Happy Tree Friends vs Team Netgamer (3401 views)

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bg Z
hu Jerk
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pl rat

ESL 3on3 Ladder
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Netgamerz used an illegal player
30.01.13 20:30 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: ESL Int. 3on3 Ladder » Matchlink
Hosting: Electronic Sports League
Manager: dnbradio (Requestee)
Maps: Supply
On Demand Watch this Match now.

Total Pot: € 6709
The bets have been cancelled.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV

Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 8


nerds still nerding, wonder who this Z guy is XDDDD
tak se patrze Netgamer z polski wchodze a tu jakies jaja :D
GL morfik
rat to czasem nie szpyru?
You have € 32 on Netgamer
Possible win: € 329.6

powodzenia przyjaciele
yefrom lg
gl ! :)
gg wp guys ! rly bad hitboxes u got there!
we are from poland. What did u expect? :D
You have € 69 on Netgamer
You won € 854.22

testing sens at the offi is not a good idea :D
co nie zmienia faktu ze ryj+busted=szpyru
zaraz sie robaciek do rozmowy wlaczy wiec chyba spierdalam, nie miejsce i czas na wojne z #policją.et
Nie, ja ponoć jestem subakiem wiec wiesz :'D
to jest liga ESL i nawet jesliby robaciek mial zastrzezenia to i tak to niewiele da :D
srsly, people who cares about esl points still alive :D!
ah, i don't care about the points we gonna lose/win . I care about the fairplay u know.
Its not me who was using that tzac but i dont even care so hf with ur points :)
which tzac? U have like 5 maybe more that r not detected yet...
actually that tzac was using by my "friend" and he was using cheats. cordi and voldy are clean , so nothing to do here i guess.
My mom was on my pc using aimbot, not my fault.
lol, it wasnt me. Otherwise my other tzac accounts would be banned too so lets stop this right here.
did he hack if u talk about playing fair?
http://clanbase.ggl.com/humaninfo.php?hid=3432684 btw.
makes me laugh when cheater talks about playing fair.
oh... :/ whatever.
:D nice try tho! I respect the fact ur trying :)
but still he didnt cheat in this match.
nobody said he did :)
so where is unfair game, if u dont care about points and u play for fun.
wszystko to niesprawiedliwe :|
Myślę że powinieneś mieć przed podjęciem działań
myk tam [K]aram ;D