Czech Republic vs (7885 views)

cz Green_Clon
cz malfoy
cz milhAus
cz mnew
cz jalo
cz teente
cz caybro
cz darius
cz Pwecka
cz Sklamak
cz tezaXo
cz cpu
Showmatch for the upcoming CB Nations Cup, featuring the Czech national team and the wannabes :)
24.01.13 21:30 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: Misc
Manager: caybro (Requestee)
Maps: Supply
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Total Pot: € 36756
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Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 51


easy money, hf :)
yes yes yes :)
Sklamca to povodi to je jasny, proto vsazim na druhej tym :)
newtalent:DDDsamy stary prdele:D
tezaxo a....... :D
tak urcite do toho dame to srdicko, doufam ze se na nas ten nahore usmeje a podari se nam prorazit souperovo neprustopnou obrana. Nejspis na tom strelecky nebude nejlepe jsou tam hvezdy jako teente, jalo, GC, mnew, malf a milhAus( oh w8, all team? :D) ovsem nase bojovnost a hlavne to srdicko by mohlo prinest toho stesticka. Nas team se spoleha na peckuv autoreload, esti supernet a jeho miny, sklamak a tezaxo jsou novo/stara budoucnoust CR v teto ''nove'' hre, a dale darius a jeho MOST LOVED/HATED skill :) dekuji
:DDD tohle me vzdycky rozseka
hf both teams
goodluck caybro & jalo
GL jalllo
gl interaction
too much kokotas
epic match is epic, gl cz

lol 400KO for a 5 pix image GG
551 x 710 pix....
Sorry I have a Ph. D. in sciences and I still can only see around 5 pix on this beautiful jpg. Yours is a bit better.
if you have Ph.D. in sciences...... than why are you crying about size of one picture on the internet?
lol best logic ever, I have to agree with you M. Clever
If you have anything else to say, I'm curious :D
GL Sklamak
gl :) Nakopejte jim prdelku :D
takovej backstabber :D doufam ze jsi usnul na nocni :D
GL sklamak :>
radar, how unexpected with mnew :D
HF Sklamak,GL Desitko:)...
GL Caybro!!!Rock em!!.-aka aRt.-.
darcek od Silenta pro cze repre :D
ten zmrd strasne warpuje omg :D
tahle mě obzvlášť bavila
hf cpu <3
no denton?
gl caybro, sklamak, tezaxo
gl Sklamak, tezaxo
GL esti mate
gl Sklamak, tezaXo.
izi jalo green_clon ,
gl jalo, milhouse & teente ˘_˘
bozar? "xd"
gl nerdi <3 teente & cpu & sklamak
gl newtalents :D