Gambit Gaming vs Evil Geniuses (5207 views)

ru Alex Ich
ru Diamonprox
ru Genja007
ru Edward
ru Darien
dk Froggen
gb Snoopeh
de Yellowpete
be Krepo
dk Wickd


This will be epic.
gg got this, eg was too busy with getting sponsors and shit, and solololololo queue.
if you say so :D
You have € 65 on EG
You won € 509.6
alex ich will pwn the shiat out of em
froggen <3
Hopefully GG haven't been slacking or will be destoyed like in some of their previous matches. Hopefully they have learnt from their weaknesses, so we can see some amazing plays
Wickd Irelia !! <3
hopefully the stream wont be complete cancer, cuz this is the game every1body wants to see
it's funny that last night when NA teams played, everything was ok with steam, not a single lag and shit.
Blame ESL's streaming setup, I guess.

always eu getting the sheit

damn shit lags get better servers and bring the game on
stream fucked up again
youtube down, twitch completely offline