eXecutors vs echoes (3259 views)

nl timbolina
nl kARMA
si m1Tja
de hunta
ch Aquila
pl gnajda

CB 3on3 Ladder
05.12.12 18:45 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 3on3 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: mitja (Requestee)
Maps: Sw_goldrush_te
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Total Pot: € 7206
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Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 19


die shit hangen we gewoon even op bedoel je ?
ik heb nooit verdere bedoelingen met mijn filosofische plaatjes
dat is 't verschil tussen ons
kat kan de was doen
mitja gay got hes raper timbolina whit him np
dat is 't verschil
csgo spectator
NOT anymore rolled yesterday whit kwiz and tohaj to so np
ET spectater and CSGO AND REST ! once low allways low
gg , tohaj carried u he told me
tohaj so fucking obvious cheats on cs:go.. like way too obvious.. gg..
<18:30 tohaj> no yesterday we were a 2 men team, m1tja just mad cause low
fake logs , gg, tohaj working atm..u mad?
thats what u say
<18:34 tohaj> im working atm couldnt reply to dooppi...

XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD hahahha! told u , he cant
<20:36 tohaj> mitja is a stupid faggot
<22:21 m1tja> i only like playing with tohaj because of his hacks so we can win
yolo timbo
echoes aka netcoders 2006 xD
lol karma bro :D

gl echoes
gl mariuuuuuuuuusz
is that the real yolo timbolina
no promen no win I see
stop stalking fanboy gg thx
it was a gg, why mad
never mad gg

i just see you posting everywhere, you have arguments with everyone

socially awkward? gg
I'm not starting any argument, you replied to me. gg and wp
gg wp, dunno why youre hating on me tho gg thx
lol what's your problem? the match was good and funny. good game and well played, now stop replying to me, seems like you like to start the arguments :p I only stated what was true. promen is a good player. no promen no win, get over it.
promen has got nothing to do with it, m1tja asked me to merc for his team, that's it lol

never mad, just disappointed
promen is shit bro :)
They mad about whoa mad lol
I dont think so but that's just my opinion, I wouldn't say he's shit cuz its fact he can handle med skill quite decently
i destroyed him while playing on wireless
yolo timbo..
gg, couldnt carry t1mbol1na