eXecutors vs one man one army (3663 views)

ro Stary
si Kwiz
si M1tja
fr cRACKji
be MEPHii
fr Neiluj

CB 3on3 Ladder
30.12.12 21:00 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 3on3 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: Kwiz (Requestee)
Maps: Supply
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 5691
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 2


gl crackji <3
gl korts
he is still low+ xD
And you are still low xD
nope low- max i mean... bet on omoa if mitja plays.
gl m1tja gay
Gl Crack
no mitja ?
whine bomb incoming
You have € 500 on .eXe
You won € 625

wp melikemilk
gg, stary playing alone
u2 u mad? Forever alone
:D ahahahaha
bra i laugh all the time also, esl does not allow external pics u mad tard? Knew that whine bomb incoming go further bra :D u just mad coz of 6 man killing spree :P
This pic is now totaly boss pose i mean... what else chicks wan't?
???? 4O4 error gay not found
xDDD !
You have € 2500 on .eXe
You won € 3125
at least he doesn't have a helium voice like yours <3
come clean my room for 2€ bra?
since when squirrel lives in room?
u got me :( well ggbb mate no offense u hot on the pic
ofc i'm hot why did you remove my sexyness?
HEY STARY. How's ur life on ET ? :D Wat an exiting life seriously, u mother must be proud, u've win a game on a dead game x). Now go sleep, u need to work hard to buy new mouse to be more skilled !
Hey it's fine I just spent almost 400 euro on a new videocard going to buy a 120hz monitor because I can and yeah that's pretty much all gonna keep u up to date with my budget and what I am going to buy from now on

oh and yea

RuisZ's Latest Replays
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get a life you fucking scum

"get a life"

playing offi on a saturdaynight.. leave your house for once you fucking ugly piece of gypsy cancer shit. seriously youre nolifing the shit out of this 30 year old game like theres no tomorrow.
Why is people always trolling on saturday's night players ? U can go out on fridays nights too , u know ?
I reckon that you're mad coz bad lol
:DD. Oh my got, i've ask for replay, i'm a nerd! x)

U can't do other things than nerd on ET, u're pathetic.

Member Since 28th January 2011, and, 1296 comments. Go talk with persorn in real life bro


Latest Replays
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dis guy <3 sexy
I mean what is so funny there? show us ur pic bro
It's fun :D
it's fun..gg get english and come back.cu
oh i don't have ur english skill :(((((((. I m so sad now

its him
whos that?
Just a random girl topless ... oh is it really a man with boobs, jesus