optiC.et vs amped (2075 views)

ro stary
be dooppi
si kwiz
be SupNa
fi lEku
25.12.12 00:15 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 3on3 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: SupNa (Requestee)
Maps: Not announced
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 3369
The bets have been cancelled.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 19


Is it rtcw ?
no kamz just like it xd
stary & dooppi got this
gl stary kwiz leku supna dooppi & kamz xD
U wanna see my copy , paste ? dooppi ,, who
will be 3:1 for optic. optic will win ice..and then double fh @ supply incoming!:D

Enjoy watching guys
gl & hf
[00:00] <Kamz> dont even play et anymore

Unexpected, Kamz bluffing, that s a new one :)

I would tell you Good luck, but I ve seen a name there, and suddenly I lost my appetite
if i would be him i would've quit et already after a month of playin it at the beginning, cuz theres no difference at his skill... even a newcommer would own him easy
You are not right. he is one of the best players
only playing random 3on3's like this one
Let's go Amp'd !
kwiz tzac = divide = scow oke gg
dw, will speak to a gtv admin soon :p
Why u cry so hard u still rupped and tried shitass
doesnt matter if rupped or not, cb ban = forfeit

go cry pls, he never hacked
cb banned
Funny fact is that u know that he is clean but ur still crying...

man, you must feel real stupid now? ;s
It says banned for 6 months, give correct links faggot
Quote by braindead fart he never hacked

seriously, u want me to find proof? ffs i really cant be arsed spending time on randoms
i want you to find a proof that i was hacking... and im pretty excited cuz killerboy didnt show a proof aswell... have fun!
banned = banned brah
Give a real proof:)
match cancelled bb, next time without cheater

scow United Kingdom Banned until 12-07-2022 12:00 Send private message
and didn't even know that he was banned, but now I am sure that he ain't cheating so idc
well now you just look stupid don't you?
Yea, sry my fault.
no problem, he was banned last time we played vs him in no1 one day cup after doing obvious actions there also

10 year bans are not handed out for fun
Im sorry man let's forget this & wp'ed
wp kan je niets aan doen is gwn zon kutventje
kApot in kwiz out gg :pdooppi wanneer gaan wy weer knalle ? Met SupNa ? :p
u should quit finally, u were never better than low+ and u will never be better! low nub!

ah btw: stop calling me a cheater if u dont even have a single proof, all u talkin bout is crap!
Note Suspended from playing until 12-07-2022 12:00:00

see u in 10 years
will change np
why cancelled?