some1s vs suffering (6660 views)
14.01.08 20:30 CET
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League: | ET Cup 3on3 | |
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Maps: | Supply | |
Braundorf_b4 |
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Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 38
Viewer Peak: 38

i think suffering: vic albin aka jason tba
you is think good
gl kossta ^^
turki :)
wiesiek w skladzie suffering i tak nic nie da =) ciekawe po chuj go wpisali ?
Nie wiem czy jestes w pelni wladz umyslowych ale tutaj podaje sie Lineup (sklad), a wiec go podalismy.
uwazam ze wiesiek nie gra na waszym poziomie i jest on o wiele lepszy, no ale coz jak chce grac to bedzie =)
i co ma piernik do wiatraka ? bo nie pojmuje twojego calego wywodu
maus tez nie jest na poziomie edit a gra z nimi
maus tez nie jest na poziomie edit a gra z nimi
zly przyklad
co do mausa to on musialby grac same 1on1, bo by nigdzie nie mogl grac z nikim 6on6 :D:D
a to swoja droga :P
moze inaczej...
maus nie powinien grac 1vs1 tylko 1vs6
maus nie powinien grac 1vs1 tylko 1vs6
hehe, ktos kiedys szukal meczu na ircu: "2v2 high, 2v3 med+, 2v4 med, 2v5 low+, 2v6 low - hvserv" =)
to ze jest lepszy tzn ze nie moze z nami grac? wiesiek jest u nas na backupie juz dobre 3-4 miechy a w wakacje gral w pierwszym skladzie, wiec dlaczego nie mielibysmy go dodawac do skladu jesli 3v3 u nas gra ten kto chce a on wyrazil chec gry w tym meczu jesli bedzie mogl
ja wszytko rozumiem, tylko po prostu on jest na wasz klan za dobry:P i tyle =)
zycie, wiesiu blagal zeby z nami grac, nie moglismy tak obojetnie przejsc kolo tego
Nie wiem do czego piejesz , gram w sfr od wakacji na tyle ile mi czas pozwala . Mało tego nigdy nie uważałem się za lepszego od nich , i nie zamierzam tego zmieniać .
skromnosc przede wszystkim =D to lubie GL HF
a kto to wiesiek ?
wlasnie voiler ty wiesz?
zasadniczo z tego co gralm w 3o3 przeciwko wieskowi i klanowi suffering to on jest ponizej ich poziomu... jak sie nie gra regularnie 3o3 to nawet wysokie umiejetnosci strzeleckie nie pomagaja...
zebys mial zagadke // gl suffering! :*
GL & HF :D
GL v0iler x:D
flejm ! :<
sfr ofc, gl viC! <3
gl sfr :)
GL voili,turki & viC !
gl suffering obojetnie w jakim skladzie:)
hmm... voilerek i kossta gl :*
viC i albinek ;]
viC i albinek ;]
suffering lowbirds
jAsOn will play for me
voiler>all :*

my money on u 2
someone is suffering
Go Go some1s :D
hf Czarek :) all my money on sfr ;)
Ez bash for suffering, but is still wish you guys GL!
Thank you :-)
hf hf
go go peaches :D =D all money on some1s =PPP
btw jaki rl lineup sfr?
hm problemy z oczami czy czytaniem ?
male z oczami ale u ciebie widze problem z logicznym mysleniem i maly kompleks 16-
juz sie poplakales ?
heh typowa dla ciebie odzywka moze cos bardziej wyszukanego?
"btw jaki rl lineup sfr?"
to bylo wyszukane, zwazywszy ze od 3 dni byl lajnap podany misiu
to bylo wyszukane, zwazywszy ze od 3 dni byl lajnap podany misiu
tak owszem ale skladal sie z 4 osob a to 3on3 dobra pora zakonczyc ten spam wiec juz skonczmy
haha suffering? who are they?
izi for suff
viC <3
viC <3
Nice, a cheater stealing a name. "unexpected"
? xD
I was quite sure a polak would state this question.
Anyway, as you might know , there is also an ET-Cup, which was the best non-cb cup. It became more than just a stupid name and it got quite famous. Just silly you need to steal a name to get some teams in your cup.
You'll disagree, but I didn't expect anything else than a person who would ask this shit :).
Have a nice day.
Anyway, as you might know , there is also an ET-Cup, which was the best non-cb cup. It became more than just a stupid name and it got quite famous. Just silly you need to steal a name to get some teams in your cup.
You'll disagree, but I didn't expect anything else than a person who would ask this shit :).
Have a nice day.
1. You didn't say who exactly stole he name (and what name as well), you just posted a comment under the random cup match.
2. ET-Cup is a very original name for a Cup in a game called - ENEMY TERRITORY (unexpected).
3. You have to be really dumb if you think that teams signed up because of the FAMOUS name - ET CUP.
4. Another stupid kid from Belgium detected (and pls don't say that you're not a kid because wont believe that such a dumb people live in BE).
5. Have a nice day.
2. ET-Cup is a very original name for a Cup in a game called - ENEMY TERRITORY (unexpected).
3. You have to be really dumb if you think that teams signed up because of the FAMOUS name - ET CUP.
4. Another stupid kid from Belgium detected (and pls don't say that you're not a kid because wont believe that such a dumb people live in BE).
5. Have a nice day.
You owned him there!
yup, he ownd me, I feel really bad now :(
1. You didn't say who exactly stole he name (and what name as well), you just posted a comment under the random cup match.
2. ET-Cup is a very original name for a Cup in a game called - ENEMY TERRITORY (unexpected).
3. You have to be really dumb if you think that teams signed up because of the FAMOUS name - ET CUP.
4. Another stupid kid from Belgium detected (and pls don't say that you're not a kid because wont believe that such a dumb people live in BE).
5. Have a nice day.
1. Manlux did, I guess I am allowed to post wherever I want ? :)
2. It might be not original, but at least, they built a reputation. This cup is wide known over the whole ET scene, just lame to pick the same name then.
3. I guess it might have influenced some teams :).
4. Ok. Your intellegence is already low cause you are polish + the fact that you jugde me irl and you dont even know me :').
5. Have a nice evening.
2. ET-Cup is a very original name for a Cup in a game called - ENEMY TERRITORY (unexpected).
3. You have to be really dumb if you think that teams signed up because of the FAMOUS name - ET CUP.
4. Another stupid kid from Belgium detected (and pls don't say that you're not a kid because wont believe that such a dumb people live in BE).
5. Have a nice day.
1. Manlux did, I guess I am allowed to post wherever I want ? :)
2. It might be not original, but at least, they built a reputation. This cup is wide known over the whole ET scene, just lame to pick the same name then.
3. I guess it might have influenced some teams :).
4. Ok. Your intellegence is already low cause you are polish + the fact that you jugde me irl and you dont even know me :').
5. Have a nice evening.
gg :)
4:0 for suffering
nooo not 5 euro !! :D
thank you for your faith !
viCu lowbird
Latest Comments
viCu lowbird
suffering lowbirds
<3 u2 cheater
viCu lowbird
suffering lowbirds
<3 u2 cheater
ja cie pierdole jaki whine :O)
gl sfr niech plebs cierpi meki
gl sfr niech plebs cierpi meki