kojak vs magic balloons (4311 views)

nl spho
nl modus
nl zak-
be .X.!
nl atemi
nl xfrd_
cz Smejky
sk Blade
cz Jack0b
sk python
cz secco
cz m1ch3l
cz Andrew
10.01.08 21:00 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: Crossfire Devotii Challenge 4
Hosting: GamesTV.org
Manager: andyF1 (Highadmin)
Maps: Supply
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 1491
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV
de #andyF1 ettv Server 2
By: andyF1 (ettvd)

de #cwG.et ettv Server 1
By: trimmi (ettvd)
de pWend!!! ETTV2
By: mUnduS (ettvd)

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: unknown


izi bash for kojak, but hf mb :)
GL mb just have fun :)
hahahaha rofl :D
hola hola holandia volá :D
72.56 dobrej kurz
gl Andrew
Ha! What happened? Admis made some statement? balloons try to resist as much as possible I am with you guyz! :)
Head Admin took care of it
Ah hi and thx |s2c|finek :)
izi bash 4 us :D
zak was banned
but allowed to play
cheater lover
oliath. has composed 1 news, 2 blogs, 845 comments and demanded 0 replays on GamesTV.org.
gl kojak!! khoop echt vanuit men hart dat jullie winnen
jack wolfskin changed their lineup!
spho is homo
gl balloons ! :D kojak ....modus = cheater, X = cheater, zak- = busted, xfrd = dunnounknownretardcheater... if they win and i think they will they will so suck at lan .. i will watch them serious..
Too bad we already proved ourselves on lan.
at CDC3 I played 1 match with OVERLOAd, and I had 76 hs on SD2..
Kojak 4 - 0 Magic Balloons
if CoF would play they bashed kojak easy np
nice played ballons but its just unfair that cof got kicked out from cdc and stuff... zak is busted and they can play...
haha you're a fucking retard
go jump of a bridge fucking cheater ...
I did that, but I failed :(
keep up to date mr.
they got raped against us, so i doubt they would win from kojak
They played with a mixteam against you ..
KOJAK played better than CoF... we made much more against CoF in 5 players than in 6 vs kojak... but both teams are much much better anyways :)
Good luck @cdc lan kojak.
no isen no win!