in game vs OUTRAGEd eSports (2677 views)

br olavoL
br vAPOR
br youseF
be Heady
nl jeewee
de Pop

CB 3on3 Ladder
08.01.13 01:30 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 3on3 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: sEnhorG (Requestee)
Maps: Supply
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Total Pot: € 3009
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Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 10


jiewie got dis
You have € 634 on ingame
You won € 1705.46
unhits + busted vapors is gg
vapor isnt busted.
not official, but check the youtube vids :)
Vapor aint busted. That youtube video of him wasn't him cheating, just using an invalid config on the server. Anyone can do that, get your excuses some place else for once or just accept the loss. xD? he just lost the pw
But that account was made in 2011, and his current account was made in 2011, one month and he lost his password? what is the chances of that actually happening?

edit: he name changed his original account November 2012, so he had 2 accounts at least and knew the password to both, why would someone who is 'legit' do that?

More to the point, who 'forgets' a password to an account they have been using for 18 months? lol

Clearly hiding something and too dumb to cover it up properly, rant over.
Omg why so mad bro's ?
vAPOR is not busted ask admin's
IngaMe was better then u np
wp imgaMe & jiewie
Better XD lost deli cuz jeewee lagged out on their last rush with 37 seconds on the clock XDXD
He is cheatin idd... I've seen videos.. I've played with him few times... preshooting .. waiting on the right position always.. its way 2 obv..just don't play against him .. thats it..
Gj jewee
sry bout the loss yesterday mate
was lagging
is shockz still playing this game 24/7?
He wants to catch em all
he needs to get face, life and muscles