we smile u cry vs Quantum Entanglement (3611 views)

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#mAlibu.et 3v3 OneDayCup Season 1
18.01.13 22:15 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: Miscellaneous » Matchlink
Hosting: GamesTV.org
Manager: kAPOTNL (Requestee)
Maps: Adlernest
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Total Pot: € 14807
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Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 34


gg accept scores xD
NL kapitein heeft dit
Moet niet eens gespeeld worrden dit, is bs :p
gl both teams <3
Lmfao odds
Why would we ever play 2 maps that are both chosen by aegrus? :s
so they win one map and win the match if they leave? wtf is this shit cup man?
was close
The only word comming out ur mouth is cancer, ppl are dying off it, get a life and grow up man, rly
This is ET

nice admin =D
Good game guys, save the excitement for the finals
nl kids xD


so hard to see that kapot my MaN?!?
thats waht happens when kids that want attention from "pros" are admins

Well erden was not in mappool: http://malibucup3v3.tourney.cc/ but obviously qE could have played frost or whatever they want from mappool :p
it whas on maplist saw it u bastard

and kapot put map himself so if it wasn't he will told or oppo will
kAPOTNL (Requestee)
Why am I a bastard? xD

I just connected now and just looked at mappool :p So either kapot changed it or should have told them on IRC already yeh.
B3 was neither in pool and still they force us to play it, fuck this cup man , kapot scared that NL captain is mad at him. I don't have any more words for this, this is the most retarded situations ever , a bunch of med+ just scared to play a bunch of low + their map , fucking laugh about that hard
aegrus: why didnt you just retreat? even if you would have lost erdenberg (what's fucking impossible) you would have won decider.
we told them to play any map or b3, b2 wasnt working for us neither was the download link :P they started cutting their own wrists for b2 :(
[22:48] <heady> je hebt absoluut geen rechten
[22:48] <heady> om hen te laten winnen
[22:48] <heady> of ons te dwingen hun map te spele
[22:49] <kApot> ja boeie

Let me translate this for u :

[22:48] <heady> You absolutely have no rights
[22:48] <heady> to let them win
[22:48] <heady> Or to force us playin their map
[22:49] <kApot> care

Nice admin, nice cup, gg
2 stars game. indeed this was
I know, underrated times...
Team NL wins NC cup gg, they have admins on their side and make other ppl play their map, Plz ban ET from earth
brb banning ET from earth
everyone stop with crying its a cup man next time i will do it better
no problem u did fine man :))

good admin work there
XD je gooit weer eens je eigen glazen in
Man het is een game was gewoon druk 34 teams kan niet veel te gelijk alleen nvm ik doe volgendeweek beter. Met meer admins !
"semi-final" , halve finale, 4 teams over ":D"
Jaa dat weet ik maar dat gezeik van qE lijkt net of het 40 teams waren .
Was al zeker dat ze gingen verliezen en dan nog gingen ze zeuren
wrom trek je je er iets van aan.. negeer het gwn
zwolle heeft gewonnen bij psv dus niemand verpest je vrijdag nog xd
PSV 1-3 PEC Zwolle
Wij gaan europa in wij gaan europa in :p
Pieters gaat het ziekenhuis in
Pieters zn hand is opgezwolle.

Flame ik?