In Ya Ass vs devilry (8428 views)

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ee Nait
ee Sinnu
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lv Clown
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pl WuT
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CB EuroCup XXVI - Enemy Territory
Playoffs - LB Final
17.12.12 22:00 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET EuroCup XXVI » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: Sinner (Requestee)
Maps: Radar
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 36966
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Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 79


omg 1st omg
clown, night and anim - too much brain one team.
get face and muscles
Fanboy alert, anim is probably least brained on the team :P
Dont think so. When it comes to highskillers, they all got brain. No way to say that "that guy has less and such". Just maybe haven't got such role in the game.
well, most of them have enough gamesense not to get killed 5 secs after spawn every time, but I wouldn't say they all got brain...
so u call ureself highskill? :DD
he said "they"
Should I call myself that? What would you call me?
nub seems appropriate to me :P
You're allowed ! :D
nub seems appropriate to me :P
you dont know what you're talking about low skill, get face + muscles
go go go wygrajcie to !!! hf both
that anim guy all rambo no brain
gl devil
gl haksy
gl abject wut mag:)
gl WuT,Abj,mag pijak : P
Where's clown from?
3 hours later... Score was ??
the watch will be tonight at 22:00 CET, i mean, monday night.
gl Wut!
Gl (_o_)
kurde szkoda ze zaplanowalem juz na dzis kilka normali ;/
gogo sa oled munn sinnu u can do it if u play like the last time ;)
gl mag<3
gl antho
3 hours later... Score was ??
(_o_) nice ass xd
gl IYA
gl abj, WuT, mag ; D
gl Clown & Nait :>

bawcie sie dobrze polaczki ;)
polamania nog WuT :P
Good luck Night and Brandon.
gl sinnu
gl sinner
gl Sinnu bro
gl sinnu bro and subbi bro
wchodze obserwowac przyszlych reprezentantow repry
gg wp, gl in the Grand Final.
You have € 283 on eu IYA
You lost
You have € 100 on devilry
Possible win: € 515
ha! :D
wp wut
ee nerds bad

You have € 2462 on pl devilry
You won € 12679.3
ee nerds bad? rofl. Show me smth you've achieved. Got EC 3rd without ANY pracs, even cant get a fkin game before offi, since every1 afraid to play. Hard to play it properly when you play 1 game per 1,5weeks. GG WP WEBE
"Show me smth you've achieved."

not to be mean or anything but getting 3rd in this ec is nothing to be proud of mate :p
For me, it is :< Since i've not been up in the hills with ET, its smth for me, at least, to know what ppl/players we won against and how did I perform.
3rd place on a dead game WP
polaks were batter, tahs all nigga
Most likely they were hackin but only GOD knows and yu Polaks will be judge / smite !! :D
:D:D nerd :D
ec wygrali:XD?
dolar > all
et is really dead...
indeed it is but u are saying it because some polish nonames just joined final ? sad you .
I got my reasons to say that, this is just icing on top.
u confused me .. explain me a bit
explain me

that english
explain it to me .. better ?
as a matter of fact yes.
sorry, I can't explain you, I don't even know you. And I am not going to elaborate on my previous statement, there is no need for that
stfu retard, they are good. You are not that good, thats all
you probably do know him but for some reason he changed his name multiple times over the last 5 years. like joshua/santje.
What the fuck is your problem?...
ten Abject naprawde taki dobry czy et siegnelo dna?
no przeciez kazdy ma wyjebane w ta gre wiec takie miernoty jak "abj" moga blyszczec w ec
Wypierdalaj trolu.
abj jest od ciebie lepszy i tyle. stul pysk
uwazaj bo ci jeszcze bardziej nos z tej spiny spuchnie jebany kormoranie
cu at CGS
bedzie bojka :XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDdd
no cu, wyprostuje ci ten kran
cwel jebany, dajesz
obok smietnikow o dwunastej
strasznie goscinny jestes :) nie ma to jak internetowych znajomych zapraszac pod sam dom :)
hehe dobrze ze tyle tych usmieszkow najebales bo inaczej bym mogl pomyslec ze masz wiecej niz 16 lat :):):):):))))
te usmieszki nie wziely sie z niczego :) Ciesze sie ze sa tutaj takie kapusciane lby jak ty z ktorych mozna sie posmiac, przynajmniej dzien umilisz swoimi komentarzami :D
dobra ale juz to pisales wiec nie wysilaj sie wiecej i idz pograj sobie jeszcze kilka godzin w gierki komputerowe z reszta oszolomow z trzyliterowymi nickami
nie wiem kim jestes, ale nienawisc w stosunku do delivry zawsze nagradzam pozytywna buzka ;*
no proste
You have € 172 on devilry
You won € 885.8
You have € 30 on pl devilry
You won € 154.5
milhaus gay :P
You have € 100 on devilry
You won € 515 Dzieki :DD
You have € 26 on pl devilry
You won € 133.9
You have € 23 on devilry
You won € 118.45
You have € 20 on pl devilry
You won € 103

all in on deli:p