MYSTERIOUS MONKEYS vs Team Romania (3244 views)

de Fendah
at DrLagAlot
pl samraj
be eden
nl wra1th
ro Lover
ro Milu
ro Stary
ro Bullet
ru mirror
pl Robert

CB 6on6 Ladder
28.01.13 21:15 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 6on6 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: fREAK[rAMOS] (Requestee)
Maps: Bremen_b3
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Total Pot: € 7027
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Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 22


All on Romania
e: kALLI u are too bad for this, leave ET pls
Robert widze , ze sie w rumuna bawimy :XD
lubie gruz
You have € 500 on de mMONKEYS
Possible win: € 695

in eden i trust
i was so baaaaad this game :D but we won so np :)
gl mM
mirror gl ; ))))
gl samraj
You have € 115 on de mMONKEYS
You won € 213.9

you're better than I expected, you still suck though
he is like you - ego two skilllevel higher than it is
cale zdanie musialbys od nowa napisac zeby mialo sens.
nope :D
let's fight with even teams one day :D and without romanian info on TS!
We had samraj who was crying in polish, I don't see much difference there :-)
1 samraj vs 4 mad romanians? :D
et offi oulala
You have € 100 on mMONKEYS
You won € 186

Fuck yea! :D