Eyeballers vs oXmoze (3673 views)

Crossfire QCup Grand Final

Coverage by TosspoT and Jay
21.12.07 21:30 CET
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Game: cod4 Call of Duty 4
League: Crossfire QCup
Hosting: GamesTV.org
Manager: Splodge (Leagueadmin)
Maps: Not announced

Broadcasted by

Call of Duty 4 TV
us QuadV TV 2
By: Splodge (none)


Total Slots: 1,000
Viewer Peak: unknown


1st wee gl
2nd :D

nP for Eye
this site should also have a filter .. :'<
Your bet: 5€ on EYE Possible Win: 27.60 € (+22.60 €)
shit game
Broadcast Servers pls :D
allez oxmoze :)
hehe no broadcast servers - cod is boring for spectators :)
Since CoD4TV exist and stuff!
who won?
omg cod4 :[==0<X==X=X0x=
les francais change pas d'un jeu a l'autre

hi2u dickhead
can't u just quit ET or something, I want to get rid off u
I busted his friend Genji yesterday again :D
Headshot accuracy was OVER 9000
9000 :o ?

btw genji uses nick kharas or something atm
what ever xD
can't u just disappear from my life?
am i so annoying 4 u ?

i guess u would say "e-life"
yes u are... u kinda killed the game in my eyes
any demos ?
will be added to the www.quadv.com Video on Demand section asap.