kojak vs Chill on Fire (7076 views)

nl spho
nl modus
be .X.!
be iSEN
nl atemi
nl xfrd_
at jaN
at Scorch
it vegt4
de scOw
gr Krest
de Edward
CoF kicked!
10.01.08 22:00 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: Crossfire Devotii Challenge 4
Hosting: GamesTV.org
Manager: andyF1 (Highadmin)
Maps: Not announced

Total Pot: € 3527
The bets have been cancelled.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV
de #andyF1 ettv Server 2
By: andyF1 (ettvd)

de #re-play ETTV ONE
By: Nud3L (ettvd)

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: unknown


wats happening to duke and beasty?
Serenity offcourse :D
duke? :o
Duke wanted a other team in Kojak, he told that to his team and they felt betrayed. They spoke to the manager and did get 2 new players and keep playing under Kojak's name. Duke is kicked, and I don't know for what teams he is playing now.
well thats like 50% true... anyway duke is not kicked and still in kojak, only not playin ET anymore
duke owns kojak... i dubt hes kicked :>
Duke is a great guy, he just didnt fit in the team anymore, we never questioned his skills:)
gl 0172 ppl =D=D=D
Only me & xfrd from 0172 inthis team.
thats why i say it, im 0182
lol. Yesterday The brackets said that we have to play vs NR...
Today it says you have to play vs us. we are also not pleased to play against hackers...
says the team with .X.
hf kojak hope for a nice game ;)
heut mach ma gscheite Taktik und trainen nur gegn high. Ich will diese Bastarde ficken!
nur nicht so aggressiv :o hol dir ein kaffe und rauch dir eine und denk an an deiner ex Oo? ^^
ich mag keinen Kaffee, bin Nichtraucher und hab auch keine ex :o
thats called ''no-life''
and your life will only be "half-life" if u dont shut up immediatly...
rofl? :D dan denk an mich passt auch ;)
Zitat"jaN wir gehen zusammen Duschen" oooooooookkkkkkkkkkkkkk
der kann mit seine türken duschen rofl : P
modus only is good.. the rest are ridicolous skill as beasty has confirmed

anyway gl to kojak i dont like the other clan
no duke no win :< ;D
oO owned :>
but n1ce owned at cdc3 so np :O)
nice wie du meine ergebnisse nochmal hochziehst obwohl ich es fasst vergessen habe -.-

assi :D
wie er imch halt shoutoutet <3
spast. good luck< heute abend :/
true dio
Rofl? when did i said they are playing bad?
atleast they have teamplay and know what to do in a game.. what team unique doesnt has
gl boys
you gotta see that xfrd in action, hes got uber private hax etc..
hahaha :DDDD i love you 2!
gl kojak!!

hf spho en atemi
krest? :O
This is liek too easy for kojak. My money on you mates <3
gl CoF ;) , kojak gl
gl cof ... own them =) ^^
gl ohops
gl modus
izi for kojak
gl krest and cof
You have € 3 on cof
Possible win: € 9.24
cuz they have greek ppl in their LU :P
<33 :D
ise i elpiza ap tous ellinous !!! (inai sosto ? :$)
gl thomas schnuckel bÄrChEn
hab dich auch lieb :D
for sure kojak :)
kojak braucht da mindestens 3 cheater um mitzuhalten :o
hmmm meinse krest is so high und pwnt sie alle ?
Xfrd and X!!!!!!! <3
13€ on cof, possible win €40,04 :P
and it became more again, now more than 43€..i'll become rich, biaatch :XD
ok delete kwain from the lineup and add (Edward)
Go kojak: You have € 50 on de kojak Possible win: € 90.5
gl @ izi for cof ^^
muahaha (my money on cof , wehe ihr verliert denn gibt klatscher ;D)
ok KING|Likan ich gib mein bestes !
all eyes on edward
gl kojak !
modus rape them hard enough to get accused as hacker by hackers :>
You have € 10 on kojak
Possible win: € 17.1
easy money....i hope
komop modus.. rape ze! maar pas op met die edward niemand weet wie hij is! maar ownd wel :/
Als ik dit zo allemaal lees om Edward heen klinkt het als 1 grote bullshit story :p.
hoe bedoel je?
omdat die edward zijn laatste yawn entrie van 2006 is? en hij gisteren ineens trug is met ALLEs nieuw..IP.. Guid.. etc en ownd?
indd ik werd niet een keer door heb geowned:D
etb0t vs een random bot.. tjah
CoF ez bash jan scorch krest all owners!
gl mates you will do it ;)
wetf why u dont go mate?=)
i am just backup played with AoWLAN because i didn't know there is a cof team @ cdc4 again :/
pffffff no stownage no win
gl krest
Harde rape dan.
duKe_ > kojak imho

gl owners, verwacht niet veel van die gasten complete noobs

xfrd busted cheater #haat going for Q
cheaters omfg!!
Easy bash for Chill on Fire....
gl scorch vegt4 krest ;)
gl Plasa ;)
plasa will take this

hopefully :o
gl kwain ups i mean edward :DDDDDDDDDDDD
lol thmoas ich dachte du hast quit et :P

najo gl !!!

edit..scorch und krest...nicht mein shoutout vergessen !!! ;)
the uR vegt4?

seems he got a real skillbust within a few weeks...
dont worry, kojak. cof prays to all the gods they believe in not to get into cdc :)
why do you think so ?!?
oh, sry.. jan, scorch and vegt4 do.. i dont know about the other members of the clan. or to be more direct: i think they hack
oldschoolers tbh
i said i THINK.. i dont have any proof. ill stfu if they show up and play as good as they do online. until then.. - guilty until proven innocent :D
i don't hack !!!!
si lulek Thursday, 10th January 2008 17:21
oh, sry.. jan, scorch and vegt4 do..
WTF what are u talking about? I wasnt on the LAN but i will do it.
gl spho
GL kojak!

gl Edwards
goooooooooooo edward <3

hf <3 krest, atemi, xfrd, scow!
CoF kicked, for obvious reasons.

Why they kick them...

10.01 21:00 kojak 1.46 vs. 3.16 Chill on Fire 10 € on kojak Bet was cancelled,
you were reimbursed.

CoF kicked!

WTF loool :?
gg edward :/
why didn't u take stownage or someone else?
ye Spirea,we want but tosspot say its to late :/