alliancze blue team vs MYSTERIOUS MONKEYS (5624 views)

cz pecka
cz esti
cz c4p
cz darius
cz crAsh
cz mnewcko
be eden
de Fendah
nl wra1th
pl samraj
pl tomek!

CB 6on6 Ladder
06.01.13 21:30 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 6on6 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: wenm (Requestee)
Maps: Sw_goldrush_te
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Total Pot: € 23854
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Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 22


Lineup of mM:

de Fendah
be eden
pl samraj
nl wra1th
at DrLagAlot
pl tomek!
my new mouse wasn't delivered yet sry :( will be there at monday according to amazon
i can merc :D

what mouse nerd? What happened to xai? :(
Well, the xai is still working partly, but it's currently having a slow and painful death :D fun beside, it starts to disconnect, reconnect to windows more and more often day by day

Ordered a Zowie AM and a Puretrak talent, they should be delievered at monday according to amazon
Kinda copy of Xai, lulz..

how much did puretrak cost you at all?
wut, the zowie AM is completely different, no useless shizzle there and an optical sensor which is way more exact... 25€ for the mousepad
gl drlagalot & wra1th
gl polakalot :)
wtf is eden dooing in low+ team ?
ET is dead?
so u agree that this is a low+ team?? dude!!! :D
this team is low+ because of me in it
no it isnt... :/
i dont say this team is low + :o i only said ET is dead and atm, im low+
well i understood it like this
onegame asked u"wtf is eden dooing in low+ team ?"
and u answered "et is dead"
so i thought u ment "hey dude this game is dead there arent any good teams around so i have to play with this team"
;) but ok^^
yeah my bad ^^ but ofc this team is not low+
nope lol
gl samraj !
gl samraj !
gl samraj !
oh well, nice lol
wra1th !! GL mate

GL Czech's ;)
hf samraj :)
Gl Malfoy ;)
gl blue... :)
gl guys!
nice to see 6v6s!
gl wra1th :)
2 stars rly
gl blue boyz :)
gL fendah
gl Eden Hazard.
long liVe ET|TE eVil gonl
gl tomek! and DrLagalot :DD
gl blue
gl tanchez :) cze team - nice opo :)
a ty madralo co dajesz nummer i nagle gadam z jakims nie milym kolesiem ?
najpierw mnie wyzywales, a potem chciales moj nr - to nie bardzo sie spodobalo mojemu chlopakowi, coz .. tak bywa.
To gobliny moga miec chlopakow?
ja ciebie wyzywalem ? ja wogole kiedykolwiek kogokolwiek wyzywalem ? no moze niejakiegos cheatera kiedys ale nie cheaterow nie pamietam
predzapasovy (ne) fakeovany rozhovor s c4pem

reporter: zdravim muzu s tebou udelat rozhovor?
c4p: Jak si přeješ
reporter: dost se teď spekuluje o NC,kapitanovi a reprezentantech...kdo by mel podle tebe vest team?
c4p: nejlepší kandidát vyšel desítka
reporter: ten ale ani nekandiduje...takze jinak co reprezentanti?
c4p: caybro a madua
reporter: a kdo dal?
c4p: v neděli t4mje určitě
reporter: allstars team jak víno.....a co takovej jalo nebo green_clon?
c4p: Tak mě 100% nenahradí
reporter: takze bys hral taky ale milhause bys do repre urcite bral ne?
c4p: nevidim důvod proč kvůli jednomu, i když kvalitnímu hráči, na tom něco měnit
reporter: ok tak diky za rozhovor a bb low :D
c4p: Určitě
gl samraj, tanchez
HF samurai !
potne ich na kawalki
Gl DrLagALot
thx, not gonna play though, my mouse is fucked
Come on you boys in blue xd
hum i tryed to do my best after 1 month, didnt touch this game :)
Mine worst performence in many games, sadly it is becoming a habbit :/ wp MM