eXert vs Friends in Force *YelloW* (4615 views)

pl Lenin
eu grzesiek
pl Pr3dator
pl Woozie
pl michat
us haven
nl Boire
nl Testi
be Woetre
be Frauwe
nl Chino
nl skipz0r
20.01.08 21:00 CET
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Game: et Enemy Territory
League: CB ET 6on6 Ladder
Hosting: ClanBase
Manager: grzesiek (Requestee)
Maps: Supply

Total Pot: € 3986
The bets are closed.

Broadcasted by

Enemy Territory TV
xx #mx.org ETTV-3
By: Der_Haase (ettvd)


Total Slots: Auto
Viewer Peak: 57


1st =)

GL eXert
gl exert
gl FiF!
gl fif!
line up FiF:
nl Boire
nl Testi
be Woetre
be Frauwe
nl Chino
nl skipz0r
without me
Go FiF (chino!!!!)
gl exert
go FiF
gogo grzegosuaw
easy for eXert ! hf predek haven i Lenin XD

(eXert-Lenin) easy for eXert ! hf predek i haven XD
(eXert-Lenin) co to ma byc?
(eXert-Lenin) mam Ci zabrac opa? XD
(eXert-Lenin) a gdzie Lenin
GLboire, !! i has no money left to put on you!! sorry!! but still gl!!
Grzesiek !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11!!1!1!111one1oneoneeleven
easy 4 FiFY*
eXert will win with the frag imo.
GL Frauwe <3
easy for eXert - ofc gl Woozie, grzegosuaw, Lenin :********
gl fiffers :)
gl fif :-)
uu ciezki mecz eXert ;) GL Leninek!!!
GL Woozie
easy money xDDD
hunt come back !
gl testi he will do it!
<3 free :D
always izi bash for polaks :(
friends vs the kurwas!
gl koksy
eazy kurwa 4 eXert ofc

"no kto wygfra mecz eXert ofc :)" bo dzis chrzestym zsotalem :) i pijany jetsem ;0
GL eXert
score ?
2-0 eXert
4-0 exert
gg wp
gratz exert
Grtz rtfxx
gg wp
boire wat doe hje me aan :<
no boire playing
lu: skip testinator woetre robo gringoe artfxx
"kto wygra mecz no kto? to proste! eXert of course!" :D:D
woetre Sunday, 20th January 2008 17:45
always izi bash for polaks :(

np :)
no b EXERT ofc :")
to moj tekst przeprszaszam bardzo :)

ogladjacie final Fantasy i sluchajcie

3 days grace- over and over

a laskaskilla bedzie z wami :)
You have € 25 on eXert
You won € 37.25

ik speelde niet :( ik heb problemen met mijn cfg .. Telkens als ik in een gevecht zit switch die soms over naar knife xD