MYSTERIOUS MONKEYS vs Press Play (5764 views)

de Fendah
pl samraj
at DrLagAlot
be eden
nl wra1th
gb knocker
be Pastor
gb Cuckoo
nl YU
sl Pops

CB 6on6 Ladder
20.01.13 21:15 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 6on6 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: fREAK[rAMOS] (Requestee)
Maps: Radar
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 14393
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 11


i wont be playing this 1
gl DrLagAlot
gl zamraj, tanczez
actuly i will be its sunday lol , thought it was arranged for today
You guys should both play timbo's 6on6 ODC though :d the more teams the more fun.
true that - we prolly will - but we will lose in first round so np to play this too :)
depends against who you're playing against, you guys got a nice team

gl btw
this is the first time in whole 9 years of ET someone said me is playing in a nice team - thx a lot for this :)
a cup with zaaba as admin? no thx
gl mM <3
merc avi :D
OMG mM <33
omg ohzor44444444 <33
na klasse, jetzt hab ich voll bock auf ne kiwi... =//
gl samraj :)
gl wraith ;)
Cheers, doubt I will be playing tho, crocker shit at the moment, they're better off playing with tanchez
gl samraj
a juz myslalem ze cie nie zobaczymy online :) - w szwecji siedzisz ???
mozna tak powiedziec. Codziennie online jestem :-)
gl cuckoo :)
easy mM, gl ramoz :)
Gl mysmonkeys :)
merc avi for for PP ;D
take him so we have a chance to win
gl to pP and hf to mM :)
lol kalli faggot
gl samurai - the best eng/smg ever !
chyba best w orzel7, a to nie jest wyczynem
ty japa tam shreku musisz zawsze sie wpierdolic tam gdzie zycze swojemu koledze dobrej gry ?
no raczej
to smutne.. bustują nas, polaków ZA NIC! Slyszalem strzaly i czulem proch TO BYL ZAMACH!

A tak kurwa serio- 10 minut warmupu na saplaju zasluguje na busta?
uzywasz - przegrywasz
nie smarujesz - nie jedziesz
gl tomek
Gl DrLagAlot hf man.....and Lee take it izzi on them :-)
in galli i trust :p
You have € 100 on de mMONKEYS
You won € 104
gg, gensheimer was disappointing..expected something better =/
arschloch :D

e. ausrede: internet ging erst 21:14 wieder an, kein Warmup gehabt ;):D

mztic: better player on ettv than on server...
:DDDDD ihr beiden <3

frag mic mal nach dem ergebnis bremen bvb :D

e. da waren auch bessere zuschauer als aufm platz :DD
u fcking cockblock :D
You have € 133 on de mMONKEYS
You won € 138.32