D
gl trollmaster francis hope your horse will be amazing and force be with you
I had to shave my moustache during my retirement because bitchez are hatin about that fuckin sluts... Anyways, a fresh one is growing now. I hope I'll have enough power inside.
Thanks for your support vole cikani.
kill em francis
kill em all
not into killing brother yourself u know the shit
i repair everything like kurwa mac gyver
Indeed, cp will built, trucks escorted and tanks repaired
peace out
gl cRACKji
Nice lives
cklub opening at 23cet, wont miss so much (:
gl lowbub<3
haha base thx lowbub <3
Gl DaNe & Mabuse !!

gg ers playing an et is dead

jolie vie Francis
ouai dsl jsuis parti au nighcklub aussitot jai pas pu te répondre avant
Der Slowake regelt <3 :D
ressort de ta retraite francis :'(
jconnais un mec qui s'est fait de la thune électronique eheheheheheheh
easy for Joka <3