Partyhats vs a2b (2584 views)

de shNz
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CB 3on3 Ladder
05.12.12 21:30 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 3on3 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: shNz (Requestee)
Maps: Sp_delivery_te
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Total Pot: € 426
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Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 7


Excite future EC player
you got high hopes for expecting a new EC
sorry for beating your ass in an offi where you were getting carried like hell :/
Proof or it didn't happen, last time I owned you that hard you were kicking me from nbs public ahahaa turbonerd
Yeah but I can't see where I got carried :D tho cannot say the same of him :D
I played nicely in that match, unfortunately my statistics aren't shown
Actually only played one round, still doesn't take the fact away that you suck balls, will always suck balls and always need 2 other guys to carry your fat fucking ass around.
nah just kicked you coz I can
Coz you mad hahahaha cancer kid :D now go make me a second fragmovie and commit suicide afterwards :)
I'd rather not, I got useful stuff to do.. unlike you.. and please stop being so mad, I know facing reality is hard, but your pathetic flame is getting really sad
Don't mind Stary, he is a ridiculous lowskilled fucktard with too much ego
wtf gizmo
Ja wat? Het is toch zo, hij loopt altijd zo zielig te doen, daar maakt ie echt geen vrienden mee en daar komt ie ook niet mee weg